40 Things Every Single Millennial Used To Be Obsessed With That Everyone Completely Forgot About
Quick note: some of these have not aged as gracefully as others, so just be prepared for some dated content.
Line you quoted nonstop: (In the middle of a completely silent room) "Shoes."
2.End of Ze World
Line you quoted nonstop: "But I am le tired."
3.I Like Turtles
Line you quoted nonstop: Um, "I like turtles."
4.The Kitty Cat Dance
Line you quoted nonstop: I'm a kitty cat, and I dance dance dance.
5.Bill O'Reilly Freaking Out
Line you quoted nonstop: "WE'LL DO IT LIVE."
6.Drinking Out Of Cups
Line you quoted nonstop: "Not my chair, not my problem."
7.Boom Goes the Dynamite
Line you quoted nonstop: Obviously "boom goes the dynamite!"
8.Dear Sister
Line you quoted nonstop: Just a whole lot of "mmmmm watcha say."
9.The Numa Numa Dance
Line you quoted nonstop: "Maaaya HA HA!"
10.The Grape Lady
Line you quoted nonstop: "OoooOA AHHHHh aahhhhh ugghhhhh"
11.That one car commercial:
Line you quoted nonstop: Nothing. You needed oxygen after watching this.
12.Miss Teen South Carolina
Line you quoted nonstop: So many... "US Americans," "The Iraq," "everywhere, like, such as."
13.Potter Puppet Pals
Line you quoted nonstop: "BOTHER BOTHER BOTHER BOTHER"
14.Leprechaun Spotted In Alabama
Line you quoted nonstop: "I want the gold. Give me the gold!"
Line you quoted nonstop: "You're gonna be UNCOMFORTABLY ENERGETIC."
16.Charlie the Unicorn
Line you quoted nonstop: "Chaaaarrrlllliiiiiiie"
Line you quoted nonstop: "And some waffle fries...FOR FREE."
18.My New Haircut
Line you quoted nonstop: "Not now, chief. I'm in the fuckin' zone."
19.Chocolate Rain
Line you quoted nonstop: The whole damn song. Truly a bop.
20.What What (In the Butt)
Line you quoted nonstop: Honestly, just "what what, in the butt."
21.The Evolution of Dance
Line you quoted nonstop: Nothing to quote here, just dance moves to try and fail miserably at.
22.That one flash game with the scary girl
Line you quoted nonstop: Yourself screaming "aaaaHHHHHHH!"
23.Dramatic Chipmunk
Line you quoted nonstop: More of a look than a quote.
24.Rejected Cartoons
Line you quoted nonstop: "MY ANUS IS BLEEDING!"
25.Teen Girl Squad
Line you quoted nonstop: "I have a crush on every boy!"
26.The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny
Line you quoted nonstop: You might not have quoted it, but you can be damn sure some kid you went to school with knew the whole thing by heart.
Line you quoted nonstop: Um, "HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA."
28.That's A Ten
Line you quoted nonstop: No words, just the lip smacks.
29.Angry German Kid
Line you quoted nonstop: I'm not sure. I don't speak German.
30.Taking The Hobbits To Isengard
Line you quoted nonstop: The title of the video, of course.
31.Daft Hands
Line you quoted nonstop: Nothing, you just sat there slack-jawed.
32.Leeroy Jenkins
Line you quoted nonstop: "LEEEEEEROOOOOOOY uhhhhJEEENNNNNKINS"
33.G.I. Joe PSAs
Line you quoted nonstop: "Hey, kid. I'ma computer. STOP ALL THE DOWNLOADIN'!"
34.David Blaine Street Magic
Line you quoted nonstop: "What the EFF????"
35.Lazy Sunday
Line you quoted nonstop: "Google Maps is the best โ true that โ DOUBLE TRUE!"
36.Schfifty Five
Line you quoted nonstop: Just "schfifty five."
37.What Really Happened to Abe Lincoln
Line you quoted nonstop: "HE'S BREAKIN' MY BUTT!"
38.Double Rainbow
Line you quoted nonstop: "DOUBLE RAINBOW"
39.Peanut Butter Jelly Time
Line you quoted nonstop: Uhhhh.... "IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME."
40.The Hampsterdance
Line you quoted nonstop: Nothing, but I'd be willing to bet this thing hasn't left your head in over a decade.