These Are the Absolute Best Foods for Weight Loss, According to Dietitians
People often think you have to subsist off celery and water to lose weight, but that’s not true. Of course, you want to fill your plate with green veggies, but there are lots of other foods out there that can be beneficial for your waistline. Here, top dietitians and doctors share their favorite foods to help you shed pounds.
When you have a craving for something sweet, reach for an apple. “One large apple has 5 grams of fiber and 14% of your daily vitamin C—important for your immunity and for keeping weight off,” writes Mehmet Oz, M.D., in his book Food Can Fix It. To start your day right, try this quick and easy Apple-Cinnamon Yogurt recipe.
Both of these veggies contain plenty of fiber and prebiotics (which fuel the good bacteria in your gut to help your digestive system function efficiently). This recipe for Artichokes with Lemony Dressing makes for a great appetizer or side dish.
“This creamy fruit is a great way to get that healthy fat, a component that’s key to incorporate at meals, to add flavor and texture to dishes,” says Carolyn Williams, Ph.D., R.D., author of Meals That Heal. “Perhaps even more importantly though, is that fact that they leave you feeling content and satisfied which is what will enable you to stay on track with weight loss efforts.” When you’re in a pinch, use this hack to ripen your avocado in less than a day.
“Bananas are a great source of fiber, vitamins and minerals including potassium and vitamin C,” says Sophie Matthews, specialist dietitian at The Hospital Group. “They also have a low glycemic index which can help to prevent peaks in blood sugar levels.” If you need even more motivation to add bananas to your menu, check out all these other health benefits they carry.
“Most people only know barley as something to throw into soup, but it’s fantastic as a base for grain bowls and breakfast bowls,” says Frances Largeman-Roth, R.D.N., author of Eating in Color and creator of the FLR VIP Program. “Barley is highest in fiber of all the whole grains. One type of fiber it contains, beta-glucan, helps reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, and boost the immune system. Barley is also rich in resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that acts like fiber, helping you feel full longer, which can boost weight loss.” Bored of your usual work lunch? Try this Spinach and Barley Salad.
“Berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are packed with fiber which helps to slow the digestive process,” says Williams. “The result is that you feel fuller longer, and your blood sugar is kept in check, which can be key for keeping tabs on appetite and cravings. All berries are also packed with antioxidants and phytochemicals that reduce the risk of inflammation leading to obesity and metabolic syndrome.”
Biltong is a dried, cured meat served as strips. “The Kalahari version in particular is a simple snack that packs in 32 grams of protein and 160 calories, making it an excellent addition to a weight loss diet,” says Josh Axe, D.C., D.N.M., C.N.S., clinical nutritionist and author of several books including Eat Dirt. “Protein works to lower levels of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for stimulating hunger, to help curb cravings and increase weight loss.”
“Crunchy, cruciferous vegetables like these are loaded with fiber so they help fill you up without adding a lot of extra calories,” says Autumn Calabrese, Beachbody and celebrity fitness trainer. This Roasted Broccoli with Orange is the pop of flavor your dinner table has been waiting for.
If you haven’t realized yet that fiber is great for losing weight, here’s another reminder! Carrots are low in calories and high in fiber. Plus, the baby ones make it super easy to snack on, without the mess of peeling and chopping.
You see it everywhere now—from frozen pizzas to macaroni and cheese. While heavily processed versions of the vegetable aren’t always healthy, cauliflower itself is a very smart choice for weight loss. Try making your own cauliflower rice in a food processor or buying packaged cauliflower rice that doesn’t have a bunch of ingredients added in. Or, to enjoy the veggie in its original form, make this Spicy Charred Cauliflower recipe.
“In addition to adding a kick of flavor to your favorite foods, cayenne pepper may also help increase weight loss as well,” says Dr. Axe. “This is thanks to the presence of a compound called capsaicin, which helps enhance feelings of fullness, reduce cravings and speed up your metabolism.” You can add it to smoothies, mix it in soups, or use it to boost the flavor profile of vegetables like those in this Spiced Grilled Eggplant with Fresh Tomato Salad.
