21 "Euphoria" Moments That The Gays Are Still Thinking About
Euphoria's sophomore season was a roller coaster of emotion. We laughed, we cried a number of times, we sweat, we danced...and now it's time to reflect. These are the moments that had us on the edge of our seats. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
1.Fez Beating Up Nate
Talk about a season opener! It was the punch heard around the world. If you didn’t love Fez before this moment, you loved him after. Fez ended Nate’s perfectly sculpted jaw with ease. The worst character in the world finally got what he deserved. Fez can have a little kiss, as a treat ??! JK, he's literally going to jail, ugh. We can never win!
2.Cassie in the Tub
A moment so tense that it sent Cassie spiraling down a dark path for an entire season. And to think she and Nate could have just locked the door and stayed quiet… This image will haunt the internet for the rest of eternity, but I’m not mad about it. (I honestly think Nate would have been smart enough to make her silence her phone before he left, but we can talk about that another day...)
3.Maddie Banging on the Door
On the other side of that same door was a queen who birthed a million memes. If you missed the "Maddy banging on the door" day on Twitter (especially gay Twitter), you missed a rich moment in gay history. Maddy banged on that door like her life depended on it. Maddy banged on that door so hard that the universe shifted. We were all lucky enough to feel it.
4.Young Cal and Derek
Something extremely LGBTQ+ just happened... All gay people had butterflies watching this backstory. Euphoria has a special way of making you cry for the worst people in the world. This story was so sad, beautiful, and tragic that it felt straight out of a Taylor Swift song. The absolute worst part was learning that Young Cal's girlfriend, Marsha, became pregnant on purpose to trap him. That hurt.
Let’s be honest — the REAL reason we all tuned in every week was for Fexi. People were obsessed with the idea of a Fez + Lexi relationship ever since it was teased in the first episode. The way he looks at her? PHEW. I need to find a man like that. When Lexi dedicated her play to him…inserting whimpering bottom eyes emoji here ??. What is Joe Biden’s plan to pardon Fez? We need him out of jail and smooching Lexi pronto.
6.The Lack of Kat
Truly one of the biggest gags of the season was the lack of Kat. Where on Earth was Kat? Was she sleeping? Did she find a new friend group? There were rumblings that actor Barbie Ferreira and series writer-director Sam Levinson had friction on set. Her biggest moment in the show was an awkward breakup with Ethan that left a lot of fans disappointed. Hopefully next season she will have a juicier story to work with.
7.Nate Giving Jules the Tape
This was weird. We all know that Nate is foul, but I can’t lie and tell you that I don’t want them to at least smooch. Just once…I would like to see it. Remember in Season 1 when Rue describes what Nate likes in a woman? ALL of those features describe Jules. In Lexi’s play there was also imagery that suggested Nate may have feelings for Jules. That could be a very LGTBQIA+ plot line to look forward to in Season 3 (probably premiering in 2054).
8.Cassie Meets a Brick Wall
There was a brief moment in the season finale that was so quick that if you blinked you may have missed it. After Maddy started chasing Cassie onstage during Lexi’s play, she got her out into the hallway, where she slammed Cassie’s body into a brick wall. The moment was so vicious, but also sweet and luxurious...a true treat for the viewers. It wasn’t good for her. Cassie deserved every inch of that brick wall that she took to the face.
9.Cal Let's It All Hang Out
Well, I guess I'll just piss on the floor. It’s Euphoria — we see a lot of p*nises. We know that, and we accept it. (Sometimes we like it? No. Maybe…) This moment was, well, piss kink AF. KIDDING. This moment was odd and sad, but also a little bit funny. The worst part was watching Nate watch the full breakdown without even blinking. I think they could use a little family counseling. They can schedule an appointment at the country jail in Season 3.
10.Cassie Fights Back Tears
Cassie, girl, we need to talk. You are in high school; you should be crying about your AP exams. Actually if you think about it, Nate is probably more complicated than the SAT, the ACT, and AP exams combined. He needs to be studied. This mirror scene has a grip on gays like no other. This scene followed by her terrifying breath on the door window — that was giving Jurassic Park velociraptor. Sydney Sweeney deserves all the awards for her performance.
