55 Summer Bucket List Ideas to Add to Your Own (for the Best Summer Ever)
Ready or not, summer is here! And for this Chicagoan, summer means finally opening the windows and letting in the siren call of the ice cream truck’s song. It means longer, brighter days and jam-packed, fun-filled weekends. And most importantly, it means it’s time to draft my summer bucket list!
Every year, it seems I’ve barely scratched the surface of all the activities and rituals I had hoped to enjoy by the time September rolls around. Especially considering the Windy City’s rough and tumble winters, it feels downright dishonorable to waste the fleeting warm weather. And that’s exactly why it’s important to compile an annual quintessential summer bucket list. I want a checklist on hand so rain or shine, I have a variety of ways to make the most of the summer.
Whether you’re all about fun in the sun or prefer to stay inside or in the refuge of the shade, this summer bucket list has something for you! Check out these 55 classic ways to celebrate the season.
On a Whim
1. Curl up on a blanket outside and dig into one of the summer’s anticipated beach reads (bonus points if the plot takes place during summer!).
2. Cook up some childhood favorite seasonal snacks. Hot dogs, Popsicles, root beer floats, and Capri Suns come to mind for me.
3. Tend to your garden. Whether you’ve got a raised bed in the backyard or a tomato plant on your windowsill, it’s always satisfying to help your plants thrive.
4. Enjoy what Italians call a passeggiata: Take a leisurely stroll, often while chatting or visiting with friends or loved ones. My husband and I wrap up every work day with a stroll around the neighborhood with our dog. It’s the perfect way to transition into summer evenings.
5. Indulge in an ice cream treat. Go all out with toppings, get multiple flavor scoops, drench your dessert in sauce. Heck, you can even replace a typical workday lunch with an ice cream parlor trip. No one is stopping you!
6. Sip your morning iced coffee outdoors, whether on your front stoop, in the backyard, or on a walk around the block.
7. Be sure to schedule some PTO if you can! Putting some staycation time on the calendar will help you cross off all your summer bucket list plans, or simply catch up on rest.
8. Make a playlist of your favorite summer bangers. Some songs just need to be blasted with the car windows rolled all the way down (specifically OMC’s 1995 hit “How Bizarre!”).
9. If you work remotely, take your laptop to a coffee shop’s patio or work offline at the park.
10. Tackle a deep cleaning project you’ve been putting off. I know, I know … this doesn’t sound fun. But who didn’t spend time during an adolescent summer helping clean out a garage or completing outdoor grunge work?
11. Make a big pitcher of lemonade (or, my dad’s favorite, limeade). Perfect for sipping throughout the day or taking along that passeggiata stroll!
12. Keep your eyes peeled for fireflies (aka lightning bugs, depending on your region!). I love waiting for the sun to set and watching the yard glow.
13. Squeeze in a bike ride every chance you get. Don’t forget your helmet!
14. If you have a car, give it a wash in the driveway.
15. Spend as much time barefoot as you can.
For the Weekend
16. Get a group of friends together for a classic outdoor game like capture the flag, kickball, or flashlight tag. Especially with this summer’s Olympic games, some friendly competition among pals is on theme!
17. Head to the nearest baseball diamond to enjoy a major or minor league game.
18. Take a spin through local estate sales, thrift shops, and garage sales.
19. Mix up your grocery routine by saving your produce purchases for the farmers market. I take my dog to our weekly market for their pet treat stand — her absolute favorite!
20. Get together with friends at a local park or in someone’s backyard for a crafternoon. Try making friendship bracelets, needlepoint, or pressed flower art.
21. Organize a good old-fashioned potluck barbecue. Everyone can bring a dish, and your friends can take turns serving as the grill expert.
22. Get wet! Whether you jump into a local pool, take a dip in a nearby lake, or spin through the backyard sprinklers, give yourself the gift of a refreshing splash.
23. Check out your town or city’s events calendar for street festivals, block parties, and other community events.
24. Take a trip to your nearest park or trail for a vigorous walk or hike. Just getting out in nature is a restorative practice.
25. Similarly, rent a canoe or kayak at a local lake or pond.
26. Pack a cooler with sandwiches and snacks and enjoy a picnic lunch or dinner.
27. Try a tasting at a local brewery, or go on a beer crawl if you happen to live near multiple breweries or pubs.
28. Visit a mini golf course for a classic round of putt-putt. I never fail to get a kick out of my local course’s waterfalls, windmills, and volcano (!!!).
29. Gather your worn out T-shirts, socks, sheets, and towels and rejuvenate them with tie-dye.
30. Pack a flashlight and embark on a late-night stroll. Enjoy the sights and sounds of your neighborhood after midnight. Just remember: Safety first!
31. Visit a local farm for picking strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.
32. If you have a dog, take them to a dog-friendly beach or lake. You can also set up a sprinkler or kiddie pool at home to help your dog cool off.
Plan Ahead
33. Make a trip to your nearest county or state fair. Funnel cake, ferris wheels, hanging with friends and enjoying live music — this checks off a handful of summer bucket list ideas!
34. Grab your camping gear and head to a local campsite for a night under the stars, telling ghost stories, and roasting marshmallows.
35. Check out your favorite artists’ tour schedules and score tickets to an outdoor concert.
36. Plan a bonfire with friends. If you don’t have a backyard handy, finding a location can be tricky. Check out your local parks department for leads, or find a bar or restaurant with an outdoor patio that has fire pits.
37. Participate in a local run or walk for charity or just because.
38. Visit a local garden or botanic center for a low-key afternoon taking in the beauty of nature and appreciating the skills of expert gardeners and botanists.
39. Take a day trip to a nearby theme park or water park.
40. Gather with friends to watch a Fourth of July fireworks display.
41. Organize a family reunion. If getting together with your family of origin isn’t possible, you can also plan a reunion with friends from different seasons of your life, like camp friends, college buddies, high school besties, work friends, or former teammates.
42. Visit a zoo.
Indoor Activities
43. Rewatch all of your favorite summer-centric movies. Some of my favorites for inspiration include: The Sandlot, It Takes Two, The Parent Trap, Jaws, Dirty Dancing, and Wet Hot American Summer.
44. Stock up on summer scented candles or diffusers for your home. You don’t have to invest too much money in a luxe candle either! Trader Joe’s has some seasonal favorites for sale.
45. Treat yourself to a professional manicure and pedicure complete with bright colors for the season — or even summery nail art!
46. Try a new recipe using seasonal ingredients. Some popular summer produce options include tomatoes, berries, cherries, corn, okra, and zucchini. I’m already craving tomato sandwiches!
47. Keep an eye out for summer blockbusters! Grab a bucket of popcorn and savor the latest flick.
48. Plan a simple weekend trip out of town. You can visit nearby friends and family, or check out a town a few hours away. It’s always nice to take a break from reality without having to deal with airports or train schedules.
49. Sleep. All. Day. Cast your sunshine guilt away and invest your time in restoration, binge-watching an old favorite, whatever!
50. Take a trip to a museum for an air-conditioned day filled with art, history, or science.
51. Test your teamwork skills with friends at an escape room.
52. Take an inventory of your fall and winter clothes so you can start budgeting for repairs or replacements that you’ll need in the months ahead.
53. Together with your roommates, family members, friends, or partner, camp out overnight together in the living room. Set up sleeping bags and pillows, pop on a movie, and share popcorn.
54. Dig out your old deck of cards and teach yourself a new card game, or play some old favorites.
55. Remember all of those vegetables you’ve been buying at your farmers market? Pickle them so they last through the winter (my family appreciates a Christmas morning Bloody Mary bar with all the pickled fixings!).
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