It may have a reputation for being the boring sidekick for buffalo wings, but it’s one of the best snacks you can chomp on when you’re trying to lose weight. It’s got a ton of fiber to fill you up and it’s perfectly paired with a few nuts or a little Greek yogurt.
“These tiny seeds are loaded with fiber and healthy alpha linolenic acid (ALA) fatty acids, a type of plant-based omega-3,” says Largeman-Roth. “Chia seeds can also absorb up to ten times their weight in water, which not only helps you feel full, but can keep you hydrated, the reason why chia is so popular with athletes. I like fueling up before morning runs with Health Warrior’s Chia Bar in mango. It’s delicious and the perfect size (100 calories, 4 grams of fiber, 3 grams of protein, and just 3 grams of sugar) when you don’t have time for a full meal.”
Oranges, grapefruits, and the like are jam-packed with antioxidants and fiber (just don’t cut out the fibrous membrane!). While antioxidants won’t necessarily cause you to shed pounds, they protect your cells from damage, reduce inflammation, and more. A clementine or orange is also a smart alternative to candy or other sugar-laden treats when a sweet craving hits.
It’s not your mom’s diet food—and its benefits go well beyond weight loss. “Cottage cheese contains essential nutrients including B vitamins and calcium and is high in protein,” says Matthews. “Try cottage cheese on rice cakes for a low-fat lunch option and add your own herbs and spices to tantalize your taste buds.”
Cucumbers are mostly made of water so they fill you up without loading you up with fat and calories. It might help to slice one up in the morning and nibble on pieces throughout the day when you get the urge to snack. For even more ideas, check out these tasty cucumber recipes.
Soybeans are an excellent source of plant-based protein as well as fiber. If you buy them in the shell, it prevents you from eating them too fast or overeating. Some grocery stores (like Trader Joe’s) sell them frozen and pre-blanched so all you have to do is grab a handful and pop them in the microwave for a little bit or wait for them to thaw. To kick things up a notch, prep this easy Sesame Edamame with Scallions recipe.
“Eggs are not only a great source of high biological value protein—about 7 grams per egg—but also extremely versatile and better yet portable, which is great when you are confronted by that mid‐afternoon-too‐early‐for‐dinner‐but‐starving type of hunger,” says Katarina Burton, M.S., R.D., bariatric dietitian at The Hospital Group. “One of my favorite mid‐week, quick dinner solutions is a spinach and feta omelet.”
“For optimal balance of omega-6 fatty to omega-3 fatty acids, try adding more flax to your diet,” says Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., M.S., C.N.S., author of Radical Metabolism. “Flax contains omega-3 fatty acids, which enable the body’s thermostat to be reset, thereby stoking the metabolic fires.” Kick off your day with this breakfast smoothie that contains flax.
There are less than 100 calories in a 4-ounce serving of flounder and 14 grams of protein, making it a great weight loss food. If you’ve never cooked it before, try this Flounder with Lemon and Broccoli recipe.
You don’t want your diet to solely consist of red meat, but grass-fed beef is the smartest option. “Beef from grass-fed animals is a great source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA),” says Dr. Gittleman. “CLA has been shown to substantially reduce the amount of fat in the body and to moderately increase the amount of lean tissue.”
“Green tea is a great source of antioxidants that have been linked to weight loss,” says Dr. Axe. “Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and caffeine, in particular, are two compounds that help boost that activity of fat-burning hormones and amp up metabolism to support weight loss. However, unlike coffee or other caffeinated beverages, green tea also contains L-theanine, a type of amino acid that has a calming effect that can help balance out the effects of caffeine and prevent adverse side effects.” But you don’t have to drink it hot! Green tea can be used in all sorts of recipes like these.
“These nutty-tasting seeds or ‘hearts’ from the hemp plant get props for their high protein content and omega-3s,” writes Dr. Oz. Protein and omega-3 fatty acids are superstar ingredients when you’re trying to lose weight. Try blending hemp seeds into a smoothie or dip.
