Your 2024 New Moon in Cancer Horoscope: What’s in Store for You Come July 5
As July ushers in the heart of summertime, luminous, light-filled days, firework displays and pool days make it easy to feel like a kid again — something you can’t help but want to share with loved ones. And it just so happens that, in 2024, the first week of July also features a fitting new moon in Cancer, the cardinal water sign known for being family-oriented, nurturing and full of heart. The lunar event sets a loving tone that can be fertile ground for exploring your emotions, connecting with your nearest and dearest and taking steps to amplify your sense of safety and comfort.
On Friday, July 5 at 6:58 p.m. ET/3:58 p.m. PT, the new moon in Cancer is ruled by the moon itself, which, in astrology, oversees intuition, emotion, instincts and security. In turn, this is an astrological event that can heighten your ability to listen to and trust your inner voice and take your closest relationships to another level. Wading in the deep end of complex emotions and showing up for loved ones is a strength of Cancer, so this could be a moment in which you’re capable of caring for your own heart’s desires and supporting others. Here, all you need to know about this heartfelt event so you can make the most of it.
What is a new moon?
The new moon occurs once — and once in a while, twice — a month when the moon and the sun share the same exact spot in the zodiac (for example, this month, they will meet at 14 degrees of Cancer). Because the two luminaries are so close, the sun’s stunningly bright light doesn’t reflect off of the moon at all, and from our point of view on Earth, the moon’s form appears hidden. For that reason, you can think of a new moon as a blank canvas on which you can paint your vision for the future. And you can take advantage of new moon energy by getting clear on and setting those goals for four days before and after the event occurs.
In astrology, the moon colors your emotions, intuition and nurturing style as well as how you want to be nurtured. When it’s new, you could feel an amplified sense of possibility, anticipation and emotional self-awareness. New moons also present a chance to plant seeds that you can watch grow over the following two weeks (up until the next full moon, which, this time, falls on Sunday, July 21) and the following six months (when we’ll experience the corresponding full moon, which in this case will be Monday, January 13).
What is the new moon in Cancer?
Every new moon is a chance to gain clarity as you consider what you want to strive for moving forward and to then set an impactful goal. But July’s new moon is tailored to getting especially clear on what you intuitively desire and want in your heart of hearts, given that the moon will be new in a sign that it’s at home in — not to mention a sign that is known to be so emotionally intelligent. Cancer season and this Cancer new moon enhances your awareness of and interest in your feelings while your thoughts and experiences could be especially influenced by your moods. While we tend to think of rational thought as a more ideal guide than emotion, there’s so much to be said for acknowledging and honoring how you feel, and that theme is particularly apparent now. And because Cancer values security, this is also a moment in which you can get clear on what you need to feel even more centered — when it comes to relationships or finances or any other aspect of your life — and hit the gas on a workable game plan.
And because Cancer is associated with the Fourth House of Home Life, you might also find prioritizing extra quality bonding time with loved ones, beginning new traditions and even kicking off an ambitious project around your home all prove especially fruitful now.
The new moon in Cancer 2024 stokes your ambition
Although we tend to think of Cancer as a mushy, tenderhearted sign, it’s actually one of the cardinal bunch. The cardinal signs (which also include Aries, Libra and Capricorn) are known for being big picture visionaries and initiative-takers. Each cardinal sign falls at the very start of the season, when we’re chomping at the bit to get a move on. That said, in the days around the Cancer new moon, you could feel motivated to get a move on and build momentum around your goals. In general, this lunar event could lend fuel to goals that are related to your emotions and family life. But to get a sense of how you’ll be uniquely affected and fired up, you’ll want to check out your horoscope below.
The new moon in Cancer 2024 ushers in an electrifying, social energy
A couple days after the new moon is exact, romantic Venus in Cancer forms a happy sextile to game-changer Uranus in Taurus, which invites you to step outside of mundane patterns in terms of creative self-expression or how you’re relating to others. You’ll crave — and attract — more excitement and sparks in your love life and could have thrilling lightbulb moments.
And just after that fun-loving planetary meet-up, messenger Mercury in vivacious Leo sextiles lucky Jupiter in social Gemini, making for lively conversations, playful get-togethers with friends, heart-racing brainstorms and a palatable surge of optimism and joyfulness. This transit can inspire you to dream bigger about the path ahead and, in turn, make big picture plans.
Here, how the 2024 Cancer new moon will affect you based on your sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don't, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)
What new moon in Cancer 2024 means for Aries
With this new moon falling in your home zone, you’ll crave more time just nesting and bonding with your nearest and dearest, and by building that quality time into your generally hectic schedule, you’ll feel more connected and secure — now and moving forward. It bears noting that this sector also oversees your inner world and emotions, so taking the time to tune into your heart’s needs (perhaps by prioritizing self-reflective activities like meditation or journaling) can also set the stage for healing and self-awareness. On Monday, July 8, messenger Mercury in your self-expression zone sextiles lucky Jupiter in your communication sector, and opening up to loved ones about what you’ve discovered could have you feeling more seen and supported.
Click through for more on Aries.
What new moon in Cancer 2024 means for Taurus
With this new moon falling in your communication zone, you’ll crave learning opportunities and more social time with friends. Your cerebral energy is amplified now, which means you could be zipping around town checking to-dos off your list, fielding emails and phone calls galore or just getting a kick out of trading memes with your best friend. No matter what, all of this buzzy connection has you feeling stimulated and ready for whatever comes next. Doing your best to remain open minded, especially as sweet Venus sextiles game-changer Uranus in your sign on Monday, July 8, also fosters your creativity!
Click through for more on Taurus.
