41 Photos That Beyond A Doubt Prove We Are Living In A Simulation
1.Um...did that kid's arm just go THROUGH the chair?
2.This "Default_juice" confirms it: Nothing is real!!!
3.This blue McDonald's has GOT to be from another universe.
4.As is this red Sprite made by Coca Cola.
5.This grave is from a universe that has a February 30.
6.These tapes are basically proof that the Mandela effect is real — and the person holding these tapes has lived in two different universes.
7.What in the Truman Show is going on here?
8.The sky is a simulation!
9.This is also the sky, and all doubt is erased for me: We are in The Matrix.
10.Is this building 2D??? Is it just a cutout?
11.Like, are we living in an old Western-style film set?
12.Something from another dimension is definitely trying to send us a message here.
13.Why aren't these fish swimming???
14.These are either clones, or someone didn't spend enough time programming Earth.
15.What is it with buses and repeating people?
16.This either proves the sky around us is just computer graphics, or that aliens are real.
17.Are we on another planet with two moons??? What does this mean?
18.This cat just spawned in the middle of a wall. Are we all just Sims???
19.Yep. We're definitely in a game of Sims.
20.This building name is just floating in the air, as if physics don't exist!!!
21.These lights seem to cast darkness instead of light, and mom, I'm gonna need you to come pick me up.
22.Is time even real???
23.I've stared at this photo for so long, and I still can't find a logical explanation for how this cord made this shadow.
24.I also cannot wrap my mind around how this leaf got impaled in this fence without any kind of hole on the side.
25.I'm kinda convinced that if this person had walked outside this door, they would've entered another universe.
26.And I'm 100% confident that this door on an abandoned beach leads to another dimension.
27.Either the simulation is paused here, or there's an alternate universe that looks just like Earth, except gravity isn't real.
28.Is this not exactly what it looks like when you're highlighting a specific spot to build something on in a video computer game???
29.I just don't buy that this is a coincidence!!!
30.This is not normal!
31.Neither is this.
32.Or this — these trees are way too perfect to be real.
33.This fruit that was somehow both a lemon and an orange is definitely some kind of glitch.
34.This apple is straight-up glitching before our very eyes.
35.This shadow looks pixelated, too.
36.WTF happened here?
37.And what's going on here?
38.Something very wrong has happened here.
39.Is someone trying to configure this building?
40.Sorry, one more sky pic, 'cause what in the heckin' heck is happening here? I'm expecting Morgan Freeman to beam down and start telling me to build a boat any moment.
41.And finally, can someone please explain to me what happened to the woman behind ScarJo?