“Recently there has been an explosion of high-protein yogurts on the market,” says Burton. “They often contain as much as 16 to 20 grams of protein, which makes them deliciously creamy and indulgent even when they are low in fat. They also come in amazing flavors such as sour cherry or peach. Protein-rich foods digest slower than carbohydrate rich foods, which ultimately prolongs satiety, thus delaying that primal drive for food.”
“Kale is a cruciferous vegetable that’s brimming with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants,” says Dr. Axe. “It’s also a great source of fiber, with 2 grams in each cup. Fiber moves slowly through the intestinal tract undigested, keeping you feeling fuller for longer while also promoting regularity and digestive health.”
Don’t let the thought of eating seaweed turn you off. Kelp is rich in minerals like calcium and iodine and it makes for a really low-carb and low-calorie pasta alternative. If you’re not sure where to start, Sea Tangle Kelp Noodles are easy to buy online and you can toss them in a stir-fry.
“Kombucha is a fizzy and flavorful fermented tea that is high in probiotics, which are a type of beneficial bacteria that can improve the health of your gut microbiome,” says Dr. Axe. “Not only is gut health linked to immune function, inflammation and chronic disease, but some research suggests that it could also play a role in weight control as well.” If you get sick of drinking it, try one of these kombucha recipes.
Skinless chicken or turkey and pork tenderloin are the best picks. “Protein helps promote the growth and repair of body tissues and is also super satiating,” says Kerri Major, R.D., certified personal trainer and author of the forthcoming The Dietitian Kitchen. “Including a lean source of protein with a meal can help to minimize feelings of hunger and decrease overall energy intake.”
We’re talking about lentils, chickpeas, and all sorts of beans. “Legumes are rich in many vitamins like our B vitamins, as well as fiber and protein,” says Calabrese. “Studies have also shown that eating beans and legumes regularly may help aid healthy weight management or weight loss.”
“Low-fat dairy products are lower in calories than their full-fat counterparts, but also have a good amount of protein, which contributes to satiety or the feeling of fullness,” says Kacie Vavrek, M.S., R.D., an outpatient dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
Mushrooms surely hit the mark when it comes to that satisfying umami flavor, but they’re also good for your waistline. In fact, one study found that people who ate a breakfast that contained mushrooms felt fuller for longer than those who had meat with their breakfast. That’s great news if you’re trying to go more plant-forward with your weight loss efforts.
To avoid feeling weak or hungry, try snacking on dry-roasted almonds or walnuts. “A one-ounce serving of walnuts, almonds, or other nut gives you satiety for hours thanks to the combination of protein, fiber, and healthy fats,” says Williams. “In fact, a 2019 study suggested that individuals who eat a small serving of nuts are more likely to have lower body weights and less likely to gain weight.”
“Oats are a complex carbohydrate and they provide the body with a source of B vitamins, helping the body to use the energy within them,” says Matthews. “They also contain beta glucan which can help to lower cholesterol. The fiber within can make you feel fuller for longer so this can help to prevent the mid‐morning snacking. Try making overnight oats with a low-fat yogurt for a delicious and satisfying meal.”
“It may seem like a contradiction, but the more good fats—like olive oil and avocadoes—that you eat, the more weight you will lose,” says Steven Gundry, M.D., medical director at The International Heart and Lung Institute Center for Restorative Medicine and author of several books including The Plant Paradox. “These fats promote the production of appetite-suppressing hormones that tell your brain that you are full.”
Research shows that pears are rich in antioxidants and—you guessed it—fiber. While they do contain sugar, it’s naturally occurring, and the other benefits outweigh its presence. It’s healthiest while eaten raw or grilled, but you can use it to give a little sweet flavor to practically any dish.
“Popcorn is very low in calories yet high in fiber, making it one of the best weight loss-friendly snacks available,” says Dr. Axe. “Instead of opting for microwave bags laden with chemicals and unhealthy additives, try making your own at home. Air-popped popcorn is easy to make and can be seasoned with ingredients like garlic powder, cayenne pepper or nutritional yeast to bump up the health benefits.” For a little more guidance, try this Garlic Chili Popcorn recipe.
