31 Ways to Relieve Constipation Naturally, According to Experts

Here's what to skip and what to try.

Chances are, you’re no stranger to constipation. After all, just about everyone has experienced intermittent bouts of not being able to go, complete with bloat and discomfort, at some point in their life. And up to 20% of adults have dealt with chronic constipation, with an average span of suffering an eye-popping 7.6 years, according to a 2020 report from The American Journal of Gastroenterology. But guess what? There are solutions. Quite a few, in fact! And some of the best ones are totally natural, which is a good thing since overusing laxatives can cause scary side effects, like cramping, unusual tiredness, rectal bleeding and an electrolyte imbalance, which can lead to abnormal heart rhythms. These are the natural and home remedies for constipation that will help you poop fast.

What’s the Single Best Thing to Eat for Constipation Relief?

“I often recommend trying foods first to relieve constipation,” says Dr. Christine Lee, MD, a gastroenterologist at Cleveland Clinic in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. The reason: Most of the time, constipation occurs because you’re simply not eating enough of the right foods or drinking the right mix of beverages. Namely, you’re likely skimping on water and fiber-rich food, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Related: 20 Delicious High-Fiber Snacks That Will Benefit Your Health

Best Food-Based Constipation Remedies

“Eating healthy, whole foods in their most natural form is best,” says Dr. Lee. You know: more fruits, veggies and whole grains and far less processed foods. Most of the foods you want to eat for constipation relief are fiber-filled. “Fiber is a plant-based carbohydrate that humans can’t break down digestively, so it remains intact throughout the length of the GI tract and adds substance to stools,” explains Tamara Duker Freuman, RD., author of The Bloated Belly Whisperer. While different plant-based foods have different types of fiber, try not to get hung up on that. “Diverse diets rich in a variety of plant foods will be naturally balanced between these beneficial families of fiber,” says Freuman.

Try high fiber foods to relieve constipation

Basically, there are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber (oats, barley, bananas, the non-peel part of apples) helps stool retain moisture so that it doesn’t get hard and dried out. Insoluble fiber (whole grains, nuts, berries, apple peels) add bulk to stool and keeps things moving along. Depending on your age and sex, adults should get between 25 to 31 grams of fiber each day.

“But be sure to add it in slowly, so your body can adjust to the change,” says Freuman. Too much fiber, too quickly—especially without adequate water intake—can cause cramping, bloating, and, strangely enough, more constipation, notes the Cleveland Clinic. Some of Dr. Lee’s favorite high-fiber foods for constipation relief are, no surprise, fruits, vegetables and whole grains, including apples, strawberries, raspberries, leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus and oatmeal.

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Does flaxseed help constipation?

“I recommend 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed a day for those who are constipated and who need to add more fiber to their diets,” says Freuman. Not only is flaxseed packed with fiber (one tablespoon of ground flaxseed contains 2 grams of dietary fiber), but it’s one of the best natural remedies for constipation because it’s so easy to add to foods you’re already eating. Try sprinkling a teaspoon or so into your morning smoothie or oatmeal. Or take the Mayo Clinic’s suggestion and add a teaspoon into your mayo or mustard when making a sandwich or scoop tablespoon into an 8-ounce container of yogurt.

Related: What Causes Constipation? 8 Reasons Why You Can't Poop, According to Doctors

Which herbal home remedies offer constipation relief?

The FDA-approved herb senna is a natural laxative made from the leaves and fruit of the senna plant. It’s considered a safe and effective constipation treatment for both adults and kiddos. You can find senna over-the-counter in supplements like Senokot and in teas. Either way, the herb works by stimulating the walls of the large intestine, causing contracting that helps move stool out. And according to a 2017 report, senna is often more effective than the oft-recommended Miralax, a polyethylene glycol that only softens stool. Also, a small study found that nursing home residents who drank the senna-based tea, Smooth Move, daily for about a month had about four times as many bowel movements than folks sipping a placebo.

