Easy Weight-Loss Tips That Take One Minute (or Less!)
Easy Weight-Loss Tips That Take One Minute (or Less!)
Try a Google search on the term “weight loss” and you’ll get 2.4 billion results. If you winnowed that down to actual strategies, you’d find a breadth of advice ranging from intermittent fasting programs and workout routines to traditional nutrition insights and macro formulations.
[Build a killer midsection in the kitchen for powerful, effortless miles on the road with Eat for Abs!]
That’s all fine when you’re looking for long-term action, but what can you do right this second to boost your efforts? Plenty, as it turns out. Small changes can add up to surprisingly big results, particularly if you’re changing some less-than-ideal habits along the way. Consider these quick-hit tactics:
[Related: How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month?]
Slow down your chewing
A recent Japanese study that looked at eating speed in patients with type 2 diabetes found that those who pumped the brakes as they ate showed reduced body mass indexes (BMI) and waist circumferences. These results will likely be the same even in those without a diabetic issue, the researchers believe.
Drink a glass of water
We know you know—hydration is super important when it comes to your body and brain. Turns out, it’s also key for weight loss, according to nutrition and health coach Joan Kent, Ph.D., of Last Resort Nutrition. Not only does that standard trick of “drink water before a meal” work to lower food consumption, but staying hydrated keeps your satiety signals properly regulated, she says.
Choose smaller packages
It’s tough to resist the draw of the jumbo-size savings you get from buying in bulk. We get it. But one U.K. study suggests that the bigger you go, the more you consume on a daily basis. The researchers explained that this effect was consistent no matter whether participants were men or women, had a larger BMI, were hungry or not, or were consciously attempting to control their eating.
Go for modest portions
Similar to buying small, scale back on portions as well, the U.K. study finds. When you’re served more, you tend to eat more. This is an effect that’s been noted in several other studies, and some research even suggests that choosing smaller portions may lead to picking healthier foods.
Select smaller tableware
In the U.K. study, even the size of the dishes, glasses, and cutlery made a difference. People tend to fill the space given to them, so despite the culinary preference of putting tiny bites on big white plates, it doesn’t usually work that way out here in the real world. Use a smaller plate, and you’ll likely keep portions more in control.
Focus on your food
Just as distracted driving negatively impacts your driving ability, distracted eating can cause you to ignore satiety signals, according to Kimberly Gomer, M.S., R.D., Direction of Nutrition at Pritikin Longevity Center & Spa. When you’re eating at your desk, in front of the TV, or even just scrolling through your social media feed, it’s harder to “hear” your body signal that it’s full, she says.
Clear your counter
According to one study, cluttered kitchens can lead to over-snacking, especially if you’re feeling stressed. Researchers suggested that people might respond to a chaotic physical environment by lowering their self-control. Even if snacks aren’t on the counter, the sense of disorganization could lead you to consume more—particularly junky snacks—than you planned.
Reset your bedtime
Bad sleep does a number on your metabolism, one study noted. In that research, participants who had some degree of sleep deprivation reported more difficulty with controlling food impulses, and researchers found they had higher levels of hunger-promoting hormones.
Take some deep breaths
Deep breathing is a stellar de-stress tactic that helps to lower your cortisol levels quickly, according to David Greuner, M.D., head physician at NYC Surgical Associates. That’s important, since the stress hormone can play a major role in fat storage, particularly around the midsection.
Smell peppermint oil
Yes, it sounds weird, but it might actually work. A study found that participants who regularly smelled peppermint reported lower hunger levels, significantly lower calorie intake, and fewer calories from saturated fat and sugar during the research period. Plus, says dietician Vanessa Rissetto, R.D., you may begin to create associations between the smell of peppermint and better self-control—as long as that minty aroma isn’t coming from peppermint candy, of course.
Pass up that nightcap
The holidays can feel like an extended open bar, but switching to water occasionally can be helpful for your weight-loss strategies—and not just because you’re missing out on a calorie-hit in the moment. That’s because alcohol affects your liver’s ability to process sugar, according to Joshua Scott, M.D., primary care sports medicine physician at Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles. It can also lower your ability to burn calories efficiently, he adds, not to mention tanking your inhibitions when it comes to food choices.
Swap out refined grains
Want to burn 100 more calories today? One study suggests you can do it by simply substituting whole grains for the refined kind. For example, choose wild rice instead of white rice. Researchers found that those who embraced the whole approach increased their metabolic rate and showed “greater fecal losses.” Let’s be honest, pooping more is a goal we all secretly crave.
Quit with the soda
An occasional soft drink—and that means very occasional, like only a couple per month—won’t be enough to sabotage your weight loss, says Rissetto. But a more regular habit? That can be a problem. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a natural soda made with real sugar or the kind with high fructose corn syrup, she adds.
