"I Was Creeped Out": 18 Real-Life Stories That People Have No Idea How To Explain
Recently, I rounded up some strange and eerie stories that people simply can't explain with logic. And in the comments, members of the BuzzFeed Community chimed in with even more real-life stories that still make them wonder what happened there. Here are their stories:
1."As a child, I had many 'missing time' experiences. Often in the middle of the night, I’d find myself in the basement and very scared. Nearly always this was accompanied by images/feelings of Armageddon or something like it. I used to write it off as a combination of bad dreams and sleepwalking. Except that it happened twice in broad daylight when I was wide awake. The worst was on a sunny Saturday afternoon."
"Several of us were melting dry ice in a puddle at our court entrance. Suddenly we were overwhelmed with the urge to run across the street and into the woods. I don’t remember if someone suggested it or if we all thought of it at the same time. Whatever the case, it felt like the best idea I’d ever heard.
"We began to run across the street…and that’s the last thing I remember. The next thing I knew, I was at home about an hour later crying and very scared. To this day, I have no idea what happened in that missing hour. It remains a haunting mystery for me."
2."My husband and I were on our way back from Japan and about to catch our connecting flight from LA to Florida. We were seated on the plane when the pilot announced that we were delayed because there’s a 'problem with the plane that needs to be fixed.' We sat there for close to two hours before we were all told that the flight couldn’t happen. We got off the plane and, through the shittiest experience imaginable, made it to a hotel. Fast-forward to finally catching a flight the next day, finding our luggage, and getting home; neither of us really remembered the details super clearly. I assume exhaustion and jet lag played a part, but the whole week after we were home, we both felt super out of it and spacey."
"I kept having dreams about the plane crashing and the pilot not having found the problem with the plane. Then a few days later, my husband and I were talking and I told him that I keep having this dream that the plane crashed and we died and this is the afterlife or something. He said he was having similar dreams, and that made it even weirder — like our realities splintered into a different timeline."
3."This happened about 10 years ago. I was out running errands and remember seeing this black pickup that had 'Death From Above' printed on the top of the windshield. About an hour later and 15 miles away from where I first saw it, I passed by the very same truck. I then drove 40 minutes to the other side of town to pick something up and — you guessed it — saw the same truck. It really freaked me out running into 'Death From Above' three times, in a city with about 2 million people."
"A friend called about that time and asked if I wanted to grab lunch. I needed to get home, but still feeling creeped out, I decided I needed some company.
"When I got home, I saw that a very large tree in my front yard had fallen over the driveway. My neighbor said it happened about an hour and a half earlier.
"If I hadn’t been creeped out by the pickup truck encounters and gone to lunch, that would have been when I returned home!
"Death from above?"
4."I had a weird friend in high school who was into fortune-telling, telepathy, etc. One day we were talking on the phone, and she told me to stare at something in my room and think about it over and over again. And she would be able to tell me what I was looking at. She’d never been in my room."
"I was looking at a cut-up pic from a magazine, a pretty painting, with lots of different colors, and focused in on three colors: orange, seafoam green, and magenta. She listed 'orange, a light green, and a purple — no pinkish purple.'
"Yeah, I was creeped out."
5."When I was young, my dad, my sister, and I often used to cycle to a local park. One time when we were there, my sister and I were cycling around the car park of a building within the park while my dad was still farther up at a play area that had swings and a seesaw. As my sister and I were coming out of the car park to go back to where my dad was, I heard him shout, 'Watch out, there’s a car!' We cycled off the road and onto a verge, and seconds later, a car driven by some nob came haring round the corner and narrowly avoided hitting us. A bit shaken, we cycled back to my dad. When we got there, I thanked him for yelling a warning so we could get out of the way. He looked a bit bemused and said he hadn’t shouted 'cause we were so far away, but he’d THOUGHT it."
"It was only then that I realized we’d been way too far away to have heard him even if he had yelled. It was so odd that I heard him shout when he hadn’t, and that it essentially saved us from being run over.
"I still can’t explain it to this day. My dad passed last year, and I miss him every single day. I love you, Dad."
6."My first week of high school, I walked by some guys in the junior lockers hallway, and as I looked over at them and spotted one in particular, the exact thought of I'm going to marry him went through my mind. He had on a football jersey, so I made note of the number. A week later, that boy transferred into my English class, wearing his football jersey. A few months later, he was talking in class too much when the teacher told him to 'go sit next to...,' and despite there being a few open seats, I just knew she was going to put him next to me. Yup, she did."
