27 Photos I Found This Month That...Uhhh...I Definitely Feel Like I Wasn't Supposed To See
1.This driver who, honestly, probably would've made me crash right into their car:
2.This 1900s dental model that really could've used some googly eyes or something to make it a little less...horrifying:
3.These mannequins in Japan that are doing way too much for my comfort:
4.The sweet little "welcome home" message this person found written on their house after returning from vacation:
5.These sinister potatoes that are a few days away from taking over the whole house, it seems:
Oh potatoes, there are few vegetables more horrifying than you.
6.The demonic red glow in the hallway outside this person's apartment every night that would have me SPRINTING to and from my door, just in case:
7.This children's book cover that definitely would've given me nightmares as a kid:
8.This stunning photo of the stars reflecting on a swamp at nigh— oh, just kidding, it's actually just a bunch of gators:
9.This sneaky cat who may or may not be watching you as you read this ??:
10.This vending machine inside a grocery store that?? sells??? ammunition???? Because 'MERICA, I guess!
This is arguably the most horrifying part of this list, TBH.
11.This ominous sign that, uh, certainly makes me have a couple of questions about who the hell is on the other end of this phone:
It definitely just like...rings in the middle of the night, right?? Or is it just located somewhere weirdly dangerous, like under a poorly hung chandelier that could fall at any moment?? I need more information!
12.Just everything about this, which has now given me a fear of escalators on top of my pre-existing fear of elevators:
Guess I'll be taking the stairs!
Sorry to interrupt. We want you to know about this hand-picked deal from our Shopping Team before it ends:
The Revlon hair dryer brush is currently 48% off. That's only $38.35 on Amazon.
We're letting you know because our other readers love it – and it helps us keep the lights on. ?????
13.This green gummy bear version on the human centipede:
14.This "666" doorway to nowhere that's gotta be some kind of portal to hell, right?
15.This university that has a feminine product INCINERATOR in its bathroom stalls:
If you, like me, were looking for some more information on what exactly this entails, here's what Reddit user Sophoife had to say about it: "We had one of these in the toilet block in my boarding school 40-some years ago and were expected to use it. There were no bins provided. No, surprisingly, it didn't smell. I think it was a gas flame, and every time the door was closed, there'd be a wumph as the flame ignited/got bigger to consume the item."
16.This horrifying mannequin that's part of this restaurant's Christmas display, because nothing screams "holly jolly" quite like a waiter that'll rip your face off:
17.This landlord who decided to conduct their own weird little social experiment and share its findings with their tenants:
18.This very talented person who tried to boil some eggs and accidentally created this goo-like spider web concoction:
19.This pizza box logo that looks like a normal hand heart at first glance, but it's actually made up of two strangely shaped and weirdly buff dogs:
20.This flooded tunnel that is definitely the secret lair of some kind of water-based super villain:
21.This, uh, half of a mannequin that looks more than a little embarrassed to have been tossed outside in its birthday suit:
22.This person's, uh, unique car security system:
23.This person who found the ghost of a leaf:
24.This piece of wood that I'm pretty sure is actually a fossilized giant's head:
25.This stairway that goes straight up for 13 full stories, so you better hope you don't trip!
26.Absolutely everything about this white spider that, according to OP, is infected by a parasitic fungus:
If you've got the stomach for it, you can read more about the parasitic fungus here.
27.And finally, this medical mannequin that is giving zombified Willem Dafoe:
I would personally like to ask what the heck is up with all these creepy mannequins this month. Where did they come from?? Was it Mannequin March? I have typed it so many times in this here post that I actually learned how to spell it correctly!
If you enjoyed this post, you're in luck! I collect and share these creepy photos every single month, and you can find all my previous roundups here.
H/T: r/confusing_perspective, r/oddlyterrifying, r/Weird, r/mildlyinteresting, and r/GlitchInTheMatrix.
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