7 Signs You're Spiritually Gifted, According to Astrology
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Get ready to consult your natal or birth chart. This article delves deep into ten astrological birth chart placements denoting psychic, intuitive, or spiritually gifted skills. Do you have a Mercury or Moon placement that foretells spiritual gifts? Read on to see for yourself.
How to Find Spiritual, Intuitive Gifts in Your Birth or Natal Chart
Do you have any of these astrological placements?
1. Moon in Cancer
The Moon, our emotional nature, is at home in Cancer. Therefore, someone with this placement is in tune with the Moon's natural, sensitive, intuitive nature. This native can spiritually tap into memory recall, potentially even remembering other people's emotions that weren't personally experienced.
2. Moon in Scorpio
When someone has a Scorpio moon, they can sense what is hidden. Their spiritual gift is in confronting the taboos many refuse to. While many of us downplay or conceal our soul's needs, this native is spiritually equipped with robust information they intuit or download psychically, especially with those they love.
3. Mercury in Pisces
If you have a Pisces Mercury, you're in tune with higher truths most cannot access. Mercury is how we process information. Pisces is the zodiac that bridges the visible and invisible realms. Therefore, this placement comes with spiritual gifts for most natives. Foreseeing what's coming next helps them make spiritually wise decisions.
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4. Mercury in Scorpio
Mercury is how we process information. With Mercury in Scorpio, one's gut instincts lead them to robust conclusions. Scorpio is a transformative, soulful sign. It sees under the surface of matters in a straightforward glance. With this placement, their spiritual gifts are in communicating or sensing what others think or need to hear.
5. Moon in the 4th House
The Moon represents our innermost intuitive, emotional nature. The Fourth House in astrology is related to our psychological self. With the Moon placed in the 4th house, natives are skilled at emotionally reading people. When they enter a room, they pick up on others' true, core feelings, needs, and emotional hang-ups.
Related: The Most Protective Zodiac Signs, According to Astrologers
6. Moon in the 8th House
When someone's emotional Moon is placed in the 8th house, their perspective skills are sharp. With the Moon representing one's innermost emotions and the 8th house denoting deep, transformative emotional intelligence, this native is meant to change their' and others' lives with their spiritual gifts. Rather than shying away from taboos or dark matters, someone with their Moon in the eighth house finds empowerment in diving into these topics, coming out more intuitive each time.
7. Moon in the 12th House
The Moon's placement in the twelfth house speaks of heightened intuitive abilities. The Moon represents our innermost emotional nature, while the 12th house concerns our subconscious, collective unconscious mind. Therefore, someone with this placement can easily read others' souls. It can even be difficult for them to set boundaries between life's unspoken, invisible, feeling realms and established, accepted, rooted reality.
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