4 Things That Do NOT Belong In Your Garage
Let's face it -- most of us use the garage to house everything BUT our car.
In fact, according to our buddy and pro organizer Peter Walsh, "Less than 15 percent of people who own garages use them to store their car."
And while Peter won’t judge you for that, he *will* tell you what absolutely doesn’t belong in there.
Behold what he calls the 4 "p"s:
No. 1: PAINT
"The heat and cold fluctuations in the garage can really damage the paint," the expert organizer explains.
So while the garage may seem like a convenient storage solution for it, you’re asking for a headache later!
"The reason that you don't want these in the garage," Peter says, "is that paper attracts roaches and critters."
Say no more, Peter, say no more!
"Propane should not be in the garage because in the unlikely event of a fire," the declutterer explains, "this could be a real obvious problem."
Peter suggests storing propane in an outside shed instead!
To put this one simply, you’re asking for rodent and raccoon friends to stop by if you leave your furry friends’ breakfast, lunch and dinner hanging around.
With that said, Peter says that if he had to forgive two of those Ps, he’d let paper products and pet food slide -- as long as they’re in sealed containers!
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