3 Smoothie Recipes to Kickstart Your Morning

If you’re human you’ve probably considered some type of cleanse/reboot/health-eating kick (dare I say diet?), or whatever you want to call it in the New Year. I love my deep green juices and happily add them into my “reset” days. But, many of the juice cleanses out there are packed with sugar, ultimately causing your blood sugar to spike way up and your pancreas to pump out insulin to bring it down (crazily enough, this is the same thing that happens when you eat a candy bar!) and it can be really bad news over time. Let’s be honest, juice cleanses can make you #hangry especially coming off of a holiday bender.
So let’s go the kind route this time around — your body already knows how to detox and it can do all that while you eat real food!
Smoothies still make you feel light and are often superior because you can pack them with fiber and nutrients while balancing them with healthy fats and superfoods. The key to a filling, nutritious smoothie is to find a good balance between veggies, fruits and some type of healthy fat or protein. Adding a bit of almond butter or coconut oil will help slow down the absorption of glucose from the fruit, keeping your blood sugar from spiking aka keeping you feeling full longer! I also always add a dash of cinnamon since it’s great for regulating blood sugar too.
Now for the smoothie party! Once you hit up your grocery store, these three smoothies take only a minute to whip up. I’ve been rotating between them each morning – the green ginger is a great energy booster, the blueberry is full of protein, and the sunny smoothie helps boost immunity.If you’re not a morning smoothie person, these recipes also serve as the perfect mid day snack or afternoon pick me up.
The past week, lunch and dinner for me have been any of my whole grain bowls and tons of warming soups. Remember to go easy on yourself this January and make food that you love to eat! xo
green ginger smoothie
¾ cup unsweetened coconut milk
¾ cup frozen pineapple
½ tablespoon hemp hearts
1 teaspoon matcha
1 handful organic spinach
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
everyday blueberry smoothie
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
½ frozen banana
¾ cup frozen organic blueberries
1 tablespoon almond butter
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
½ teaspoon cinnamon
sunny side up smoothie
¾ cup coconut milk
½ cup mango
1 Valencia orange, peeled + cut into pieces
1 teaspoon coconut oil or coconut butter
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
½ teaspoon freshly grated turmeric
Toppings: coconut flakes, hemp hearts, blueberries or anything you have on hand!
For each smoothie, blend all ingredients together until smooth. Adjust to taste, top with your favorite toppings and enjoy!
Lily Kunin is the voice behind the NYC-based food blog Clean Food Dirty City. Inspired by the chefs in her family as well as her friends who are looking for easy recipes, her mission is to create food that is simple, clean, and flavorful. Follow her blog on Instagram @cleanfooddirtycity.
Tropical Passion Fruit Smoothie