20 Genius Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas
These clever Halloween costumes are super easy to make at home, no matter how much time you've got.
Hack off the stem off a Funkin and attach it to a headband (super glue or hot glue should do the trick!). Print out the Greek letter pi or cut one out of felt with a pair of scissors, and glue to an orange T-shirt. Now you're nerdy and delicious!
This costume couldn't be easier: Use black adhesive letters to spell out "Go Ceiling!" on a plain T-shirt, and grab a pair of matching cheering squad pom-poms. Voila: You're a ceiling fan!
Dress yourself in all black and attach rectangular strips of white felt down the center of your body to emulate a dividing lane line. Tape a plastic fork over the dotted line and you've got a metaphor!
This idea is magnifique! Round up a black beret, a striped tee, a red scarf, and a piece of "toast" crafted from cardboard. Color around the edges of the toast-shaped cardboard with a brown marker to look like crust. Draw a splotch of yellow in the center with a yellow paint pen to look like melted butter, and attach a small square of yellow felt on top. Punch two holes in the top of the bread and tie string to them to wear around your neck. Breakfast is served!
Glue multi-colored pom-poms onto a white tank top and a black headband. Add a DIY 25¢ sign to a red skirt so everyone gets the picture!
Take a trip this Halloween (or at least act like you are) by dressing up in a Hawaiian shirt, a straw hat, and, of course, a lei. Complete the look with a camera.
Dress in a brown T-shirt and stick Post-it notes all over yourself (with written reminders and to-dos, of course!). Bring along an extra set of Post-its and a pen so people can "leave messages" on you all night.
This clever idea can be whipped up with a healthy supply of white tulle (spray-painted brown and gray), a gray T-shirt, and some bunny ears. Bunch up the tulle into tufts, and glue them onto the T-shirt with hot glue. Ta-da! You're ready to go.
Dress in all white and attach a yellow circle of felt to your stomach. Add devil horns and a tail to turn yourself into a "deviled" egg.
Literature lovers, this is the costume for you: Spell out "By John Steinbeck" on a purple T-shirt with white adhesive letters, and safety pin slightly blown-up purple balloons onto the shirt. Create a vine crown by hot-gluing faux vines together.
Dress in all black and attach popcorn, old movie tickets, and empty candy wrappers all over your outfit to complete this theatrical look. (Bonus: If you spill something on yourself at the party, it won't matter!)
Attach black adhesive letters spelling out "Copy Cat" to a white T-shirt, then pair with cat ears and a cat tail. Grab some junk copies left by the Xerox machine at work to carry around all night, and you're set!
This one is for the super-lazy among us: Use adhesive letters or a black Sharpie to write "LIFE" on a white T-shirt, then carry around a bag of lemons to hand out.
Grab a pink T-shirt and a pink feather boa, and voila—you're "tickled pink!"
Throw on a brightly colored T-shirt and a fake medal, grab a loaf of bread, and you're golden.
Be the punniest person at the Halloween party by hot-glueing a snack-size bag of Lay's potato chips to a yellow T-shirt.
You'll look sweet enough to eat when you slip into some old trousers with Smarties candies hot-glued all over them. Add some "nerd" glasses and a bow-tie to complete the look.
Head to your nearest Guitar Center for a handful of guitar picks, then hot-glue them onto a pair of old jeans (just around the pockets, of course!).
Psych everyone out by wearing a slip dress and attaching well-know terms coined by Sigmund Freud, like "Id", "Ego" and "Oedipus complex," to it.
Not only will you be bundled up in the cold October air, but you'll look as cute as a button. Just slip on a pig nose and pig ears, then wrap yourself up in a blanket. Everyone will want to eat you right up!
20 Genius Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas
These clever Halloween costumes are super easy to make at home, no matter how much time you've got.
Put together a creative last-minute Halloween costume with minimal effort (and materials!) at WomansDay.com.
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