“These tasty green seeds should be part of your healthy routine year-round,” says Largeman-Roth. “A ? cup of shelled pumpkin seeds contains 180 calories, 9 grams of filling plant protein, 3 grams of fiber, and 14 grams of satisfying fat. The fat in pumpkin seeds is primarily monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fats (PUFA). Research has shown that replacing saturated and trans fat in the diet with unsaturated fat, especially PUFA, helps prevent weight gain as we age.” Here are five easy ways to roast pumpkin seeds.
This may be a surprising pick, but if you buy 100% pumpkin puree (as opposed to pumpkin pie filling), it can be a low-calorie substitute for butter or cream in some recipes. You can also mix it into Greek yogurt for a nice change of flavor.
“Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kefir or pickled vegetables can greatly improve your gut microbiome,” says Calabrese. “A healthy gut makes digestion and absorption of food better which can help in weight loss.” And you don’t have to eat sauerkraut plain—try this Sauerkraut Salad recipe.
These Asian noodles have only 22 calories and almost 5 grams of fiber per cup, making them substantially healthier than regular pasta. They also don’t require much prep—drain and rinse for cold recipes or pan-fry for hot ones. If you’ve never made them before, try this Shirataki Noodles al Pesto recipe.
Shrimp is another type of seafood that’s low in calories and high in protein, with less than 100 calories and 22 grams of protein in a 4-ounce serving. And it doesn’t have to be saved for special occasions—try this Shrimp, Avocado, and Egg Chopped salad for lunch next week.
The inner flesh of spaghetti squash is stringy and resembles long noodles. Sub it in your favorite pasta dishes for a lower-calorie meal, or try one of these recipes.
“Eat green and become lean!” says Dr. Gundry. “Greens fill you up, are loaded with prebiotic fiber that feed ‘skinny’ bacteria and are quick and easy to prepare—either eaten raw in salads or stir-fried.” For inspiration on how to add more spinach to your diet, check out these recipes.
“Sweet potatoes are a great source of fiber and an array of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, iron, and B vitamins,” says Matthews. “They also contain beta carotene, which gives it the bright orange hue. Unlike the white potato, an 80-gram portion of sweet potato counts towards one of your daily vegetable servings.”
If you replace all of your beverages with water, you’ll immediately cut calories. Not only that, you’ll ensure that your body is optimally hydrated without unnecessary added chemicals and sugars. Plus, drinking a glass of water before a meal may fill you up a little so you eat less but still feel satiated. You may be motivated to drink more if you have one of these great water bottles handy.
Brown rice, quinoa, and 100% whole grain breads and pastas are just a few options that fall into this category. “Complex carbohydrates provide slow-releasing energy to help keep you going,” says Major. “They also contain fiber, which promotes good gut health and helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer.”
“Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are a heart-healthy form of fat that can boost your metabolism to increase the number of calories that your body burns throughout the day,” says Dr. Axe. “Besides supplying a hearty dose of omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is also loaded with other important nutrients that play a central role in weight loss, such as protein.” For ideas on how to make delicious salmon at home, check out these recipes.
“Courgettes (zucchini) are a versatile vegetable and can be used in many ways,” says Matthews. “They contain few calories (17 calories per 100 grams) and also important nutrients including potassium, vitamin C, and fiber. Try spiralizing it for a tasty alternative to spaghetti pasta.” We made things a little bit easier for you by gathering up 25 awesome zucchini recipes.
These Are the Absolute Best Foods for Weight Loss, According to Dietitians
People often think you have to subsist off celery and water to lose weight, but that’s not true. Of course, you want to fill your plate with green veggies, but there are lots of other foods out there that can be beneficial for your waistline. Here, top dietitians and doctors share their favorite foods to help you shed pounds.
It's crazy how many things can actually help you shed pounds.
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