7 cheap grocery store items, from garlic to grapefruit, loaded with health benefits

Shel Pink is a slow beauty guru and the founder of Sparitual — a vegan and organic product line that prioritizes not just nourishing the body, but the mind and spirit as well. On Tuesday, Pink’s new book Slow Beauty hit shelves, chock-full of self-care and wellness rituals to help bring balance to our everyday lives. In the book Pink also includes some of her favorite recipes for healthy juices, soups, and DIY body oils and scrubs.

She checked in with Yahoo Lifestyle to share a few affordable ingredients that she recommends everyone stock up on at the grocery store. Even if your budget is tight, these are nutrient-filled, cost-effective purchases with wellness benefits that Pink thinks are definitely worth the bucks.

Citrus fruits are loaded with health benefits. (Photo: Marissa Berrini)
Citrus fruits are loaded with health benefits. (Photo: Marissa Berrini)

1. Pomelo: Pomelo contains very high amounts of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, immune system booster, and stress reducer, and also contains spermidine, which helps to slow the aging process and restore skin cells and is also good for heart health. Pomelo is known to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by improving blood flow to the surface of the skin, increases collagen levels, and helps the skin look healthy. Average price: $2/pound

2. Grapefruit: Grapefruit helps detoxify the liver by flushing out carcinogens and other toxins. It also boasts one of the highest water contents of any fruit (at 92 percent), making it good for overall health. As a great source of vitamins A and C, grapefruit also supports healthy immune system function. Average price: $2/pound

3. Parsley: A superfood, parsley keeps the heart healthy and rids the body of free radicals that play a role in the development and progression of diseases, including everything from cancer to asthma. It is also an anti-inflammatory and a good source of calcium, so it is good for bone health. Average price: $1.99/bunch

4. Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory and strong antioxidant. When you ingest turmeric, make sure to take it with some black pepper; that helps the body absorb the benefits of the curcumin. Average price: $2.99 for a bottle of ground turmeric

(Photo: Marissa Berrini)
(Photo: Marissa Berrini)

5. Garlic: Garlic is excellent for brain and heart health, regulates blood pressure, boosts the immune system, and is highly nutritious. It’s also good for bone health and is detoxifying. Average price: $3.89/pound

6. Matcha: Matcha calms, detoxifies, enhances memory, and boosts energy. Matcha contains antioxidants, enhances our sense of calm, boosts memory and concentration, increases metabolism, energy, and endurance, and increases blood flow and oxygen to the skin for a healthy glow. Average price: $15/pack of powder

7. Coconut milk: Coconut milk provides us with immediate energy, helps prevent heart disease and cancer, improves brain function, burns fat, and builds muscle. It also provides the body with electrolytes to help combat fatigue. Average price: $2.99/carton

Pink also provided Yahoo Lifestyle with two simple “muddled water” recipes from her book. As she writes in Slow Beauty: “The muddled waters are my favorite recipes in this book. They are colorful and packed with ingredients that are both super nutritious and flavorful. Muddled waters are a fun and healthy way to keep hydrated throughout the seasons. They’re good for you inside and out, and they are an excellent way to get your vitamins and minerals. You can think of them as a liquid, whole food vitamin.”

Muddled water (Photo: Marissa Berrini)
Muddled water (Photo: Marissa Berrini)


1. Garlic-Lemon Drop Winter Water
Garlic boosts the immune system, has medicinal properties, is highly nutritious, contains antioxidants, and is also good for the heart. Lemon purifies, while pomelo is known to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by improving blood flow through the surface of the skin. Pomelo also increases collagen production and, in general, helps the skin look healthy.

Makes One 12-oz. Glass


o 4 pomelo wedges
o ? teaspoon garlic powder
o Juice of ? lemon
o 10 ounces of water, at room-temperature
o 2 ounces boiling water

Directions: Place the pomelo wedges, garlic powder, and lemon juice in a tumbler and muddle [lightly mash] them together. Cover the ingredients with the room-temperature water and stir. Next, add the boiling water to top off the cup and warm it up. Allow the water to sit for a few minutes before serving so the ingredients infuse for a more vibrant taste experience. Drink and chew all the ingredients.

2. Turmeric Orange Fall Water
This water will help your entire body sing. Blood red oranges contain anthocyanin, which helps the body heal itself. Lemon purifies the skin and parsley is nutrient-dense. Turmeric is an antioxidant, and pepper helps your body digest the turmeric. Drink up and feel great!

Makes One 12-oz. Glass


o 2 to 3 wedges from a small blood orange (any other type of orange can be substituted if preferred)
o ? teaspoon turmeric
o Pinch of dried parsley
o Juice of ? lemon
o 12 ounces warm water
o Freshly ground black pepper, for garnish
o Parsley sprig, for garnish

Directions: Place the orange wedges, turmeric, parsley, and lemon juice in a glass. Muddle the ingredients together. Cover the mixture with warm water. Enjoy!

<em>Slow Beauty</em> (Photo: Marissa Berrini)
Slow Beauty (Photo: Marissa Berrini)

Slow Beauty is on sale now.

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