Your 2024 Mars in Taurus Horoscope: What’s in Store for You From June 9 to July 20
It’s time to prepare for a total energy shift, especially in terms of how you pursue your goals, manage your anger, and express your passions, thanks to the planet of action, Mars moving into Taurus. Over the last few weeks, it’s possible you’ve been feeling more fired up — the result of Mars moving through one of its home signs, cardinal fire sign Aries, known for its impulsivity, dynamism, assertiveness and burning desire to perpetually come out on top. But Mars entering Taurus, which occurs on Sunday, June 9 at 12:35 a.m. ET/Saturday, June 8 at 9:35 p.m. PT, marks a new chapter in which your fuse could be longer as you focus on moving toward your aspirations in a far more deliberate, slow and steady manner.
Here, all you need to know in order to make the most of Mars’ 2024 trip through Taurus.
What does Mars in Taurus mean?
Mars, the go-getter planet, oversees passion, sex, action, inner drive, courage, anger, motivation and self-assertion, and the last time it moved through Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac symbolized by the Bull, was back in summer 2022. That’s because it takes about two years to make its way through the zodiac. So, to understand how Mars expresses itself in Taurus, you could think back to what life looked like between July 5 to August 20, 2022. You might also consider the Bull’s ruler, Venus, which oversees relationships, beauty, values and money. In turn, Taurus is pleasure-seeking, luxury-loving and invested in nurturing not only their bonds but their sense of security and assets.
People born with a strong Taurus influence tend to be loyal, dependable, tenacious, grounded and have a long fuse. And given that Taurus is one of the more resolute, albeit stubborn, fixed signs (the others are Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), they’re apt to dig their heels in more, too.
All of this is worth holding in mind as you think about how we’ll all be more apt to move through our most passionate emotions while Mars is in Taurus. We might also be more inclined to focus on goals that center around earning, paying down debt, setting up a budget and tending to or acquiring material possessions, given that Taurus is associated with the Second House of Income. This is also the sector of self-worth, so that’s a theme that could take on a feature role over the next until Mars leaves Taurus on July 20. You could find that losing your cool is more intimately tied to feeling undervalued — by yourself or others. And either getting into a conflict or feeling motivated could be fueled by your personal values, which is another Second House theme.
What can you expect during Mars’ 2024 trip through Taurus
Although Mars moves through Taurus approximately every two years, all the planets move at different rates through the zodiac, so the action-oriented planet’s link-ups with other celestial bodies change annually. A couple key moments:
Mars square Pluto
In 2024, soon after moving into the sign of the Bull, on Tuesday, June 11, Mars will form a tense square to Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration, in fellow fixed sign Aquarius, bolstering your desire to go to bat to take control and amplifying the potential for power struggles. Because this square is happening in two signs that are known to tend toward obstinacy, doing your best to infuse the moment with a bit more flexibility could prevent unnecessary fireworks.
Mars conjunct Uranus
On Monday, July 15, Mars links up to game-changer Uranus in Taurus, which can set off unexpected, aggressive developments as a result of you or others attempting to break out of a rut. You might want to strike out on your own, assert your independence, or move in a whole new direction out of the blue.
Here, how Mars in Taurus 2024 will affect you based on your sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don’t, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)
How Mars in Taurus will affect Aries
While your ruling planet, action-oriented Mars is in your money zone, you’ll be motivated to hit the gas on moneymaking endeavors. Whether you’ve been wanting to step up your savings or investment plan or steer toward a new outlet for boosting cash flow, you’ll have a surge of go-getter energy to put toward feeling more centered financially. For the best results, be sure to take your values under consideration and acknowledge your worth.
Click through for more on Aries.
How Mars in Taurus will affect Taurus
Thanks to go-getter Mars moving through your sign, you’ll be fired up to pursue your boldest aspirations in a more dynamic way. Asserting yourself with friends, loved ones, or colleagues — especially on a one-one-one basis — should feel easier than usual, and doing so should serve to boost your self-image and confidence. Being particularly aware of your tendency to dig your heels in and struggle with adaptability can preempt pushing so hard that you end up at a stalemate.
Click through for more on Taurus.
How Mars in Taurus will affect Gemini
We’re in the midst of your season until June 20, and the sun moving through your sign inevitably heightens your vitality. However, action-oriented Mars’ time in your spirituality zone will remind you just how important it is to build in downtime, too — especially the kind that lends itself to self-reflection around what you want to achieve. You can journal or meditate on what lights up your inner drive now, and in turn, begin to piece together the best approach to making your dreams a reality once Mars moves into your sign on July 20.
Click through for more on Gemini.