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Is yogurt good for constipation?

The short answer is: Maybe. A 2016 study out of Iran found that consuming about 10.5 ounces of yogurt (probiotic or otherwise) a day for four weeks helped improve constipation during pregnancy. And UK researchers have noted that they have “cautious optimism” that certain probiotics in yogurt may help in the management of everyday constipation. But right now, Freuman does not consider yogurt a super star in the “best home remedies for constipation” department. “It’s not a focal point of my constipation toolkit,” she says.

Related: 50 Probiotic Foods to Give Your Gut a Rest

Try these fruits for a natural fix

Fruits, overall, are fantastic natural remedies for constipation. They’re packed with water and fiber, both proven bowel-movers. And some (namely apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries and dried fruit) also contains sorbitol, which is a natural laxative.

While upping your general fruit intake will serve your bowels well, when constipation relief is the goal, know this: Most of the fiber in fruit is found in the skins. And fruits with seeds you can eat, like strawberries, have the most fiber, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

With that, Dr. Lee recommends adding some constipation-relieving fruits to your grocery list: Apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, raspberries, mangos, persimmon and guava. Another emerging constipation superhero to include: kiwi. A 2019 report concluded that kiwi could be considered a dietary alternative to laxatives for folks with mild constipation. (Those in the study ate just two kiwifruits a day for four weeks.) Plus, Freuman notes that kiwi has far fewer side effects, like gas or abdominal pain, than fiber supplements made from psyllium.

  • What about those bananas? Bananas can be a real head-scratcher when it comes to constipation relief. “Many of my patients who are constipated avoid bananas because they think they’re constipating, but they’re not,” says Freuman. “The confusion comes from the fact that bananas help to create form and viscosity to diarrheal stools. But bananas don’t slow down bowel movements.” In the end, bananas contain about 3.1 grams of fiber and appear high on Dr. Lee’s “good foods for constipation” list.

  • Are grapes and raisins a good option? “There's nothing magic about grapes per se as compared to other fruits, but like many fruits that help bring constipation relief, grapes are primarily water and they’re fiber-rich, so they can be helpful with chronic constipation,” says Freuman. Dried grapes, better known as raisins, are a good bet, too. “They're a more concentrated source, so a useful constipation aid as well,” Freuman. But keep in mind that raisins are 60% sugar, which is a lot, so keep your intake to about half a cup at a time, notes a report in the journal Nutrients.

Speaking of dried fruit, how about dates?

Dates (aka date palm fruits) are excellent sources of dietary fiber, containing about 6 grams per half cup. Plus, “some dried fruit, like dates, prunes and apricots, also contain sorbitol, a natural laxative,” says Freuman. All of that makes dates fab for constipation relief. One small UK study found that folks who ate just seven dates a day for 21 days experienced a significant increase in bowel movements compared to when they were not dining on dates.

Unsure how to incorporate dates into your diet? Try chopping them up for a sweet salad add-on or blending them into your plant-based smoothies.

Related: Here’s What You Need to Know About Gut Health and Diet

How honey helps with constipation

Ok, so there was this 2019 study that showed that drinking a small glass of warm water with about two teaspoons of honey in the AM (on an empty belly) was effective in reducing constipation among folks who had undergone surgery. Was it the water? Was it honey? Who can say. (This was not a placebo-controlled study, which is the gold standard in research.) “In theory, higher fructose foods like honey could have an osmotic effect [meaning it attracts water to your colon] and act as a laxative,” says Freuman. “But the amount of honey you’d probably have to consume to achieve that benefit is not particularly health-promoting, or realistic.”

Maybe opt for oatmeal instead

For people who struggle to eat enough fiber for regularity, oatmeal can be a super helpful part of any morning routine. “It’s an excellent source of stool-softening soluble fiber, and it can be a convenient and palatable vehicle for other fiber-containing add-ins like ground flaxseeds, chia seeds, berries, or other fruit,” says Freuman.

