21 People Who Had No Shame Letting The World Know That They're Garbage Humans
3 min read
1.This person who didn't have the decency to clean up their own piss at the gym:
reddit.com / Via reddit.com
2. This person who wants everyone to know how small their pee pee is (at all times):
3. This person who is the king of TMI:
4. This person who shoplifted:
5. This person who should probably get a move on getting that paint job cleaned off:
6. This person who took photos of someone without their consent and made fun of them for wearing a mask:
7. This person who's racist AND can't spell:
8. This person who loves to piss in the tanning bed:
9. This person who actually thinks someone will watch their kids for a couple dollars an hour:
10. This person who will hopefully adjust their aim from now on:
11. These people who don't know how to put things in trash cans:
12. This person who sells a device that should honestly be illegal:
13.This person who would cheat in a heartbeat:
14. This person who made the world's most disgusting sign:
15. This person who's sending extremely mixed messages to their child:
"Mommy Moment" from trashy
16. This person who's super angry when THEY were the one who parked over the line:
17. This person who has no shame about shitting directly into their downstairs neighbor's apartment:
18. This person who vandalized a historical building to promote their personal beliefs:
19. This person who is an antivaxxer because they blatantly want people to die:
A mothers love... from trashy
20. This person who disrespected Lady Gaga:
21. And finally, Captain Blue Balls:
H/T: r/trashy