How Mars in Taurus will affect Cancer
While action-oriented Mars moves through your networking zone, you’ll want to hit the ground running on group projects and to bring people in your social circle or community together. You see a clear path to victory on your goals, and it undoubtedly involves enlisting others to join you in putting your nose to the grindstone. What’s more, working with others now can have you feeling more connected and passionate about your shared aspirations. There’s a humanitarian element to this transit that can be truly fulfilling!
Click through for more on Cancer.
How Mars in Taurus will affect Leo
With Mars, the planet of action, moving through your career zone, you’re more enthusiastic and driven to make your mark in the public sphere and to earn accolades from higher-ups. You want to be recognized for your hard work, and you’re willing to channel extra energy toward making sure you get the applause you’re craving. You could also feel more competitive and, in turn, tuned into your entrepreneurial instincts. Just watch out for allowing your laser focus to lead to butting heads with authority figures. Tapping into Taurus’ Venusian propensity for diplomacy can come in handy.
Click through for more on Leo.
How Mars in Taurus will affect Virgo
While dynamic Mars moves through your higher learning zone, you could be eager to move beyond your usual routine (yes, really!) and go on an adventure. You’ll be especially tuned into your gut instincts, so whether you’re itching to go on a long-distance trip or sign up for a summer class that would allow you to advance your education, you’ll do well to run toward that desire. You might surprise yourself with just how fired up this transit leads you to feel — and act!
Click through for more on Virgo.
How Mars in Taurus will affect Libra
While action-oriented Mars makes its way through your emotional bonds sector, you’ll want to move the ball forward on deepening your connection to your nearest and dearest loved ones. Your sex life could be a particularly fulfilling focus now. At the same time, this zone oversees joint resources, so you could be eager to discuss shared money matters with family members. Just be aware of a heightened tendency to clash with loved ones over these subjects. Still, tackling any conflict head-on will serve you better than brushing it under the rug.
Click through for more on Libra.
How Mars in Taurus will affect Scorpio
Mars’ time in your partnership zone now is an opportunity to hit the gas on one-on-one endeavors that you’re yearning to see come to fruition. Whether you’re pairing up with a friend, loved one, or business partner, your shared efforts will be what get you across the finish line. Note that you could also be more inclined to dig your heels in on your position and struggle to see theirs, but this can be an opportunity to hear one another out, negotiate new terms and boost harmony. Speaking of negotiation, don’t be surprised if you’re dealing with more contracts or efforts to find a resolution that suits you and another party.
Click through for more on Scorpio.
How Mars in Taurus will affect Sagittarius
While dynamic Mars is in your wellness zone, you’ll find your day-to-day routine is even more action-packed than usual. You might need to work a little bit harder to build in breathing room. Still, that can actually be a valuable lesson, as you’ll be itching even more than usual to prioritize your well-being on a regular basis. You have more energy to experiment with different mind-body routines. You’ll also be more motivated to streamline your schedule and say “no” to anything that’s no longer working for you!
Click here for more on Sagittarius.
How Mars in Taurus will affect Capricorn
Mars will spend time in your romance and self-expression sector now, which can fuel your pursuit of fun, creativity and spontaneity — especially alongside a significant other or loved ones. You’ll want to be — and benefit from being — more playful and present. Your best bet: Give into any urge to hit pause on deadlines and curb your tendency to be so industrious that you miss out on opportunities to make the most of the moment. You’ll also shine when you put your nose to the grindstone on projects that allow you to express yourself artistically.
Click through for more on Capricorn.
How Mars in Taurus will affect Aquarius
Mars in your home zone ignites your desire to make progress on undertakings related to your family life. If you’ve been wanting to take a more action-oriented approach to caring for your emotional well-being, perhaps by researching different kinds of therapy or building more time for self-care into your schedule, you have a clear runway for making that happen now. You can also enlist loved ones to support you in these endeavors. And if you’ve been wanting to get to the bottom of a conflict with family members, you can come together to face it head-on now. The potential for head butting is higher than usual, to be sure, but so is the chance that you’ll reach a healing resolution.
Click through for more on Aquarius.
How Mars in Taurus will affect Pisces
Thanks to Mars moving through your communication sector, your everyday life is more frenetic and full of social to-dos. You could find your calendar is packed with get-togethers with friends and short-distance trips related to a variety of errands. At the same time, your curiosity is at an all-time high, and you’ll be craving opportunities to satiate your desire to learn and connect with others on what you’ve learned. Think about signing up for an online class alongside a friend or colleague or planning brainstorms, which could lead to thrilling goal-setting and collaborative game plans!
Click through for more on Pisces.
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