Listen to your chewing
We’ve all known that person who CHEWS LIKE THIS, smacking and crunching through a meal like a toddler. Rude? Sure. But maybe onto something: The sound of that chewing may be doing them a favor (but don't tell them that). In a 2016 study, researchers noted that you’re likely to eat less if you're more conscious of the sound your food makes while you’re eating.
Smell your food
Another mindfulness trick is to pause for a moment before eating to smell your food, which releases digestive enzymes that improve digestion, Rissetto says. This is also another reason to skip that extra cocktail. A study published last year found that alcohol consumption changes how your brain perceives the aroma of food—specifically, it makes everything smell pretty tasty. As a result, people tend to eat more than they would sober.
Get spicy
The capsaicin in hot peppers may help your body burn more calories, research suggests. Studies have noted that metabolism can be increased by up to 5 percent, and fat burning by up to 16 percent. Plus: yummy!
Always have a healthy snack
You don’t need to have some kind of apocalypse-ready jump bag ready (although, why not?), but grabbing one or two dependable snacks and throwing them in your work bag or gym tote is a good idea, says Rissetto. That’s because people tend to graze on unhealthy stuff more when they feel like they don’t have other options. Be prepared, weight-loss scout, and you’ll avoid the hangry times.
Embrace healthy fats
Like fiber, fat can take a while to digest, which is why it helps increase satiety—as long as it’s the healthy kind of fat, like that found in olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocados, and fatty fish, according to the Mayo Clinic. Remember, though, that fat tends to be high in calories, so more is not always better.
Change your self-talk
We know, easier said than done. Or thought. But using positive self-talk actually does help with sticking to your goals, according to the Mayo Clinic. It takes just a couple seconds to do a little cheerleading for yourself, and it could have a long-term impact on your weight loss.
Start a food log
There are plenty of apps that come in handy for food tracking, or you could simply jot down what you ate today and the estimated amounts. According to dietician Joy Dubost, Ph.D., R.D., this not only helps to track your calories—which she says most people underestimate—but also lets you spot nutritional gaps in your diet.
Put healthier options up front
Ideally, it’s best to clean out your fridge and cupboards so there aren’t any junk options, but maybe that would start a civil war in your house. If you live with someone—or several someones—who don’t share your enthusiasm for healthy choices, that’s okay, just be sure to put your food where you see it first, suggests Dubost. That might be eye-level shelves, or one dedicated cupboard for you, as well as the top shelf of the fridge.
Use your non-dominant hand
Mindful eating and slow chewing can be complemented by hacking your speed through using your non-dominant hand to hold a fork, a sandwich, or a snack. Since your brain isn’t used to it, the adjustment time can slow down your eating, which gives your satiety signals more time to chime in.
Add some cinnamon
We all long for the day when Cinnabon becomes a health food. Until then, we can at least get a bit of the flavor for weight-loss goals. A review of several clinical trials found that eating cinnamon is associated with lower fasting blood sugar and better insulin response.
Think about tomorrow’s food
Meal prep is its own kind of Instagram-ready celebrity, but if you don’t have an entire weekend afternoon to prepare a week’s worth of meals in advance, we get it. Sometimes, it’s just as useful to take a single minute to think about what you’re going to eat tomorrow, says Dubost. That gets you into a non-snacking, pro-planning mindset.
Pack lunch after dinner
If you’ve already thought about tomorrow’s meals, throw at least one of them together in the evening, when you’re already full—as opposed to the morning, when you might be hungrier, suggests Rissetto. That tends to keep portion sizes more reasonable.
Write a grocery list
Even if there are only a couple items on there, a list is helpful for avoiding impulse buying, according to Dubost. You may even want to write the list according to your knowledge of how the grocery store is organized, to limit how much you need to wander.
Withdraw some cash
Paying with cash instead of credit or debit cards can lead to healthier food choices, according to one study. In the research, consumers who relied mainly on cards tended to buy more foods like cakes and cookies, and also reported more impulse purchases.
Portion out larger items
Although buying smaller boxes, cans, and other packages is useful, it’s tough to pass up a good deal all the time. If that’s the case, Dubost recommends portioning the food item into correct serving sizes. This is also handy when you need grab-and-go snack options.
Snack before grocery shopping
It’s become standard advice, and for good reason: Don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry, because you’re much more likely to deviate from your carefully written list, according to Dubost. Even a small snack like an apple or some almonds can be helpful for avoiding impulse purchases, she says.
Keep embracing the one-minute changes
Although tactics like drinking one more glass of water, choosing smaller plates, and smelling peppermint oil may feel like they won’t create much change—and might even feel slightly silly—it’s small changes like these that create solid habits that lead to consistency, says Greuner. He notes that these “wins” cause a neurotransmitter release that give you happy buzz of achievement.
Small changes can add up to surprisingly big results.