Your 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn Horoscope: What’s in Store for You on July 21
In the heart of summertime, it’s easy to embrace the urge to take a timeout from putting your foot on the gas to reach your aspirations, preferring to steer toward more playful, fun-loving and leisurely pastimes like vacationing with loved ones or soaking up the sun with friends. But you might want to steel yourself for a surge of ambitious drive to arrive this month, courtesy of a go-getter full moon in Capricorn — the second one of the year, arriving just a month after the last lunar event in the sign of the Sea Goat.
On Sunday, July 21 at 6:17 a.m. ET/3:17 a.m. PT, this full moon falls in the cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of hard work, commitment and boundaries. Capricorn sits opposite Cancer, the cardinal water sign that the sun will be exiting just one day after this full moon. While Cancer’s known for its nurturing, sentimental and sensitive nature and adoration of domestic, emotional terrain, Capricorn is grounded, measured and driven to make its mark in the public, professional sphere. The industrious earth sign can empower you to set your sights on the peak of a particular mountain and then take calculated steps toward reaching that aspiration. In turn, this is a full moon that can support your ability to move the ball forward on pragmatic goals — while encouraging you to work through whatever emotions come up in a down-to-earth way. Here, all you need to know about this ambition-stoking event so you can make the most of it.
What is a full moon?
Full moons occur once — less frequently, twice — per month when the moon and the sun are positioned opposite one another in the sky and in the zodiac. Because they’re sitting opposite one another, the sun’s blinding light reflects off of the moon, leading to a gasp-worthy spectacle in the night sky. During a full moon, the moon lights the sky up brighter than any other time in the lunar cycle. For that reason, astrologically speaking, it is a time during which it feels like your most intense, passionate emotions have been cranked up to the nth degree. And as the sun opposite moon dynamic also mirrors an amplified focus on partnerships, full moons are made for reflecting — and taking action — on matters of the heart.
You can work with this energy for four days before and after the event occurs. In astrology, the moon rules our emotions, intuition and nurturing style. And when it’s full, all of those aspects of our inner life are heightened. You could feel particularly sensitive, empathic, fired up or even burned out if an emotional situation has become exhausting. Full moons also present the chance to see how far you’ve come since planting seeds during the new moon that occurred either two weeks (in this case, the July 5 new moon in Cancer) or six months prior.
What is the full moon in Capricorn?
Every full moon sets the stage for self-reflection, acknowledgment and processing of deep-rooted emotions and releasing what’s no longer serving you. But this full moon — a.k.a. the Buck Moon, referred to as such because the antlers of male deer (bucks) are in full-growth mode this time of year — falls in diligent, practical earth sign Capricorn, you’ll be more inclined to apply a rational, grounded and assiduous strategy to whatever’s coming up for you now. It also bears noting that this full moon is ruled by Saturn, the planet which, in astrology, oversees restrictions, discipline, limitations, rules, authority figures and challenges. Aptly nicknamed the “taskmaster planet,” Saturn encourages you to put your nose to the grindstone for a greater purpose: to lay solid groundwork for your future. Saturnian lessons can aid you with leveling up, organizing and setting up structures that keep you firing on all cylinders now and moving forward.
That said, this lunar event is an opportunity to take stock of how you’ve been meeting your responsibilities, then gauge where you want to go from here — and how you plan to get there. And because Cap is associated with the Tenth House of Career and Public Image, you might also notice that your focus turns to themes like status, recognition and how you’re perceived by others publicly.
The second 2024 Capricorn full moon supercharges your ability to connect with your inner power.
Because the full moon sits at 29 degrees (the final, aka “anaretic,” degree) of Capricorn, and Pluto, the planet of power, control and regeneration, is at 0 degrees of the next sign, fixed air sign Aquarius, the two are closely paired up during this astrological event, amplifying your emotional experience and interactions with your unconscious. Named for the God of the Underworld, Pluto tends to shed light on the shadowy underbelly of life that we might not engage with on a daily basis or even find taboo. But because the planet of transformation is such a key player during this full moon, it could dredge up memories or fuel dreams that stir up intense feelings or behaviors you didn’t necessarily see coming. The point, however, is to move through these challenges by getting even more in tune with your intuition, perhaps by meditating or another mind-body practice that resonates with you.
During the second 2024 Capricorn full moon, you’ll be even more in tune with your imagination and sense of compassion.
The moon forms a harmonious sextile to Neptune, the planet of spirituality, dreams and illusion, which sits at 29 degrees of Pisces. This connection can cause heightened sensitivity, enhance your ability to read the emotional subtext between the lines in conversations and boost your desire to express yourself artistically, creatively or spiritually.
The second 2024 full moon in Capricorn lights your inner fire.
The full moon also connects positively with go-getter Mars, the planet of action and energy, just past the last degree of fixed earth sign Taurus, and game-changer Uranus, the planet of revolution, rebellion and innovation, which is now at 26 degrees of the sign of the Bull. These planetary alliances only serve to underline the industrious, forward-thinking tone of this lunar event. Mars’ influence nudges you to put the pedal to the metal to make your vision a reality while Uranus can inspire you to move in a whole new direction, strike out on your own or shrug off restrictions that have been holding you back.
Here, how the second Capricorn full moon of 2024 will affect you based on your sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don't, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)
What full moon in Capricorn means for Aries
Welcome to another full moon happening in your career zone, which you could very well experience similarly to last month’s lunar event in that you may be fired up to step into a leadership position, take the reins on a big picture project or go to bat for more recognition from higher-ups. Doing your best to move at a slower, steadier pace can lead you to the results you’ve been dreaming of. And thanks to your ruler, go-getter Mars having just exited your money sector, your efforts could lead to a financial win.
