This 7-year-old girl is a Dolly Parton superfan

7-year-old Avery Woodley is Dolly Parton's biggest fan. (Photo: Facebook/Krystal Woodley)
This 7-year-old is Dolly Parton’s biggest fan. (Photo: Facebook/Krystal Woodley)

Avery Woodley is like any other 7-year-old girl: She loves softball, cats, and gymnastics. But the Texan especially loves Dolly Parton, and proudly calls herself a superfan.

On her first day of school Aug. 14, Avery expressed her love for the country star by dressing in a Parton-themed outfit, complete with a backpack, a lunch box, and a T-shirt.

Her mom, Krystal Woodley, 32, shared photos of Avery’s outfit, along with a video of her daughter belting out the 1980 hit “9 to 5,” on Facebook, receiving hundreds of likes and more than 400,000 views.

– Dolly Parton backpack ??- Dolly Parton lunch box ??- Dolly Parton shirt ??- Getting this picture to Ellen so Avery…

Posted by Krystal Woodley on Sunday, August 13, 2017

“After Avery saw the movie Dolly Parton’s Coat of Many Colors, she fell in love with Dolly,” Krystal tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “Then everyone told her how much she looks and acts like Dolly, so I bought her a greatest hits CD. And from that point, it was game over.”

Up until this year, Avery’s school had a rule that backpacks had to be transparent. But when the rule changed, the first grader asked her mom to find a Dolly Parton bag — a tall order due to lack of Parton merchandise for kids.

So Krystal hit the internet. She discovered that Parton’s favorite colors are yellow and white, so she found a polka-dot backpack with the same colors on Amazon and had it emblazoned with the phrase “I will always love Dolly Parton.”

Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton (Photo: Getty Images)

She also found Dolly Parton buttons on Etsy and a T-shirt bearing the singer’s face. “When Avery saw it, she said, ‘That’s my first day of school outfit,’” says Krystal. “The teachers loved it.”

Avery’s favorite songs are “9 to 5” and “Jolene,” and after learning about Parton’s children’s literacy nonprofit, the young fan notes that the star “does nice things for people.”

Since becoming Facebook famous, Avery has been delighted to discover other pint-sized fans of the country singer, since “most of her friends say, ‘Who is Dolly Parton?’” says Krystal. Avery also has a 4-year-old brother who isn’t as crazy about Parton, but “appreciates” her nonetheless.

Avery has big plans to revamp her bedroom (it currently has a Harry Potter decor) to include Parton decorations. And Krystal wants to take her daughter to Dollywood, a Tennessee theme park owned by Parton. “We definitely have that trip on our radar,” she says.

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