9 Health Benefits of Asparagus
Medically reviewed by Kierra Brown, RD
Asparagus is known for making pee smell funny, but it has many health benefits. This cruciferous vegetable is good for you and can help with weight loss, prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs), promote reproductive health, and be a mood booster. Asparagus packs nutrients—including vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, folate, iron, potassium, copper, calcium, and protein—and is a rich source of antioxidants.
This article discusses the many health benefits of asparagus. It also includes several tips for how you can cook asparagus as part of a healthy meal.
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1. Can Help With Weight Loss
Not only is asparagus low in fat and calories (one cup is 27 calories), but it also contains 2.8 grams (g) of fiber. According to a review published in 2020, asparagus is a good choice if you are trying to lose weight.
Your body digests fiber slowly, keeping you feeling full between meals. Research has found that fiber can help you feel for long periods after consuming it and promotes weight loss. Fiber can also ease constipation and help lower cholesterol.
Pair asparagus with a hard-boiled egg to maximize the vegetable's low-calorie content. The combination of fiber-rich asparagus with the egg's protein will leave you feeling satisfied.
2. Helps Prevent UTIs
The 2020 review notes that asparagus is a natural diuretic, meaning it helps flush excess fluid and salt from your body. The review reports that asparagus is used in traditional medicine to help treat UTIs and other urinary problems.
It's possible a diet rich in asparagus could prevent these painful infections from developing. Going to the bathroom more frequently can move harmful bacteria out of the urinary tract.
3. Is Full of Antioxidants
Asparagus—purple asparagus, in particular—contains anthocyanins. These pigments give fruits and veggies red, blue, and purple hues. Anthocyanins also have antioxidant effects that could help your body fight cell-damaging free radicals.
Overcooking asparagus, as with all vegetables, might cause the vitamins to leach out. It's best to roast or boil asparagus for just four minutes.
4. Contains Vitamin E
Asparagus is a source of vitamin E, another important antioxidant. This vitamin helps strengthen your immune system and protects cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Research is still trying to determine whether vitamin E can prevent cancer, heart disease, dementia, liver disease, and stroke.
5. Promotes Reproductive Health
Green asparagus contains a high level of saponin protodioscin. This plant chemical gives asparagus its bitter taste.
A review published in 2021 explains that protodioscin supports ovarian health, enhances libido post-menopause, and can even fight ovarian cancer cells. Protodioscin also helps increase testosterone production, restore erectile function, and boost libido when taken in supplement form.
Whether you can benefit from these effects simply by eating asparagus, however, needs more research. It certainly would not hurt to try.
6. Is Great for Gut Health
A study published in 2018 noted how inulin, a prebiotic in asparagus, benefits gut health. Inulin promotes a healthy balance of "good" gut bacteria, or probiotics, which reduces gas and helps you digest food easily.
Inulin is a soluble fiber, meaning it draws water into your gut to soften your stools and make them easier to pass. Eating more asparagus can keep your bowel movements regular and prevent constipation.
7. Is Rich in Folic Acid
Four asparagus spears contain 22% of your recommended daily allowance of folic acid, which supports pregnancy. Everyone needs folic acid, which helps your body make new cells.
Getting enough folic acid during pregnancy, however, can prevent major birth defects in the fetus's brain or spine. A review published in 2019 reported that people who took folic acid supplements prior to becoming pregnant were less likely to have a premature birth than those who did not.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) minimally regulates folic acid supplements, which may or may not be suitable for you. The effects of folic acid supplements vary from person to person and depend on the dosage, frequency of use, and interactions with other medications. Talk to a healthcare provider or pharmacist before starting any supplements.
8. Is Full of Vitamin K
One cup of asparagus, along with other green, leafy vegetables, is an excellent source of vitamin K. This vitamin is crucial for bone health and coagulation, which helps your body stop bleeding after a cut.
Research is still trying to determine if the vitamin plays a role in protecting against bone fractures. Some evidence suggests that vitamin K is essential for bone health, helps produce some bone-related proteins, and regulates bone resorption. This process protects bone density and mass by breaking down tissues that cause bone loss.
9. Brightens Your Mood
Asparagus is full of folate, a B vitamin that may lift your spirits and help ward off irritability. Research has found a connection between low levels of folate and vitamin B12 in people with depression. This finding leads some healthcare providers to prescribe daily doses of both vitamins to people with depression.
Nutrition of Asparagus
One cup of raw asparagus provides the following nutrients:
Calories: 26.8
Fat: 0.161 g
Sodium: 2.68 milligrams (mg)
Carbohydrates: 5.2 g
Fiber: 2.81 g
Added sugars: 0 g
Protein: 2.95 g
Risks of Asparagus
It's generally safe to consume asparagus. After eating asparagus, you might notice your urine has a strange color and smell, but that's not dangerous. Asparagus contains asparagusic acid, a sulfur-containing compound that gives off a pungent smell when your body breaks it down.
You may need to consume asparagus in moderation if you take warfarin, an anticoagulant (blood thinner). Asparagus is rich in vitamin K, which can interact with warfarin and make it less effective.
Tips for Consuming Asparagus
Asparagus is available year-round, though spring is its peak season. Look for firm stalks with a bright green color. Make sure to wash the stalks and trim the ends off before cooking.
There are several ways to enjoy asparagus, including:
Add asparagus heads to the tops of whole-wheat crackers and cheese for a snack.
Broil, grill, or roast asparagus with extra virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper to enjoy as a side dish.
Cut cooked asparagus into small pieces to add to pasta, salads, or stir-fries.
Enjoy the stalks with a dipping sauce made with non-fat Greek yogurt, lemon juice, minced garlic, and roasted red bell pepper.
Purée the vegetable with leeks, onions, russet potatoes, chicken broth, lemon juice, and sour cream to make asparagus soup.
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A Quick Review
Asparagus is an often overlooked food that packs several nutrients and may offer many health benefits. Try making this low-fat, low-calorie vegetable a staple in your diet to help promote gut health, mood, and weight loss.
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