26 Best Foods to Increase Blood Flow to the Penis Naturally, Supercharging Libido and Increasing Pleasure
The health of your penis is obviously key for sex positions. However, focusing on your sexual health overall is most important, as erectile dysfunction, low libido (sex drive), and infertility can negatively impact your mental health and relationship—not just with your partner but yourself. While there are supplements that increase sex drive, sex toys like prostate massagers that help circulation, penis pumps that can help you get it up, and cock rings that can prolong or enhance erections, varying your diet to include the best foods to increase blood flow to the penis naturally goes a long way.
We spoke with seven nutrition experts about the best foods to increase blood flow to the penis, enhancing sexual health and performance. There's nothing revolutionary; no magic food groups. What follows is a list of foods high in protein to aid muscle repair; vegetables loaded with nutrients that increase the production of sex hormones; healthy fats that support cardiovascular health essential for erectile function; antioxidants that enhance blood flow and reduce inflammation, ultimately improving sexual function and libido in men; and more.
Before we dive in, quick PSA: If you're wondering if you can make your penis bigger, it's not possible. However, if you're overweight or obese and lose weight, your penis size can appear bigger since you'll lose excess fat around your abdomen and pubic area.
Bottom line: Penis enlargement foods are a myth. And while there are foods that help with erectile dysfunction, there are no foods that help increase penis size.
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Best Foods to Increase Blood Flow to the Penis Naturally, According to Experts
In addition to tasting great and being versatile, these foods carry a boatload of vitamins and other naturally occurring compounds that, according to experts and science, are proven to enhance sexual health on a number of levels.
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A nutrient-dense vegetable, asparagus is high in fiber and an important source of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and potassium. "While asparagus might have your urine smelling funny, it might also leave you feeling frisky," says Dr. Joshua Gonzalez, MD, board-certified urologist, who's fellowship-trained in sexual medicine, and Astroglide's resident sex expert. "Asparagus also contains a unique compound called asparagine, which has been known to increase the production of sex hormones in the body," he adds.
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Now you have another reason to eat avocado toast for breakfast: "Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats, supporting cardiovascular health essential for erectile function," explains Rachel Naar, MS, CDN, RD, registered dietitian and nutrition consultant based in New York City. "They're also a good source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that enhances blood flow and reduces inflammation, ultimately improving sexual function and libido in men."
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Love a delicious steak or a hamburger? Choose a lean cut to get your protein and zinc. Zinc is an important element for male fertility, according to Amy Margulies, RD, CDCES, LDN, NBC-HWC, Philadelphia-based nutrition expert and owner of The Rebellious RD. "Lean beef contains about 4mg of zinc per 3-ounce serving, which is one of the highest sources of zinc protein, after oysters," she says.
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"Beets are a major contributor to nitric oxide levels, a potent vasodilator and relaxant, which helps not only to reduce stress but can also provide enhancements in the erectile functioning department, too," says Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, registered dietitian and author of The Better Period Food Solution. In addition to eating them, try making beet juice or blending beets with apples and other fruits for a sweeter drink. "Some studies even suggest that beetroot juice could improve performance at intermittent high-intensity exercise, making beets a great option to boost your stamina,” adds Dr Gonzalez.
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Broccoli keeps your immune system thriving, thanks to its vitamin C content, which is essential for a healthy functioning body. "Vitamin C aids in immune support—and, in order to make sure all cylinders are firing when it comes to sexual health, it’s key to have your immunity in check from the start," explains Lockwood Beckerman. How much broccoli should you eat to reap the benefits? "One cup of chopped broccoli provides 135 percent of your daily recommended value of vitamin C for the day," she says.
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Brussels sprouts are delicious when served roasted or sautéed. High in vitamin C, there may be indirect benefits between testosterone production and male fertility. "Vitamin C's antioxidant properties help counteract oxidative stress, which is linked to male infertility," explains Danielle Gaffen, IBD registered dietitian for EatWellChronscollitis. "Studies suggest that vitamin C supplementation can significantly improve semen quality—increasing sperm motility and count while reducing deformed sperm cells." Gaffen says more research is needed to fully understand the impact of vitamin C on testosterone, but its role in improving factors crucial for male reproductive health suggests potential benefits.
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"Chicken is a high-source of high-quality protein, vital for muscle repair and growth, including those involved in sexual function," says Naar. She adds that this bird also has zinc and selenium, which protect cells from oxidative stress and are fundamental for reproductive health.
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You may associate vitamin C with boosting the immune system yet this vitamin also helps the circulatory system. "Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for maintaining healthy blood flow," explains Naar. "Good blood circulation is super important for erectile function, as it ensures adequate blood supply to the genital area, facilitating arousal and sustaining erections." Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that helps combat oxidative stress, which can contribute to erectile dysfunction when there's an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals.
