Man’s furious rant about his wife’s habit strikes a nerve

Plant collecting is all the rage right now. Greenery is a gorgeous addition to any home, and with everyone spending extra time inside, it’s easy to maintain an indoor forest.
Much to the dismay of her husband, Australian parenting blogger Sarah Kearns treated herself to a few new plants while out shopping.
Brad Kearns, Sarah’s husband, took to the family Facebook page, DaDMuM, to share how he really feels about her new hobby.
“Does anyone else’s wife have an issue with getting plants that are a REASONABLE F****** SIZE for the house,” he wrote, starting the post off strong. “I opened the front door to not one but two f****** Jurassic-sized trees.”
He shared a photo of the gigantic plants towering over either side of the bed.
A number of commenters warned that the greenery may become a home for unwelcome guests.
“I love plants but all I see is bigger plants means bigger spiders can hide,” one Facebook user wrote.
Brad got his wish — Sarah’s fear of spiders took over, and she asked him to help her get them out of their bedroom.
“At 11 p.m., she decided she couldn’t sleep and ‘we’ needed to move them outside and call the pest man due to the newfound safety risk to ‘us,'” Brad wrote in a second Facebook post. “She makes choices like a gambler with a pocket full of mortgage payments.”
He shared a photo of the plants lurking just outside his bedroom window.
“Well ladies and gentlemen. It was a hard-fought argument on my end. And on that note I present to you, my f****** balconforest,” he continued. “F*** the spiders. F*** the plants. F*** my life.”
Commenters felt his pain.
“I’d be worried she’s now discovered that they look amazing on the balcony and we still need replacements with no spiders for the room,” one Facebook user said.
“You know she’s just gonna head out tomorrow morning and buy more to fill the spaces on your bedroom,” a second said.
Another made an excellent point about the benefit of all this intense decor, just to keep things in perspective.
“Who needs to go on holidays when your whole house looks like a tropical rainforest,” the Facebook user wrote.
If you enjoyed this story, you might also like reading about this plant paradise bedroom that will make you green with envy.
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