Magnesium As a Natural Constipation Remedy

The mineral magnesium is a key component to the function of 300+ enzyme systems in the body that regulate things like muscle and nerve function, blood glucose and blood pressure. When it comes to magnesium as a natural remedy for constipation, the mineral “has an osmotic effect, drawing water into the intestines,” notes Dr. Lee. This increase in water stimulates bowel motility, which means it contracts the muscles that push waste through the GI tract. “It also softens and increases the size of the stool, triggering a bowel movement and helping to make stools easier to pass,” says Dr. Lee. “Almonds, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds and spinach are all abundant in magnesium.”

If you struggle to consume enough through diet alone, OTC magnesium hydroxide and magnesium citrate are also good for treating chronic constipation, according to the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.

Consider Soaking In an Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt is another way to say magnesium sulfate. (See magnesium’s laxative benefits above.) But instead of consuming it, you can soak in an Epsom salt bath to reap the benefits—kind of. The truth is, science isn’t quite sure if an Epsom salt bath allows for the level of magnesium absorption that equals that of oral magnesium. Right now, that claim is “unsupported,” according to a 2017 report in the journal Nutrients. Does that mean a nice soak does a body no good? No. It means that “Epsom Salt baths can help relax you, which can then relax the intestinal muscles to help pass or move the stool down the colon,” says Dr. Lee. Try dissolving about 1.2 cups of Epsom salt (be sure it’s 100% magnesium sulfate) into a hot bath and soaking for 15 minutes, advises the Cleveland Clinic.

Related: Self-Care Sunday: Try Magnesium Detox Bath (Plus Recipe)

How Do Suppositories Help?

In short, a suppository is a rectal laxative. Glycerin suppositories work by lubricating the outside opening of the intestine (that would be the anus), making hard stools easier to pass. (And they work fast: usually within 15 to 60 minutes.) But glycerin suppositories aren’t really the first choice for natural constipation relief. (They can cause diarrhea, dehydration, cramps and even dependency.) Instead, this is the preferred option when rapid evacuation is a must, such as for folks who are dealing with fecal impaction.

Probiotics Just Might Help

A 2019 report in the journal Frontiers in Medicine concluded that, yes, probiotics were effective in most randomized controlled trials that researchers examined. Unfortunately, though, the studies were so small and the types of probiotics were inconsistent. Translation: There’s hope, for sure, but no clear answers yet. With that, the Mayo Clinic notes: “Using a probiotic such as bifidobacterium or lactobacillus may be helpful, but more studies are needed.”

Related: How to Restore Your Gut Health

Yes, Exercise Actually Relieves Constipation

Here’s a hard truth out of Harvard University: People who regularly exercise generally don’t get constipated. That’s because “exercise releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that promote circulation and motility. Plus, exercise improves circulation and muscle strength, which is also key to having healthy bowel movements,” says Dr. Lee. While exercise and working out is a great natural remedy for constipation for all, it may be most effective in older folks, who tend to be more sedentary than younger people. Finally, a 2019 report in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology called exercise a “feasible and effective treatment option for patients with constipation.”

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Practice Yoga As a Natural Home Remedy

Yoga is a great tool to add to your “natural remedies for constipation” arsenal. Part of the reason? Various yoga poses engage pelvic floor muscles, which can positively influence some much-needed bowel action. It’s so impactful, in fact, that yoga has been found to be an effective way to decrease the intake of laxative meds in the elderly with chronic constipation. The Yoga Institute notes that the Cobra Pose is a great yoga pose to try if you are looking for constipation relief. Here, lay on your tummy with pubic bone on the floor and place palms flat on the floor directly under your shoulders. Bend elbows straight back so they touch your sides. Look forward and lift your chest off the floor and roll your shoulders back, while your lower ribs remain on the floor. Keep elbows against your sides.