What new moon in Cancer 2024 means for Gemini
The new moon activates your money zone, which means this is the perfect time of year to get clear on an income-related aspiration and come up with a step-by-step approach for making it happen. You could be tempted to gather all of the research before making a leap, and that’s wise, to be sure, but you’ll also do well to listen to your heart and tune into your intuition ahead of making any bold moves. On Monday, July 8, messenger Mercury in your communication zone sextiles lucky Jupiter in your sign, and talking through your proposed plan with a friend or colleague makes it real!
Click through for more on Gemini.
What new moon in Cancer 2024 means for Cancer
Welcome to your annual new moon, during which you can gain clarity around how you’ve been prioritizing and tending to your inner sense of confidence, identity and point of view. You may be itching for some kind of makeover — whether it’s overhauling your social media presence or brushing up your resume — and getting the ball rolling on that effort now serves you well. In short, you’ll want to be sure that the way you’re presenting yourself to the world aligns with who you truly are. And on Monday, July 8, when sweet Venus in your sign sextiles electrifying Uranus in your networking zone, friends or colleagues could applaud your efforts to strike out on your own!
Click through for more on Cancer.
What new moon in Cancer 2024 means for Leo
This new moon falls in your spirituality zone, making this a more restorative moment that’s tailored to inner work and tending to your psychological well-being versus hitting the ground running toward your goals in a more external, obvious way. Still, making an effort to commit to self-work is nothing to sneeze at, and the more willing you are to do what’s best for your mental health now, the greater the rewards. On Monday, July 8, messenger Mercury in your sign sextiles lucky Jupiter in your long-term wishes sector, and you could have a lightbulb moment related to how to best pursue a major aspiration.
Click through for more on Leo.
What new moon in Cancer 2024 means for Virgo
Falling in your networking and friendships sector, this new moon can stir up feelings related to wanting to be a part of something bigger and more impactful than your own personal goals. Connect with like minded friends or colleagues to hit the gas on a shared intention, and your shared efforts could feel truly enlightening and fulfilling now. And when your ruler, messenger Mercury, in your spirituality zone sextiles lucky Jupiter in your career sector on Monday, July 8, your efforts to listen to and trust your inner knowing could lead to well-deserved recognition on the job.
Click through for more on Virgo.
What new moon in Cancer 2024 means for Libra
This new moon falls in your career zone, which makes it one of the best of the year for going to bat for your most ambitious professional vision. If you’ve been wanting to step into a leadership position, take on more responsibility or talk to a higher-up about how you can advance your career, even a small step in that direction now can translate to awe-inspiring results down the road. On Monday, July 8, your ruler, charming Venus, in your career zone sextiles electrifying Uranus in your joint resources sector, and embracing an unconventional path to success could ultimately boost your security.
Click through for more on Libra.
What new moon in Cancer 2024 means for Scorpio
This new moon happens to fall in your higher learning and adventure zone, which means your desire to have an eye-opening experience or shake up your typical routine will be downright undeniable. You’re generally a creature of habit, to be sure, but right now, you’re restless and want to spread your wings — perhaps traveling or advancing your education — and you know instinctively that your adventures can’t help but lead to personal growth! On Monday, July 8, messenger Mercury in your career zone sextiles lucky Jupiter in your joint resources sector, and planning for the future, especially in terms of your professional path, not only feels right but could lead to a well-deserved positive upshot.
Click through for more on Scorpio.
What new moon in Cancer 2024 means for Sagittarius
Falling in your intimacy zone, this new moon nudges you to tend to your closest emotional bonds. Wearing your heart on your sleeve while touching base with a loved one or exploring deep-seated emotions during an intimate conversation with a significant other can feel vulnerable, to be sure, but it also sets a thrilling, heartwarming new tone within your relationship. The experience could leave you feeling an amplified sense of inner peace and security. And thanks to messenger Mercury in your adventure sector sextiling lucky Jupiter in your partnership zone on Monday, July 8, taking a leap of faith is bound to enhance your one-on-one connections.
Click here for more on Sagittarius.
What new moon in Cancer 2024 means for Capricorn
With this new moon falling in your partnership sector, you’ll be engaged in more one-on-one bonding time with loved ones, friends and colleagues than usual. If there’s an ongoing emotional issue that you’ve been wanting to address, there’s no time like this moment to strive to find common ground and harmony. The key will be to tune into and share what’s really in your heart — and be willing to listen to what the other person is feeling, as well. Thanks to romantic Venus’ sextile to breakthrough-bringing Uranus in your self-expression zone on Monday, July 8, you could more easily land on an innovative approach to an old pattern.
Click through for more on Capricorn.
What new moon in Cancer 2024 means for Aquarius
This new moon falls in your daily routine sector, which means you have a unique opportunity to launch a whole new game plan for tending to your wellness from day to day. No need to have a lead foot with it. Instead, you’re being called to pinpoint a practice that intuitively feels right and benefits your mind, body and spirit on a regular basis. And on Monday, July 8, artistic Venus forms a happy sextile to your ruler, game-changer Uranus, in your home zone, which can help you identify even more creative ways to nurture your emotional well-being.
Click through for more on Aquarius.
What new moon in Cancer 2024 means for Pisces
Falling in your romance and self-expression zone, this new moon helps you connect even more deeply to your artistic impulses and most light-hearted, joyful emotions. You’ll be eager to put grueling, unfulfilling work on the backburner in order to be more spontaneous and playful, especially alongside loved ones. Go for it, as these very actions can have a lasting positive effect on your heart and spirit now. And on Monday, July 8, messenger Mercury in your daily routine zone sextiles lucky Jupiter, your co-ruler, in your home sector, which could inspire you to find new ways to feel even more connected to your loved ones on a daily basis.
Click through for more on Pisces.
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