50 Awesome Things to Do with Your Kids This Summer
Then don't be offended when it's no grown-ups allowed.
Might we recommend one of these kid-friendly recipes?
Juice boxes for the kiddos, sangria for the over-21 set.
Hardly the grossest thing you've touched since having children.
This five-ingredient play dough recipe shows you how.
This is why you don't have white carpeting.
Are arm parties still a thing?
Come up with an appropriate name for each dog you pass. What’s up, Sprinkles?
Again, this is why you don't have white carpeting.
Bedtimes are overrated.
Secretly make your children do all the work.
Whip up something ooey, gooey and chemical-free with this DIY slime tutorial.
Remember: Children love being put to work.
Encourage dancing.
Count the seconds between lightning and thunder.
Ghost stories optional.
Extra chocolate mandatory.
Insert requisite What About Bob? joke.
Or at the very least, goad your kids until they do one.
No stepping on the line!
You'll win that oversize gorilla if it kills you...
Frozen from concentrate? We won't judge.
Hello, summer uniform.
Pro tip: The monkey house is air-conditioned.
Fine if you only make it through three innings.
I do declare.
Down, down, baby, down by the roller coaster.
Don't be a wuss!
Children love being put to work, part two.
Just remember the SPF 50.
OK, fine. Stand at the bottom and bark at them to be careful.
Chlorine > soap.
Stroller, schmoller.
Winner gets...more watermelon?
Win a free game. Repeat.
If it doesn't feel a little trashy, you're not doing it right.
Take a million pictures.
My Girl or The Parent Trap are also acceptable family-friendly flicks for summer.
As long as mom's not wearing silk, anything's fair game.
Make a necklace.
It doesn't matter if it's strawberries, blueberries or blackberries—they're all good in a pie.
Bet there's one closer than you think.
Then send the kids scrambling to find something "slimy."
Feel smug when they conk out at 7:15.
Just long enough for everybody's hair to get good and tangled.
"Everybody's gone suuuuuuurfing..."
Donate proceeds to a worthy cause.
Peanut-butter-chocolate or bust.
Argue with your S.O. about whether they're called fireflies or lightning bugs.
In their car seats. In their sheets. In their hair. It's summer, y'all.
1. Build a fort
Then don't be offended when it's no grown-ups allowed.
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