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Chocolate can affect mood, enhance libido, and act as an aphrodisiac, according to Gaffen. "Chocolate contains compounds that promote the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that can elevate mood and act as a natural aphrodisiac," she says. "Serotonin also plays a role in regulating blood flow to genital tissues, which is a factor in sexual arousal and pleasure."
Gonzalez suggests reaching for dark chocolate. "It's chock-full of phenethylamine, sometimes known as the love chemical, which triggers the release of endorphins and other neurotransmitters that promote happiness and improve attention, making it the ultimate food to get you in the mood," he says.
Dark chocolate also contains flavonoids—antioxidants that have been linked to fighting erectile dysfunction.
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Eating seafood is a great way to get important minerals, such as zinc and selenium. “Clams are an excellent source of selenium with 64 micrograms (ug) in a 3.5-ounce serving," says Margulies, roughly 64 percent of the daily value. "Selenium is a mineral that acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage." A study in Nutrients published in 2019 showed that taking selenium supplements may help with boosting sperm movement when taken with vitamin E.
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Zinc is an all-important mineral for male fertility. "Crab contains approximately 3mg of zinc per 3-ounce serving," she says. "Zinc is found in high levels in semen and plays various roles in sperm function including energy production, stabilization, and embryo development." According to the National Institute of Health, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of zinc is 8mg for women and 11mg for men daily.
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Figs have minerals that can aid with cardiovascular health and blood pressure. "Figs are particularly rich in potassium, which supports heart health and regulates blood pressure," says Naar. "Healthy blood pressure levels are essential for optimal erectile function." Naar also notes that figs can reduce oxidative stress. "Figs contain amino acids, like leucine, lysine, valine, and arginine that play a role in increasing libido and sexual desire."
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Eating mussels is another option to get plenty of important trace minerals. “Mussels are rich in zinc and selenium, both of which support sexual function," says Tamar Samuels, MS, RD, cofounder Culina Health. "Zinc helps regulate levels of testosterone and selenium, which may enhance fertility.”
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Oats are packed with soluble fiber and are incredibly versatile when topped with your favorite fruits and nuts. “Foods rich in complex carbohydrates and soluble fiber, like oats, can lead to reduced blood pressure, enhanced blood sugar regulation, and heightened feelings of fullness," says Margulies. "Oats are an excellent source of soluble fiber (3g per 3/4 cup) and minerals to help with hormone regulation, but don't directly help with testosterone levels or erectile dysfunction.” Anyone experiencing hormone fluctuations may experience side effects that can impact their sex drive. "Soluble fiber can help decrease hormonal fluctuations and therefore reduce any negative effects on sex drive," Margulies notes.
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Gonzalez says oysters have long been considered to be an aphrodisiac. There's a simple reason. "Oysters are high in zinc, which helps improve blood flow [and] keeping the circulatory system in good working order, [which] is crucial for erectile function." And zinc doesn't just help the circulatory system. "Zinc is also important for male fertility and libido as it helps regulate testosterone levels,” he adds.
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Packed with protein, fiber, and healthy monounsaturated fats, peanuts satisfy hunger and contain the amino acid L-arginine. “L-arginine, an amino acid that helps your body produce proteins, helps with generating male reproductive cells, or sperm, which are necessary for reproduction," says Margulies.
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Similar to peanuts, pine nuts are also loaded with minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. "Pine nuts are rich in zinc and selenium, crucial for testosterone production, sperm health, and fertility," says Naar. "Selenium acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells and supporting reproductive health." She adds that pine nuts also contain arginine, an amino acid enhancing blood flow, potentially improving erectile function.
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Pumpkin seeds are another food packed with selenium. “Selenium is crucial for men's fertility and may play a role in reducing erectile dysfunction due to its significant impact on sperm motility," says Gaffen. "One study has shown that men who took a daily supplement containing 200 micrograms of selenium and 400 units of vitamin E for at least 100 days experienced a 52 percent increase in sperm motility."
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Salmon is an excellent way to get omega-3 fatty acids that are important for a healthy heart, which is good for your sex life. "Omega-3s help prevent the buildup of plaque in your arteries, which promotes healthy blood flow throughout your body, including to your genitals," Gonzales says. "To help keep your heart and sex life healthy, consider at least two servings of fish per week,” Dr. Gonzeles adds.
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Spinach is packed with essential vitamins and minerals for an all-around healthy diet and sexual health. “Rich in folate, spinach helps boost blood flow, a crucial element for male sexual function," says Gaffen. "Low levels of blood folic acid are linked to erectile dysfunction."
