30 Unusual Phobias You've Probably Never Heard Of
We're all scaredy-cats in one way or another: Whether it's spiders, heights, clowns, etc., we've all got something that raises the hairs on the backs of our necks. But how what's the difference between an ordinary fear and a phobia? "The terms are often used interchangeably, but in truth, phobias are a more extreme version that affects less than 10% of the population," says Simira Freeman, Psy.D, a clinical psychologist and owner of Chaise Solutions LLC. in New York City. What sets phobias apart? Encountering an object or circumstance someone has a phobia to triggers an intense, emotional, and anxiety-filled fear response that often interferes with daily life; it can escalate to a panic attack and obsessive avoidance. "It's all consuming," Freeman says. "This is a hallmark of phobias." Click through to learn about lesser-known phobias that give some people the willies.
It's hard to believe anyone could be terrified of critters as adorable as otters (have these people never encountered a snake before?), but that's exactly what lutraphobia is. It doesn't usually come out of nowhere, though: Most people who fear otters have either been attacked or bitten by one, or have seen it happen to someone else.
Who doesn't love a good manicure? People with chirophobia — a.k.a. the fear of hands — that's who. This rare phobia can present as a fear of one's own hands or someone else's, but it's generally brought on by a traumatic experience, such as a hand injury or the onset of arthritis.
It's unlikely you'll ever meet someone who has globophobia at a birthday party. Sometimes this fear is strictly about the balloons themselves, but other times it's the fear of the balloons being popped. Believe it or not, Oprah Winfrey has this phobia, and she really didn't enjoy one of her birthdays because of it.
Don't look down! People with genuphobia are afraid of knees — be it their own, someone else's or the act of kneeling. This fear usually stems from a traumatic knee injury.
Unfortunately for people who are afraid of long words, the name of this phobia really doesn't help. The fear is often brought upon by being laughed at while reading or pronouncing long words — usually in school-age children.
Ablutophobia is almost a rite of passage when you're a kid — who really wants to take a bath when you're 5? But if it continues into adulthood, that's gonna be a problem. Not wanting to bathe may stem from an accident involving water or experiencing abuse as a child that involved water or bathing.
While some kids love putting on puppet shows, others want absolutely nothing to do with them. And that goes into adulthood, too. Whether it's a hand puppet, ventriloquist's dummy or kids' show character, this phobia can be life-altering.
Whether it's the taste or the sight of cheese, some people just can't get down with it. Melissa North of Kent, England, has had a cheese phobia ever since being given some at a friend's place as a child. Now, in her twenties, even walking past cheese in the grocery store terrifies her: "I get so clammy and start to have a panic attack," she told the Daily Mail.
People with ephebiphobia don't want to be anywhere near teens (but who really does, to be honest?), and the media really hasn't helped. A 2002 article published in the Los Angeles Times covered the "full-blown media panic" around teens, a.k.a. "the new demons."
Terrified of being without your cell phone? There's a phobia for that. Those with nomophobia — also called cell phone addiction by the National Institute of Drug Abuse for Teens — have anxiety or panic attacks over losing their phones and obsess about checking them throughout the day.
To be clear, people who have arachibutyrophobia aren't afraid of the creamy deliciousness that is peanut butter. They're specifically afraid of it getting stuck to the roofs of their mouths.
Whether someone's fear of chickens stems from a traumatic incident or even a dream about a chicken attack, being afraid of this bird isn't a fun phobia to have. One Redditor wrote about his phobia in detail, saying he's scared of "their talons, and their beaks, and my eyes being ripped out of their sockets."
Okay, okay — everyone is a little afraid of their mother-in-law. But this phobia takes things to the next level. Usually it comes on after experiencing some sort of traumatic event.
People with omphalophobia don't want to see nor touch belly buttons, even on their own bodies. Some sufferers even think their insides could spill out of their navels.
String seems pretty harmless, but not to those with linonophobia. Craft stores? Completely out of the question. Unfortunately, in many cases this fear comes about from a traumatic experience with string in the past — like being tied up as part of a punishment or kidnapping — or from watching a TV show or movie of something similar.
Anyone who's terrified of going to dinner parties and having to talk to a bunch of people probably knows a thing or two about deipnophobia. Like most phobias, this one is also usually triggered by something traumatic in the past, such as a horrible blind date.
They're scruffy, wiry and ... scary? Anyone with a pogonophobia isn't too fond of beards. So it's safe to say No-Shave November probably isn't their favorite month.This fear usually stems from a frightening incident involving a bearded man, or the thought that men with beards are dishonest people.
Newspapers provide us with everything from the news to crosswords, but some people can't even be near one. Diane Freelove, a mother of three in England, has struggled with this fear for more than 25 years. "I don't like the feel of them," she told the Daily Mail. "If I touch a newspaper, it feels like my skin is crawling, and I can't stand the smell."
Don't worry — this one's much more serious than trying to decide what to watch on Netflix. Decidophobia makes it nearly impossible for sufferers to decide on anything — from what to eat to whether or not they should get married. Those with the phobia don't trust themselves enough to make decisions and might rely on someone else — or something external like astrology — for help.
Sometimes the fear of the mythical bogeyman continues into adulthood. But let's be honest — who doesn't still get the urge to check under their bed from time to time? Not surprisingly, this phobia is likely a result of watching one too many scary movies, or parents telling their children the bogeyman is going to come and get them.
Anyone who's seen a horror movie featuring a creepy porcelain or talking doll can probably relate to this phobia. Channing Tatum confessed his fear of dolls on The Ellen Show in a cringeworthy segment where he was tormented with one of the scariest dolls we've seen: "I'm terrified of porcelain dolls," he said. "I just think they're really super freaky."
30 Unusual Phobias You've Probably Never Heard Of
We're all scaredy-cats in one way or another: Whether it's spiders, heights, clowns, etc., we've all got something that raises the hairs on the backs of our necks. But how what's the difference between an ordinary fear and a phobia? "The terms are often used interchangeably, but in truth, phobias are a more extreme version that affects less than 10% of the population," says Simira Freeman, Psy.D, a clinical psychologist and owner of Chaise Solutions LLC. in New York City. What sets phobias apart? Encountering an object or circumstance someone has a phobia to triggers an intense, emotional, and anxiety-filled fear response that often interferes with daily life; it can escalate to a panic attack and obsessive avoidance. "It's all consuming," Freeman says. "This is a hallmark of phobias." Click through to learn about lesser-known phobias that give some people the willies.
Fear of otters included.
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