How accessible is Fond du Lac? Streetwise wants your stories on local wins and what the community could do better.

FOND DU LAC – Streetwise wants your stories on accessibility in Fond du Lac: how are you experiencing the community?

If you use a mobility aid, how navigable are the places you frequent?

If you or a loved one needs sensory or other accommodations, how are they granted?

Many playgrounds across Fond du Lac County have been made more accessible — including Plamore Park last fall and Treffert Way's playground this spring — and other facilities have added accommodations, like the North Fond du Lac pool's chair lift, added in 2022.

What are some places that deserve recognition for steps they've taken to be inclusive of all abilities? What are some things the area has yet to do to feel welcoming?

If you're a business owner or leader, what would you like to include in your business? Are there any roadblocks?

Share your stories with Fond du Lac Streetwise reporter Daphne Lemke by emailing [email protected] or calling 920-907-7968. Responses will be used in future stories on Fond du Lac's accessibility.

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Daphne Lemke is the Streetwise reporter for the Fond du Lac Reporter. Contact her at [email protected].

This article originally appeared on Fond du Lac Reporter: Fond du Lac readers, share your stories on the area's accessibility