7 Skin Method: Hot Korean Beauty Trend Gives You Better Skin With Just One Product

(Photo: John Akehurst/Trunk Archive)
Photo: John Akehurst/Trunk Archive

Yes, we know — you’ve heard a billion things about involved Korean women are in their skin care. And every time, you probably think to yourself, “Who has the time or money to do all of that?” Well, what if we told you that the latest trend in K-beauty only takes five minutes and uses just one product?

Allow us to introduce you to the “7 Skin Method.” Sarah Lee, the co-founder of Korean beauty retailer Glow Recipe, says it consists of taking a moisturizing toner or essence (a watery serum) and layering it on your face — you guessed it — seven times.

“Korean women are always looking to maximize hydration, as it is known as the No. 1 anti-aging secret,” says Lee. Korean beauty experts like Powder Room and Da Yeong Kim rave about this method as the optimal way to hydrate your skin, instead of relying on heavy moisturizers.

Obviously we had to get the full download on this miraculous-sounding treatment, so we asked Lee for the details. To start, pour a dime-size drop of toner on a cotton pad and swipe the pad all over your face and neck. Then, while your skin is still damp, pour a dime-size drop of toner into your hands and gently pat it on to the skin. Repeat this step five more times, making sure to apply the next layer when skin is still damp from the previous application.

Here’s a quick video tutorial, for you visual learners out there:

Lee attributes the method’s online popularity to the fact that it’s perfect for those with oily or acne-prone skin — you get the hydration your skin needs without the greasiness many rich moisturizers leave behind. “It’s more effective to layer lightweight, fast-absorbing formulas that will penetrate [into the skin] easily and faster,” she says.

But for this to be successful, you have to use the right product. Avoid anything that has alcohol in it or is described as “astringent.” Those are meant to dry out your skin, not hydrate it. “I recommend using an essence toner with a watery yet viscous formula that infuses hydration,” says Lee. Her favorite? Whamisa Organic Flowers Deep Rich Essence Toner. “It has a beautiful blend of botanical extracts with cushiony and bouncy texture,” she says.

One product, five minutes, and firmer, more radiant skin? It sounds like a cheesy infomercial, but it’s the real deal — our glowing faces can vouch for that.

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