18 Gen 4 Pokémon That Queer People Love
We have been playing Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl for about a month and it feels amazing to explore the Sinnoh region again. So in no particular order, these are the Pokémon introduced in Gen 4 that queer people can't go without:
She's perfect, she's beautiful, and she has a new Fairy typing to flaunt. After leveling up Togepi via friendship, you'll have to find a Shiny Stone to turn Togetic into Togekiss. Queer people LOVE to use the move Metronome.
Look at her wig... she literally ate. Let her out of her ball every once in a while to see her stomp around Sinnoh. I promise you won't be disappointed. Roserade also requires a Shiny Stone to evolve, but only one is available before you beat the elite four.
Garchomp has that rugged daddy feel, and you can't go wrong with the Dragon/Ground typing. The pseudo-legendary land shark is Cynthia's signature Pokémon, and who doesn't want to be like Cynthia?
Any pocket monster that has an entire side quest to catch is inherently queer. You'll have to talk to 32 characters in the underground before Spiritomb will spawn at the Hallowed Tower. Exactly 108 spirits gathered to become this Pokémon... okay, sounds like Pride to me.
Queer people always choose Piplup as their starter, and that's science. The Emperor Pokémon can swim as fast as a jet, and has a unique Water/Steel typing. He may be an emporer, but I think he's a KING.
I mean look at her. Are you kidding? Nobody is serving like Cresselia. She loves to release shiny particles from her wings like a veil, aka she loves to yass and slay. She famously makes you chase her around Sinnoh before you are able to properly catch her. Elusive queen.
Misamagius, the magical Pokémon, likes to chant incantations. These incantations can hurt targets, but some can bring joy. Basically she likes to Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss. You'll have to fight Fantina's Mismagius at the Hearthome Gym.
Honchkrow, the 'Big Boss' Pokémon, evolves from Murkrow via the use of a Dusk Stone. It idles it's time away, grooming itself in its nest. It's signature fedora is a major fashion statement. I also have to note that it's shiny variation is hot pink. Happy hunting!
Gorgeous, gorgeous girls love Lopunny. Lopunny girls are the prettiest girls in the region. Her simple Normal typing makes her weak to Fighting moves... Pacifist icon. Her Pokédex entry reads: "An extremely cautious Pokémon that cloaks its body with its fluffy ear fur when it senses danger."
Queer people love a dark type, and queer people LOVE an ice type. Weavile is the sharp claw Pokémon. It's entire gimmick is lethal nails??? Come on. They form groups of four or five that hunt prey together... Sounds like a fun girls night out to me.
Starting her evolution cycle as just a mere Snorunt, she has the glow-up of the century. She lived, she died, she served? IDK how else to explain her ghost typing. She chills her opponents with icy breath that is nearly ?60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Glaceon needs no introduction and needs no explanation. Look at her BOOTS. The fresh snow Pokémon evolves from Eevee when leveled up near the icy rock.
The gratitude Pokémon takes one whiff of her favorite flower and then gains the Flying type. Shaymin is also genderless- non-binary icon! It can remove toxins in the air to transform baron land into a lush field of flowers. Must remove toxic in community...
She literally has the word queen in her name. There is only ONE Vespiquen in a colony of Combee... She uses pheromones to seduce and control her hive. And she stunts in a Dior silhouette... IDK I just want to be her.
Pachirisu is CUTE. I imagine if Pokémon were real, we would all carry one around on our shoulder. A pair of Pachirisu can be seen rubbing their cheeks together to share stored electricity.
SHE ATEEEE SORRY. Lumineon, the neon Pokémon, lives on the deep-sea floor. It lures it's opponent by flashing lights on its four fins. Sounds like peacocking to me.
Happiny is objectively the cutest baby Pokémon. Some don't like to evolve her because LOOK at her. There is a great satisfaction in training a baby to a high level and using it to sweep the Elite Four.
Drifblim's Pokédex entry literally says "They’re drowsy in daytime but fly off in the evening in big groups. No one knows where they go." I have to give a nod to it's perfectly quaffed hair. The Ghost/Flying blimp Pokémon is definitely a fan favorite.