"We began talking, finally became a couple in our sophomore year, broke up, and I even moved 1,900 miles away. I still knew we would get married. My family ended up moving back, but I went to a different high school then. Despite living in a town of 500,000 people or so, we'd still run into each other. We got married at 19 and are still together."
7."I used to walk up to this little woodland area with my cats in the evening (people called me 'that girl who walks her cats'). Once, I stood there and looked at one of them, right in front of him, and suddenly he was just gone. We were in a clearing with short grass, and he's a big, white longhaired cat. I felt so weirded out, he literally just vanished before my eyes. A few seconds later he was behind me, 20 meters back, acting oddly excited as he trotted up to me."
8."When I was 8 or 9, my mom, sister, cousin, and I were driving from Tucson, Arizona, to Salt Lake City and lost about six hours of the drive. Like, it was early afternoon and suddenly the sun was setting, and the tape (it was the late '80s, early '90s) was on the other side as if it had been looping for hours. We were all singing one song at the tops of our lungs, and then it felt as if we'd come out of a haze and the song was different and no one was singing, and we were definitely hours down the road from where we had started singing."
"No one was saying anything, till my cousin suddenly said, 'Did I fall asleep or did time go wonky?'
"To this day, the remaining three of us have NO IDEA what happened, and I think about it from time to time."
9."I moved to this apartment two months ago, and there is a weird thing with this place that is driving me nuts. When I stand still anywhere for a few minutes (usually to read whatever on my phone), there's a sensation of the floor directly under my feet rising. As if there's someone beneath who is pushing the floor up, creating a dome-like sensation under my feet. I had friends standing still to see if they'd feel it as well."
"Four felt it and two didn't. Almost all of the floors — hallway, living room, two bedrooms, and a kitchen — are in wood planks. The bathroom has a lino floor. There's no cellar. I live in a quiet area, so no heavy traffic nearby. The train station is a 15-minute walk away. There's actually nothing that can explain the sensation. I get it if it only happens in one room, as the sensation could be due to the wood planks not fitted well, but all rooms, including the bathroom lino floor?
"It doesn't unnerve me that much any more, but I want an explanation."
10."My grandfather's dementia got really bad before he passed, and for almost a year he kept taking about this white house across the street. There was no house, just a cow field. The day of his funeral, my mom and I were in my grandparents' house, and we both saw a white house behind this field that wasn’t there before."
11."When I was in middle school, we had two cats, which was the maximum number of cats my parents insisted we were going to have. There is a program with a local pet store that works with our humane society to put one or two cats up for adoption in the store. We had gone there to pick up our usual cat food and look around, and each of us ran across the current cat they had in the store on our own. Each of us had felt that she would fit in with our house really well. When we got back together to leave, it was obvious that she was going to be heading home with us. A few years later, when I was in high school, I became friends with a girl in some of my classes."
"When we got around to talking about our pets, I mentioned my cat, and she got a strange look on her face. She asked me to describe her, and we realized that her family had been the foster the cat had stayed with until she went to the store!
"It was very weird, since she lived across town from us and my hometown has a 400,000-plus population."
12."This happened a few days ago. My husband and I were on our way to Nashville to the Sounds game for a work function (we live an hour away). I randomly thought about my ex, who is from Nashville, and wondered if I’d ever randomly run into him one day. I hadn’t seen or spoken to him in years. Once we were there, we were getting snacks at the concession stand; we had club seats, so it was a lot smaller area. As we were walking off after getting our food, I turned around and saw my ex standing right there behind me."
"We made eye contact and stared at each other for a second, then both looked away. Neither of us was ever a baseball fan. I’ve had that happen a few other times with different people over the years. Another time, I was thinking about a family friend whom I hadn’t seen in about 15 years. Something I saw reminded me of her. My kid and I went shopping about 30 minutes later, and guess who I saw walk pass me in the aisle!! The family friend."
13."I don’t know if I should call this a dream or a vision, I’m not sure, but I have a VERY vivid recollection of walking with my aunt through a railroad tunnel in a small town near where I grew up. I know exactly where it happened, what we were wearing, how it felt. She was holding my hand and we were just walking. Nothing freaky or scary, but once I was old enough to drive, I went to that place, and the railroad is there, but the tunnel does not exist."