Stimulate Bowel Movements Through Massage

“Massage, or even just the human touch, can promote circulation and stimulate muscle contraction, thereby helping with constipation to a mild degree,” says Dr. Lee. To try, start low and on the right side of your belly by your pelvic bone. Lightly rub in a circular motion up to the right side until you reach your rib. Next, go to the left side and massage your way down to the hip bone and back up to your belly button. Do this clockwise rub for one minute on each side and keep repeating for 10 minutes.

Baking Soda Doesn’t Directly Relieve Constipation

Baking soda (aka sodium bicarbonate) is incredibly useful. It can help remove plaque from your teeth; it can keep your BO in check; it can be mixed into a paste to quell itch; it helps with heartburn. But can it be called a natural constipation remedy? No. Instead, it can be sprinkled in your warm bath, much like Epsom Salt, and offer up some relaxation. “Which can then relax your intestinal muscles and help with bowel movements,” says Dr. Lee.

Pull Out the Heating Pad for Faster Relief

It turns out, using a heating pad for constipation might actually help you go. For a 2016 study out of Japan, constipated women wore hot compresses on their lower backs for five hours daily for two weeks, which resulted in an uptick in bowel movements and quality of life when compared to those who didn't use heat. (It’s thought heat relaxes abdominal muscles allowing them to better function.)

Best Drinks for Constipation

The best beverage for constipation relief is, far and away, water. In fact, dehydration even causes constipation. The Cleveland Clinic recommends drinking two to four extra glasses a day when you’re experiencing constipation. So that means gulping down up to four glasses more than the rough “eight glasses a day” rule, which is a good goal for constipation prevention. Drinking plenty of water (and other liquids, like naturally sweetened fruit and vegetable juices) helps fiber do its job, softening stools and making them easier to pass.

Juices offer some natural constipation relief

100% fruit juices that contain sorbitol are generally considered helpful for constipation, especially in young children, whose intestinal function has not fully matured. On the shortlist of a-ok juices: Apple, prune and pear, according to a report in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition. But it’s not a good idea to double-down on 100% juice as constipation prevention. Instead, juice should be limited to, at the most, 4 ounces a day for kiddos from one to three; up to 6 ounces daily for children four to six; and 8 ounces for those seven and up, according to a report in the journal Pediatrics.

Try these juices for relief.

  • Prune juice: “Prune juice can be helpful for some with constipation due to the natural sorbitol content,” says Freuman. “Sorbitol has a mild osmotic effect, which means it’s a poorly digested sugar that draws water into the bowel.” Health experts at The University of Michigan recommend combining ? cup prune juice, with 1 cup of applesauce and 1 cup oat bran for the ultimate natural constipation relief. Just add 1 to 2 tablespoons of the mix to a 6 to 8 ounce cup of water each evening and after two weeks—voila!—softer, more regular bowel movements. (Just a head’s up: Some folks find prune juice to be gassy.)

  • Pear juice: This is another constipation-fighting beverage containing sorbitol and it’s among the juices safe enough to be recommended to help babies who are constipated. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you can give 1 ounce of 100% juice a day for every month of life up to about four months. So that means a three-month-old baby would get 3 ounces.

  • Apple juice: Watch the quantities given to children and follow the guidelines above, otherwise this is another viable option for natural constipation relief.

Wait, what about cranberry juice?

You may have heard the mixed reviews on cranberry juice and urinary tract infections, but what about its usefulness in combating constipation? Turns out, it’s not recommended. “There is no evidence I'm aware of to support a benefit cranberry juice for constipation,” says Freuman. But if you enjoy a daily glass of cranberry each morning, good for you. A 2019 study in the journal Nutrients found that 100% fruit juice intake in adults usually goes hand-in-hand with better diet quality, including fiber-filled constipation-fighting whole fruits.

The best smoothies for constipation relief

“Smoothies can be helpful for constipation as a vehicle for consuming a variety of potentially helpful ingredients, like kiwi, ground flaxseeds and just fiber-containing fruits or veggies in general, like berries and greens,” says Freuman. “Especially since many people find it easier to drink adequate portions of these foods than to eat them.”

