The ABC Murders, episode two review: this Christie adaptation grows more engrossing by the minute
In the second episode of Sarah Phelp’s absorbing adaptation of The ABC Murders (BBC One) attention turned once again to Sir Carmichael Clarke and his dysfunctional domestic arrangements at his Churston retreat. But not before we’d been suitably teased, ahead of the opening credits, with more references to Poirot’s (John Malkovich) murky arrival in England in 1914, a refugee from wartorn Belgium, giving his profession as “gendarme”.
The truth of that statement fell under some suspicion over the course of an episode that became as concerned with Poirot’s origins as finding the killer. But first Sir Carmichael had to be in despatched in suitably grisly fashion (in the grounds with the garden spade), and Poirot called in by his brother Franklin (Andrew Buchan) in the hope of making better progress than the dullard Inspector Crone (Rupert Grint).
Ever reliable, Poirot did, quickly unearthing links between himself and each of the murder scenes, increasingly pondering the killer’s gender and deducing that stockings were central to the murders. He even convinced Crone to join forces with him and they headed north to Doncaster, after a tip from the killer, in hope of averting another death.
Meanwhile, stockings salesman Mr Cust (Eamon Farren) was back in the picture, suffering sinew-wracking seizures and having his landlady’s daughter Lily (Anya Chalotra) walk all over his back in spiked heels. In an episode that was even more expressionistically shot than the first, every scene he was in had a nightmarish edge to it (one, involving an egg and a pimple, was quite stomach-turning), leading us to suspect only the worst of Cust.
All the while Poirot’s past was haunting him more. Hints of something he’d done – or failed to do – mounting steadily. “God forgives all,” said his priest, encouraging him to seek solace in confession. “But I do not,” said Poirot, refusing.
The fourth murder, when it came, unfolded grotesquely under the watchful gaze of a ventriloquist’s dummy. And it marked the killer’s first mistake, knifing the wrong victim.
“ABC has made a catastrophic error, and will act,” Poirot told Crone, ominously. “We must prepare for a storm of slaughter, We must prepare for the wrath of God.”
Back in London, Poirot found himself following a shadowy figure on the Tube, only to find himself trapped in the station, confronted by a sinister missive.
“Who are you, Hercule?”, it asked. “Who are you really?”
In a drama that grows more engrossing by the minute, thanks largely to Malkovich’s mesmeric performance, the hope for an answer set us up for dazzling finale.