Click through for more on Aries.
What full moon in Capricorn means for Taurus
With this full moon falling in your adventure sector, you’ll do well to do a gut check, especially when it comes to your personal beliefs and philosophies. It could be time to reassess or level up your worldview. And because this full moon happens to form a positive trine to game-changer Uranus in your sign, you’ll be feeling more open minded and prepared to move in a new direction than usual. Go-getter Mars’ proximity to Uranus also helps you build momentum toward your endgame.
Click through for more on Taurus.
What full moon in Capricorn means for Gemini
This full moon lights up your intimacy sector, so steel yourself to get in the weeds of your most deep-rooted emotions. It’s all for the sake of figuring out what you need in order to feel more secure, comfortable and connected to your nearest and dearest. Not only is innovative game-changer Uranus connecting with this full moon from your spirituality zone but go-getter Mars is basically still at the party in this part of your chart. That means your dreams and intuition can be particularly powerful and useful to understanding — and moving through — interpersonal dynamics and your desires now.
Click through for more on Gemini.
What full moon in Capricorn means for Cancer
This full moon falls in your partnership zone, so your focus will be trained on your one-on-one romantic, platonic or professional connections. You might be meditating on just how reciprocal these bonds are and getting a more accurate read on how they influence your sense of self. In turn, going to bat for your needs, while hearing others out on theirs, can be a productive use of this lunar energy. And note that friendships and teamwork might be in the spotlight, thanks to the moon’s sync-up with revolutionary Uranus in your networking sector.
Click through for more on Cancer.
What full moon in Capricorn means for Leo
With this full moon falling in your health zone, you might be at the end of your rope when it comes to a daily hustle or wellness approach and realize that it’s time to shake things up for the sake of feeling more balanced and centered. Because the moon sits so closely to transformative Pluto in your partnership zone, leaning on a loved one, significant other or dear friend can help you process your emotions and feel more empowered to make a bold move for the sake of your overall well-being.
Click through for more on Leo.
What full moon in Capricorn means for Virgo
Falling in your romance and self-expression sector, this full moon could drum up resentment and frustration related to working so much lately that you’ve been missing out on fun, playfulness and creativity. Acknowledging these feelings — versus brushing them aside — is a must, and you’ll do even better to hit pause on to-dos in order to follow your heart now. Because the moon connects to game-changer Uranus in your adventure sector and dreamy Neptune in your partnership zone, enlisting a loved one or dear friend to join you in an experience that’s out of the ordinary can make for a memorable result.
Click through for more on Virgo.
What full moon in Capricorn means for Libra
This full moon lights up your home zone, so you could be facing emotional issues or even a bit of drama related to your family or actual home life. Think back to the first full moon in this zone on June 21 for a sense of how it might play out, but take heart that because it’s sitting so closely to transformative Pluto in your self-expression zone, you have even more inner power now to stand up for your needs and perspective. Because go-getter Mars just moved into your higher learning sector, you might consider picking up new skills to manage whatever challenges you’re presented with.
Click through for more on Libra.
What full moon in Capricorn means for Scorpio
Occurring in your communication zone, this full moon will stimulate your mental energy and might have you feeling stretched too thin, buzzing from get-togethers with friends to tackling errands and everything in between. Because it sits closely to one of your co-rulers, transformative Pluto, in your home zone, you might also be managing challenges with loved ones and feeling out how to best stand in your inner power as you do so. Discussing your emotions with a friend or significant other could lead to a breakthrough, thanks to game-changer Uranus’ positive trine to the moon from your partnership sector.
Click through for more on Scorpio.
What full moon in Capricorn means for Sagittarius
Falling in your money zone, this full moon can deliver self-discoveries related to your sense of worth and values. Gaining clarity around these themes could support your ability to go to bat for greater rewards on the job. Go-getter Mars will have just moved into your partnership zone and game-changer Uranus will be in your routine sector, so you’ll also do well to think about who you want to link up with to move the ball forward your goals and how you’ll work to achieve them on a day-to-day basis. You can anticipate a lightbulb moment now!
Click here for more on Sagittarius.
What full moon in Capricorn means for Capricorn
Welcome to the second of two full moons in your sign that you’ll experience this year. You could be experiencing this lunar event as very emotional and even somewhat exhausting, given that it’s occurring in the final degree of your sign. But you also have an opportunity to stand even more confidently in your sense of self and to reflect on how your self-image dovetails with how you're showing up in the world. With the moon cozying up to powerful Pluto in your money zone, tending to this inner work could lay the foundation for you to nurture your self-worth in a way that ultimately leads to financial rewards.
Click through for more on Capricorn.
What full moon in Capricorn means for Aquarius
Just as last month’s full moon, this lunar event occurs in your spirituality zone, nudging you to do a self-check related to how you’ve been caring for your psychological well-being. It can be a productive moment for quieting your mind and getting centered in your breath, intuition and dreams. While that might not sound as exciting as hitting the ground running, it’ll serve you best in the long-run. And because the full moon syncs so beautifully with your co-ruler rebellious Urnaus in your home zone, tending to your mental well-being now could have a surprisingly positive effect on your inner world and emotional wellness.
Click through for more on Aquarius.
What full moon in Capricorn means for Pisces
Falling in your networking and long-term wishes sector, this full moon stokes a craving to feel more connected to other members of your community, friends and colleagues. You could be crossing the finish line on a collaborative endeavor or finding that aligning yourself with a particular group of people isn’t quite right and it’s time to move in a different direction. Either way, feel confident about tapping into your intuition and listening to your inner voice, given tha the moon forms such a productive and positive angle to your co-ruler, spiritual Neptune, in your sign.
Click through for more on Pisces.
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