The good news is you don't need to eat much to get a good portion of your recommended daily intake. Gaffen says a single cup of boiled spinach provides 66 percent of the daily value, making it one of the richest sources of folate.
Eat spinach for its magnesium content, too."[Magnesium] aids in improving blood flow and is believed to help increase testosterone levels," explains Gaffen.
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This bright orange tuber is high in potassium, boosting vascular and sexual health. "Dietary potassium can improve blood flow all around the body and the penis is a highly vascular organ," says Lockwood Beckerman. "Therefore, the potassium helps create stronger erections, which are primarily vascular events involving the need for healthy and robust blood flow."
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Red wine in moderation may help the circulatory system, making it easier to get it up. Though too much alcohol can have the opposite effect as found in a review in 2021 Urologia Internationalis.
"Red wine has the ability to enhance blood flow by delivering more antioxidants like resveratrol into the body, creating healthy and regenerative cells," says Lockwood Beckerman. "Research has found that red wine (especially from France) increases blood flow by delivering more nitric oxide into the cells." What does this mean for men in the bedroom? "Erections rely on nitric oxide to dilate blood vessels, allowing for increased blood flow and stimulus."
Other Foods That Have Sexual Health Benefits
This group of foods have properties linked to heightened sexual health, but need further research to connect all the dots.
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Slice them up or grab an apple as a snack to eat on the go. “Studies have shown that individuals with higher fruit intake, potentially due to their antioxidant (specifically, flavonoid) content, experience a reduction in erectile dysfunction," says Samuels. "Apples are especially high in a type of flavonoid called quercetin, which may help lower blood pressure and promote blood flow to the genitals."
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Bananas are loaded with potassium. “Research has shown a complex relationship between testosterone and potassium, and more research is needed to understand how potassium impacts testosterone production," explains Samuels. "Some animal studies have found that potassium can impact testosterone-induced relaxation of the blood vessels.”
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Shiitake mushrooms are full of important minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, and zinc and vitamin D. Gaffen points to studies that have shown a correlation between zinc and testosterone levels. "Vitamin D is linked to sexual function and cardiovascular health," says Gaffen. "Research has highlighted a significant association between vitamin D levels and erectile dysfunction, suggesting adequate vitamin D may alleviate ED symptoms, particularly in individuals with chronic health conditions like type-2 diabetes and heart disease.”
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Sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids and studies suggest they could be important for men's sexual health. "A 2017 animal study showed that omega-3 fatty acids can significantly improve erection quality in the context of atherosclerosis, a condition where narrowed blood vessels can impair erections," says Gaffen. "While we must be cautious in extrapolating animal study results to humans, other research also suggests that omega-3s could benefit men's erectile function."
How Lifestyle Factors Impact Sexual Health and Performance
"Sexual health can encompass erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, premature ejaculation, and insufficient production of testosterone or semen," says nutrition education expert Lorena Drago MS, RDN, CDN, CDCES.
Gaffen goes on to explain why a nutrient-rich diet, including a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and lean proteins, can support optimal health. "Such a diet not only helps keep the body's systems functioning properly but also contributes to improved circulation and hormonal balance, both of which are key factors in sexual health and performance," she says.
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A varied diet also ensures you get your sufficient daily intake of necessary vitamins and minerals that are essential to a well-functioning body that can perform in the bedroom. "Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants, encompassing vitamins C, E, zinc, folate, and selenium primarily found in colorful fruits and vegetables, may enhance male fertility and sexual function," says Narr. "Alongside dietary adjustments, minimizing exposure to toxins and effectively managing stress levels are pivotal for optimizing sexual health."
Conversely, stress, lack of sleep, and drinking too much alcohol can dampen your libido, negatively impact testosterone production, and influence erectile dysfunction. A 2021 study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine found erectile dysfunction can be a precursor to cardiovascular disease. After all, one of the key components of men's sexual health is having healthy blood circulation to get it and keep it up, along with arousal.
Meet the Experts
Dr. Joshua Gonzalez, MD, board-certified urologist, fellowship-trained in sexual medicine, and Astroglide's resident sex expert.
Rachel Naar, MS, CDN, RD, registered dietitian and nutrition consultant based in New York City
Amy Margulies, RD, CDCES, LDN, NBC-HWC, Philadelphia-based nutrition expert and owner of The Rebellious RD
Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, registered dietitian and author of The Better Period Food Solution
Danielle Gaffen, IBD registered dietitian for EatWellChronscollitis
Tamar Samuels, MS, RD, co-founder Culina Health
Lorena Drago MS, RDN, CDN, CDCES
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