After a 4-year-old lost his beloved dinosaur collection in wildfire, community donates toys

Riley Wooten’s collection of dinosaur toys was lost in Camp Fire, so the community helped him out with a few more. (Photo: Facebook)
Riley Wooten’s collection of dinosaur toys was lost in Camp Fire, so the community helped him out with a few more. (Photo: Facebook)

Many people lost all that they hold dear recently in the devastating wildfires in California. Riley Wooten’s prized possessions were claimed by the most destructive fire in the state’s history when his family lost everything. And while the four-year-old was left heartbroken when he learned that his extensive collection of dinosaurs was gone, he remained brave.

“We were stuck in the car for three hours and he was comforting me,” Teri Schesson, Riley’s grandmother, told ABC 10. “I was having a fit. There were flames on both sides.”

Now safe and in recovery mode, Riley’s aunt wanted to do something in hopes of cheering up her nephew after such an incredible loss. So she took to Facebook to ask for a few donations to keep Riley’s spirits up — and they came in the form of multiple packages. He received dinosaur toys, blankets, pillows and books with his favorite prehistoric creatures.

Riley now has nearly 100 dinosaurs thanks to the community and his happiness is seeping to the rest of his family as they live in their temporary home.

“It’s amazing, I can’t believe the outpouring of support and compassion people have showed cause there are people worse than us,” Schesson said. “We have our lives.”

Riley’s family is thankful for the support they’ve gotten from friends and strangers alike and hope people will donate to other neighbors and survivors of the Camp Fire as well.

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