3 Unexpected Ways To Make Your Wardrobe Stand Out
Categories Style Tips
In fashion, it’s becoming harder and harder to be original. With social media, it’s easy to see something you like while scrolling on Instagram, go on Google to search for the designer, and hop on a site like Net-A-Porter or MatchesFashion to add it to your digital shopping cart. When you don’t know what to wear, there are millions of #StreetStyle photos to “like” and thousands of street style slides to click through. The access to everything is amazing, but it’s also to blame for why everyone can easily end up looking the same.
Erykah Achebe, however, has one of those unexpected style accounts with a feed full of outfits you’ve never seen before. While everyone is throwing themselves at search engines and apps for outfit inspiration, Erykah instead recalls memories from her home in Texas and Nigeria or her recent trips to Cuba and London. She spends hours at vintage shops, collecting an impressive collection of rare designer finds and quirky one-off items.
Instead of buying the same It items you’ve likely seen literally all over the previously mentioned slideshows, Erykah opts for designer pieces that have been overlooked. It’s how she ended up with platform Prada heels, a miniature pink shearling Fendi bag and a vintage Dries coat—because she had never seen anyone with them before. On the heels of Fashion Month, we’re deciding to take a slight break from runway trend reports in favor of Erykah’s three rules for inimitable style, which, ironically, are bound to get you noticed.
To read the full article, head to Coveteur.
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