The University of Michigan recommends this constipation-combating mix: 1/3 cup aloe vera juice; 1 peeled kiwi; ? cup papaya; ? cup plain or vanilla kefir; and ? cup ice. Add up to 2 teaspoons of pure maple syrup for some added sweetness.

Related: 20 Breakfast Smoothies (and Bowls!) to Jump Start Your Day

Relationship between coffee and constipation

“Coffee is an essential part of a morning routine for my constipated patients,” says Freuman. “That’s because coffee contains a compound called chlorogenic acid which has colon-stimulating properties, and often it only takes a few sips to exert its effects.” Also in play: The gastrocolic reflex. This is when eating or drinking stretches your stomach, causing the colon to increase its motility. (Essentially, this is your body trying to push out old food to make room for the new stuff.) This reflex is especially active in the A.M. (PS: While caffeine does contribute to coffee’s laxative effect, since it's not the whole story, that means decaf works, too.)

Teas ideal for constipation relief

While there’s not hard and fast evidence to show that drinking regular tea impacts constipation, know this: Tea is, essentially, flavored water. And all of that hydration helps to lubricate your intestines and your stools. Plus, remember that small study, mentioned above, that found seniors who drank the senna-based Smooth Move tea daily for about a month had more bowel movements than those who drank a placebo?

Best to skip the karo syrup

Karo is corn syrup and while it was once a recommended constipation treatment for babies, that’s no longer the case. While it’s true that dark corn syrup can draw fluid into the intestine and softens stool, the corn syrup that’s available today is far less likely to contain the right chemical structure to make that happen, notes the Mayo Clinic.

Apple cider vinegar is also a pass

Apple cider vinegar is a home remedy favorire for tons of ailments, but it’s not yet proven to help aid digestion or speed constipation relief. But if you want to give it a try, the Cleveland Clinic recommends drinking a warm mug of water containing a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar either before or after a meal. While, yes, there’s not a lot of research to show this will help, there’s also very little risk of trying it out for yourself.

Is Oil a Natural Remedy for Constipation?

Various oils are considered decent home remedies for constipation relief. They can act as a natural laxative and/or their fat content can slick the inside of the bowels, allowing for easier movement. Here are a few to consider:

  • Castor oil: Castor oil is an old-school stimulant laxative, which can help you out if you’re constipated. These days, however, it’s not exactly top-of-mind for constipation relief, and that’s for the best. There are far better laxatives available today that produce fewer side effects, such as cramping, vomiting, bloating and dizziness.

  • Mineral oil: “Mineral oil can be helpful as a short-term constipation remedy, particularly for people with severe constipation or those who have anal fissures that make passing hard stools extremely painful,” says Freuman. Because mineral oil isn’t absorbable into the body like other culinary oils, it remains in the bowel ready to lubricate hard stools, making them easier to pass. “It’s best not to use this daily as a long-term solution, since it can interfere with absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K,” says Freuman. “But using it for a week or two here and there to help you get through a rough patch should be fine for the average person.” Try 1 tablespoon at breakfast or lunch.

  • Olive oil: “For people who follow a very low-fat diet, adding some culinary oils, like olive oil, to the mix can be helpful to promote defecation,” says Freuman. Dietary fat helps stimulate a digestive hormonal response that produces motility in the colon. “However, for constipated people who already consume a reasonable amount of fats or oils, adding more isn't likely to have an incremental benefit,” she says. (A Journal of Renal Nutrition study found that daily short-term use of olive oil or flaxseed oil was as effective as mineral oil in the treatment of constipation.)

  • Coconut oil: Coconut oil is a culinary oil just like olive oil, so all the same info applies here. Just remember: If you’re already eating a reasonable amount of fats, adding coconut oil to your routine won’t do much.

Still need more help? Here’s how to make yourself poop fast.