11.The Mystery Jacobs Child
Fans took to the internet after a family photo revealed that there might be a third Jacobs child. There were many theories that the child could have been Ashtray (may he rest in peace), but the mystery was not solved or even addressed this season. I need answers!!!
We need to talk about Faye. Sorry, she’s a queen. Faye ended up being the MVP in the season finale when she warned Fez about Custer and the cops. We loved falling in love with Faye. Custer on the other hand? Do not rest in peace, do not pass go, and do not collect $100. Who knows where she’ll end up next, but we wish her the best.
13."Holding Out for a Hero"
Every good film and TV show needs a petty musical number, and Euphoria certainly delivered. Lexi put on a multimillion-dollar production just to call Nate gay. That’s a bit iconic. This is the SECOND time that I’ve seen "Holding Out for a Hero" used as a show-stopping musical number (see Shrek 2 for reference). Nate may think it was homophobic, but I think I speak for all homosexuals when I say that we liked it.
14.I Have Never Ever Been Happier
Cassie spent a lot of time delivering iconic moments in the bathroom this season. She delivered some extremely quotable speeches, but this monologue took the gold medal. Ironic because she wasn't even auditioning for Oklahoma! Give the girl an Emmy. I'm so sorry, high school theatre teachers — you will be hearing this monologue for years and years. Well, at least until we get another season.
Bobbi stole the season. I need to know more about her. What is her favorite color? What’s her childhood trauma? I need her episode. Actually, I need the spinoff. (HBO Max, if you're reading this article, let's chat.) She delivered one of the sweetest moments of the season in the finale when she comforted Lexi during her play. We can only hope and pray for more Bobbi.
16.Jules and Elliot
I never would have guessed that Jules would be the type to cheat. Or can we even consider it cheating? Either way, Elliot is sexy, so she won. Jules might even win the ‘best behavior award’ this season. She also wins the ‘least amount of lines in the finale award’ — a title she does not deserve to hold.
17.Ethan's Leading Roles
Ethan plays a better Nate than Nate. Ethan plays a better Suze than Suze. Did that make sense? Ethan may have not had a happy ending with Kat, but he got his shining moment in the school play. It was giving Tony winner, or at least Tony nominated. The spinoff about his trials and tribulations at Juilliard is hopefully coming soon.
18.The Yassification of Lexi
Wig. Literally, wig! Lexi put on a tight dress and heels and took her yass pills, and we are so thankful. Her whole play was talented, brilliant, show-stopping, not afraid to reference or not reference etc. It was especially fun to her dress up in a new look. It was almost like she was cosplaying her sister. We don't necessarily need more of this Lexi, but it was exciting to know her while we could.
19.Rue Spills Cassie's Secret
Rue, when was this? After wreaking havoc on Euphoria town in one of the tensest episodes ever, Rue spills the beans that Cassie and Nate have been smooching. If you haven't heard the "dumb f*cking b*tch" sound on TikTok you might live in a hole. This scene sparked a whole trend where people glue miscellaneous objects to their nails and pretend it's a manicure. I can't explain it... If you get it, you get it. Anyways, Cassie had it coming!
20.Elliot's Song
Booooo, tomato! This song gagged us and not in the good way. In the, "Oh my god, we’re four minutes into a slow sad song, and I’m just worried about Fez and want to see Maddy hit Cassie again" way. After what felt like 30 verses and 200 choruses, he had the nerve to say, "I'm still working on it." Rumors say he’s still singing to this day.
21.And lastly: Maddy Plays Dress-Up
Maddy finds herself babysitting for a woman named Samantha. In her large and beautiful closet, Maddy does what queer people know all too well: plays dress-up. We were gagged when a secret camera was revealed in the closet, but it turns out that Samantha was just using it to find out which clothes Maddy wanted. Samantha ended up gifting Maddy the purple metallic dress that she liked. A beautiful coming-of-age moment for a beautiful girl.
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