Adele Reveals We've All Been Saying Her Name Wrong

The singer praised a fan for saying her name right.

Adele is setting the record straight about how to say her name, but who knew we've been getting it wrong this whole time? 

During a recent live Q&A with fans to promote the music video for her single, "I Drink Wine," the singer praised a fan for saying her moniker the correct way. 

After a fan asked a question via video, Adele responded, "love that! She said my name perfectly!" Before the singer went on to answer her question, she mentioned that the correct pronunciation is "uh-dale," and not "ah-dell." 

The fan wanted to know if her perspective changed in between writing her albums 25 and 30, stating, "On your journey to self-love while writing 30, did your perspective on how you saw yourself when you wrote 25 change at all, and how?"

"On 25 I was very in control of my life, I just had my son," Adele said. "I felt very, very safe, and in safe hands within my private life." She then went on to say that while writing her newest album, she had no idea what she was doing. "I felt like a bad person, I felt like a weak person, but the only thing that got me out of it, really, was knowing I was going to the studio."

The 34-year-old musician has spoken openly in the past about how the album revolves around her divorce from ex-husband Simon Konecki.

Last Nov. Adele opened up to Oprah regarding her split, noting, "I've been obsessed with a nuclear family because I never came from one... I take marriage very seriously. It seems like, I don't know, almost like I disrespected it by getting married and divorced so quickly. I’m just embarrassed that I didn’t make my marriage work... I’m still not fully over it; me choosing to dismantle my child’s life for my own makes me very uncomfortable."

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