7 Reasons Why Your Throat May Be Sore—and How To Get Relief Fast

Truly, the only time a sore throat is maybe appreciated is the day after a concert where you spent the majority of the night belting out your favorite songs. Other than that, it’s annoying at best and, sometimes, downright painful.

We’re now moving into the time of year when potential sore throat culprits seem to be everywhere. Viral and bacterial infections are both on the rise—and this is on top of seasonal allergies. If you're finding yourself wondering, Why is my throat sore? Here, doctors reveal the most common culprits—plus how to get relief quickly.

7 Reasons for a Sore Throat

1. Viral infections

Dr. Jeanne Lomas, DO, a board-certified pediatric and adult allergist and owner and clinical director of Buffalo Amherst Allergy, says that viral infections, such as the common cold, the flu and COVID-19, are major reasons for sore throats. If you do have a viral infection, you likely will experience other symptoms, too, which can include fatigue, runny nose, body aches and fever.

2. Bacterial infections

Immunologist Andrea Love, PhD, says that bacterial infections are also one of the most common reasons for a sore throat. “Strep throat is the usual suspect,” she says. Other signs of strep throat include pain when swallowing, swollen tonsils and lymph nodes, tiny red spots on the roof of the mouth and fever.

Related: Dealing with a Sore, Scratchy Throat? Load Up on These 20 Foods for Fast Relief 

3. Burns or irritation from food

Dr. Love says that there are also non-infectious reasons for a sore throat. For example, someone may have burned their throat from hot liquid or be experiencing irritation from something they ate. For some people, spicy food can cause throat irritation, leading to a sore throat.

Related: 20 Doctor-Approved Foods That Fight Infection 

4. Allergies

It’s a beautiful time of year to be outside, but mold on dead leaves can cause seasonal allergies in some, which both experts say can lead to a sore throat. “Often this results from chronic nasal drainage that irritates the lining of the back of the throat,” Dr. Lomas says. “If there is a chronic cough in a patient with allergies, that may also contribute to throat irritation due to physical irritation of the vocal cords.”

Related: How to Prevent Allergies During Sneezing Season: Experts Explain Why Allergies Occur and What to Do About Them

5. Sleeping with your mouth open

If you wake up in the morning with a sore throat, you could unknowingly be sleeping with your mouth open. Dr. Love says that this is another non-infectious reason why some people have a sore throat. Sleeping with your mouth open can dry out your throat, causing it to become sore.

6. Dehydration

Dr. Love says that some people have a sore throat because they’re dehydrated. Similar to how sleeping with your mouth open can cause the throat to become dry and then sore, not staying hydrated can also dry out the mouth, again leading to soreness. It can be easy to forget to stay hydrated during the cooler months, but it’s still important for many reasons, including preventing a sore throat.

7. Smoking

The last non-infectious reason for a sore throat Dr. Love calls out is smoking. Inhaling smoke irritates the lining of the throat, causing it to become sore. It also weakens the immune system, making one more susceptible to both bacterial and viral infections.

How To Treat a Sore Throat

Dr. Lomas says that there are times when it’s important to see a doctor for a sore throat and times when a sore throat will heal on its own. “Most infectious sore throats are due to viral illness, and will get better with time as your immune system fights the virus,” she says. But, she says, if you are having trouble swallowing or are experiencing other symptoms such as a wheezing cough or shortness of breath, it’s important to seek medical help. Dr. Love says that if there is blood in your mucus, you have any unusual lumps in your throat or neck, are experiencing joint or muscle pain, or have a rash on your pharynx, these are also all reasons to see a doctor.

If your sore throat gets worse instead of better as time progresses, this is another time when Dr. Lomas says it’s a good idea to see your doctor as you may have a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics.

Related: Does ‘Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever’ Still Hold Up? Here’s Exactly What To Eat When You’re Feeling Under the Weather

In terms of some general ways to soothe a sore throat, Dr. Love says that sipping warm liquids such as tea or broth can help. She also says to rest your voice as much as possible. If you are in pain, she says taking an over-the-counter pain reliever can help. Dr. Lomas says to prioritize rest, which will help your body heal more quickly.

“The best defense is a good offense,” Dr. Love says. “You can help reduce your risk of viral infections and sore throats by practicing good hygiene, especially during the winter months. Wash your hands, stay up-to-date on routine vaccines, including the flu shot, and practice healthy lifestyle habits such as good sleep, healthy diet and exercise.”

Keeping these tips in mind will make getting a sore throat less likely. But you may want to stock up on tea and bone broth, just in case. After all, ‘tis the season.

Next up, see what the 10 best foods to eat are when you're feeling sick.
