Fun facts about Abyssinian cats
The regal-looking Abyssinian cat – Aby for short – may look like an Egyptian aristocrat and be named after a fallen empire, but their origins are fairly mysterious. While we can’t say for sure exactly how this striking breed with distinctive ticked coat came into being, it is one of the oldest official breeds and quickly established its place as one of the most popular pedigree cats in the world.
They’re energetic, playful, affectionate, act like dogs, and even enjoy canine company – this is no ordinary cat. If you are lucky enough to have one of these cats, you definitely need to have some toys to keep them happy.
Let’s find out some fun facts about the Abyssinian cat.
Abyssinians do well as family cats because they tend to enjoy human company, including children. They are busy, high-energy breeds that will want to play with you and who relish an environment to match.
The breed very nearly became extinct during World War II, when London was bombed and many Abys either died or were abandoned. It was reported that there were only a dozen left in Britain, and some lines had indeed died out completely. However, with the British remnant and a few that were imported into the US, the breed was rekindled.
Although the Abyssinian is a wonderful domestic cat, who really thrives indoors rather than out, they certainly have a touch of the wild side. Today’s Abyssinian, with its large cupped ears and lithe, athletic physique, bears more than a passing resemblance to the African Wild Cat (Felis Libyca), and if you watch it climb and jump, you can imagine it thriving in the jungle!
Abyssinians are known to have large ears, which are typically alert, as though they are listening attentively, though the jury is out on this one. An endearing feature is the different colored tips – usually black on a ruddy, chocolate brown on cinnamon, slate blue on a blue, and light cocoa on a fawn.
An Abyssinian stands well off the ground, on small, compact paws, which gives the impression that they are standing on tiptoe – ready to launch into whatever energetic enterprise takes their fancy.
As cats go, this lively and expressive breed is widely reported to make a good companion for dogs in the home. Many believe they even prefer dogs to other cats as playmates.
They would rather not be alone, instead enjoy joining in whatever family activities are on offer, so if a dog is to be their playmate, so be it. Bold and adventurous, curious and confident, the Abyssinian is likely to be a good match for any pup.
Abyssinians do love to follow you around, keeping tabs on all the goings-on in the household, earning them the nickname the Velcro Cat. They are as affectionate as cats come, and will even follow you into the bathroom if you don’t lay down some privacy laws.
If a dog was a cat, it would be an Abyssinian. They form a dog-like attachment to their owners. Like their canine counterparts, Abyssinians can not only be taught to play tricks, but they’ll carry around their favorite toys, try their paw at fetch, and even agility courses.
Knowing how to leash train is well worth it with this breed as they'll happily go for a stroll with you. Is this breed really a cat or a dog?
Abyssinians are super-energetic, agile, and very playful, giving them a reputation as feline clowns. They love to impress you with their acrobatic antics, jumping up to the highest shelves, and perching on your shoulder – earning them the nickname the Aby-silly-ans. They certainly deserve their place among the most playful breeds.
Big personalities tend to attract endearing nicknames and the Abyssinian has collected its fair share: Velcro Cat, Aby-silly-an, Abys, Grabby-Abys, Clowns of the Cat Kingdom. Never mind their official nicknames, just think how much fun you’d have naming these little characters.
Abyssinians are not typically noisy cats, although they are quite chatty and communicative. Rather than yowling or a loud meow, they have a distinctive chirrup. And of course, they purr with contentment.
The Somali cat is genetically and physically very similar to the Abyssinian, only it is long-haired. It is also available in the same colors and has similar characteristics, but thanks to a recessive gene in the Abyssinian causing the long hair they are recognized as separate breeds and have been since 1979.
Although the Abyssinian cat is considered to have ancient origins, the modern Aby nonetheless owes its ancestry to several different breeds, including the Siamese, burmese, and Russian blue, and probably a few more, though history does not relate.
Above all, it is a man-made breed, with British domestic cats being crossed with imported cats whose precise ancestry remains a mystery.
The Abyssinian is one of the most popular feline breeds, featuring in the top 10, according to the Cat Fanciers’ Association.
Back in 1893, before the formal registration of cats had even begun, cat judge John Jennings predicted that “the Abyssinian promises to increase in popularity”. How right he was.
The darker ticking color often goes along the spine and should end with a solid tail tip of that color. The tail should be long enough to reach the cat’s shoulders.
The earliest identifiable example of an Abyssinian cat is stuffed. It is exhibited in the Leiden Zoological Museum in the Netherlands, having been bought in around 1835. It is labeled as “Patrie, domestica India”, giving weight to the theory that this breed originated in Asia rather than Abyssinia.
While many cats are independent, the Abyssinian is not a breed to leave alone for hours on end. Owners report their Abys getting depressed without constant company and attention.
They are natural extroverts, playful and fun, and like many energetic characters, they easily get bored or lonely if left to amuse themselves. Having some of the best automated cat toys can help prevent boredom.
A surprising thing about the Abyssinian is that while they are one of the most affectionate breeds, who won’t let you out of their sight, are unstintingly loyal, and love to perch on your shoulder, they are not lap cats!
They might crave your attention, get under your feet, and want to curl up beside you – but not on you. And they don’t want to be carried around, thank you, they’re far too agile and athletic for that.
Technically, the Abyssinian is a medium-sized cat and indeed fairly long, tall, and muscular, but due to their elegant and slender build and long, thin legs – they typically seem smaller than their actual size.
Walt Disney made a science fiction comedy film in 1978 called The Cat from Outer Space, about an Abyssinian space cat that gets stranded on Earth when his spacecraft is damaged, and gets involved in a host of adventures.
Due to their sense of adventure, Abyssinians can be prone to the odd accident which shortens their average lifespan. However, they are generally a healthy cat and barring misadventure, will easily live for 13–15 years, and it’s not uncommon to hear of Abys living into their twenties.
Blue is one of the official colors for the Abyssinian but if you think this sounds rather Munchkin-like, you’d be right. “Blue” in this case is actually a warm beige coat, with slate blue highlights (rather than brown as would go with the fawn).
All cat owners should look after their pet’s teeth, but the Abyssinian is particularly prone to gum disease gingivitis. Knowing how to brush your cat's teeth is quite important with this breed. Brush their teeth at least once a week, preferably daily, and they’ll have gleaming healthy gnashers.
Here are some fun facts about Abyssinian cats, one of the most elegant felines.
The regal-looking Abyssinian cat – Aby for short – may look like an Egyptian aristocrat and be named after a fallen empire, but their origins are fairly mysterious. While we can’t say for sure exactly how this striking breed with distinctive ticked coat came into being, it is one of the oldest official breeds and quickly established its place as one of the most popular pedigree cats in the world.
They’re energetic, playful, affectionate, act like dogs, and even enjoy canine company – this is no ordinary cat. If you are lucky enough to have one of these cats, you definitely need to have some toys to keep them happy.
Let’s find out some fun facts about the Abyssinian cat.
Here are some fun facts about Abyssinian cats, one of the most elegant felines.
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