"My aunt says she and I have never been to that town and definitely haven’t walked the tracks together.
"But it’s so real to me. Probably just something my mind made up, but I hate not knowing, LOL."
14."When I was in high school, my dad took me on a vacation to San Francisco and Yosemite. On our first night at Yosemite, when we returned to the hotel room for the night, I remember walking to the bathroom to get ready for bed and passing by the closet area, and all the empty hangers VIOLENTLY smacked around as if someone had taken their hand and brushed it across each one. Later on, after falling asleep, I remember waking up suddenly, and I immediately noticed a yellow, floating orb in the corner of the room."
"Mind you, there were no lights on inside or outside the room, and the curtains were closed regardless. I was definitely creeped out and tried waking my dad to see if he could see it too. I got him to half wake up and tell me there was nothing there and to go back to sleep. I eventually fell back asleep. Sometime later, I woke up again, still seeing the same yellow orb floating in the corner of the room.
"I managed to fall asleep once more, some time passed, and I was woken up suddenly by what could only be described as my mother's voice screaming my name. Once my dad and I were awake for the day, I told him everything and said I had a bad feeling and needed to call my mom right away to make sure she was okay. I called, and everything was fine. To this day, I can't explain what the hell happened, but I still get creeped out every time I tell the story."
15."In 2007, I was actively looking for a puppy to adopt. One night, I dreamed about a tiny, gray fuzzy puppy that was mine. Fast-forward a few weeks, and I was with my mom, picking up her new puppy, when the same puppy from my dream was right in front of me. I tried to leave without her, and she kept following behind me. She was a once-in-a-lifetime dog, and I’m so grateful I got a sneak preview into who she would be!"
16."I was driving home from work one night about 11: Sydney to Wollongong. Clear night, with a near–full moon. Great for stargazing while driving. As I was driving along a straight stretch of highway, I looked up in the sky to my right and noticed the silhouette of an object flying quite low (no higher than 200 meters), but at roughly the same speed as I. For size reference, it was about as long as the large firefighting helicopters. I returned my eyes to the road and five seconds later looked back up, and it was still there. It was like a rounded triangle shape (like a guitar pick, but not quite so elongated)."
"I initially thought it might have been a helicopter or army plane because as a crow flies, we weren't far from the some army barracks. This definitely wasn't a helicopter, and didn't look like any aircraft I knew of. There weren't any separate segments (wings, fuselage, tail, etc.). It was one solid piece of machine.
"I put down my window to get a clear view without any dashboard reflection, but the thing that really stood out to me as odd was that there was no noise. And I don't just mean from the aircraft. I was traveling at 100 kmh, and there was no rush of air passing my window and my ears. I could hear the tires humming on the road but no engine, no wind, and no noise from the aircraft.
"It continued to sit above me to my right for about two minutes. No lights coming from it, and pacing my car as I drove the straight stretch of road. As I was approaching a bend in the road, I suddenly heard a loud whirring sound. A single light started glowing and turning in its center, and it took off at a sensational speed in a northwest direction (we'd been heading south). No braking or banking to turn. It changed direction in an instant. Best visual comparison I can make is stretching an elastic band (as it paces me), then letting go of the elastic band (it takes off in the other direction). And as it left me, all the wind noise of driving along a highway at 100 kmh returned."
17."Multiple times. First, I had this dream about a stage with totem poles on it. I was like 7 or 8. Years later, I end up in Roanoke, Virginia, at a reenactment of the massacre, and it was the exact same place I dreamed of."
"Second, I was in bed in college the night before my juries (it’s a music major performance thing), and my grandmother, who had passed, was literally lying in the air above my bed telling me I would be okay. I was half asleep but woke up fully half crying and half laughing. I killed it on my performance and made sure to wear the bracelets she'd left me because she told me to."
18."My dad and I both have a very vague memory of being in a park on a sunny day when I was around 4 or 5 and seeing the most stunningly beautiful butterfly and feeling like time had stopped. I’m 25 now and brought this up recently to him, and he said he has the same memory. It’s hard to explain, but it felt like time stopped and life was brighter than normal."
Do you have a story you can't explain? Tell me about it in the comments!
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.