29 Things That'll Remind Millennials Of What A Wonderfully Simple Time The Early 2000s Were
3 min read
1.Remember when you'd rush home from school just to jump on AIM to talk to your friends (from school) about everything that had happened that day...
2....when this was how you trolled people...
3....when there was no better way to spend an afternoon than flipping through the newest issue of Teen People...
4....when TRL was your must-see daily appointment TV...
Stephen Lovekin / FilmMagic / Getty Images
5....when you voted every week for your favorite American Idol contestants like your life depended on it...
Vince Bucci / Getty Images
6....when it felt like a little victory that your DVR didn't cut off taping the last few minutes of a show you liked...
Donnichols / Getty Images
7....when you had to worry about how many megapixels your digital camera had...
8....when 90% of the time you spent playing The Sims went to making design changes to the house and making your Sims look like your friends and crushes...
9....when this was the most gourmet snack you could have...
10....when the guy yelling "Coming soon..." at the beginning of a Disney video would give you a little startle (even though you knew it was coming)...
Disney/ Roth7000/ youtube.com
11.....when the biggest fights between you and your siblings were over who got to use the computer...
12....when you had a 70% chance of having Internet Explorer crashing on you while using it...
Internet Explorer
13....when Windows would shut down and restart on you for no reason — usually while you were in the middle of writing something on Word...
14....when you'd have to call yourself and enter your pin in order to listen to your voicemails...
Simplistically Digital/ youtube.com
15....when there was no more embarrassing feeling than leaving an awkward voice mail on your friend's home answering machine...
Donnichols / Getty Images/iStockphoto
16....when going to the mall was an EVENT and not a chore...
Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
17....when Sharper Image was a must-stop-at store whenever you visited the mall...
Ken Hively / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
18....and it was 90% just to sit in their massage chairs...
Ken Hively / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
19....when you either had a love or hate relationship with Abercrombie & Fitch...
Kathryn Scott Osler / Denver Post via Getty Images
20....when there was nothing more fun than going to Borders and sitting on the floor reading magazines...
Joe Raedle / Getty Images
21....when no stop to Tower Records or the Virgin Megastore would be complete without listening to an album in the kiosk (which is/was gross in retrospect)...
Spencer Platt / Getty Images
22....when the iTunes Free Download Single of the Week actually mattered...
iTunes/ guidebookgallery.org
23....when you would load up your LimeWire download queue, go to bed, and pray that it didn’t time out by the morning...
24....or when you were almost done downloading a song off LimeWire only to have the other user sign off...
25....when you'd always make sure you had extra blank CDs at home...
26....when there was no better feeling than making or getting a ?? mix CD from a friend...
Tarzhanova / Getty Images/iStockphoto
27....when there was always a little fear that someone would walk in while a Girls Gone Wild commercial was playing and think you were watching porn...
Millennium VHS/ youtube.com
28....when it was important to get to Blockbuster early on Fridays to make sure you could rent a copy of the newest release...
Getty Images