105 Affirmations for Self-Love to Reduce Anxiety and Improve Your Confidence

An affirmation is the action of giving emotional support or encouragement. This self-care practice works wonders in increasing confidence as—at its core—it is simply the act of being kind to yourself. Even the science behind affirmations agrees it's a worthy habit. And if the affirmations you choose to utilize are self-love affirmations, well, that's even better.

According to one 2015 study, "Self-affirmation activates brain systems associated with self-related processing and reward and is reinforced by future orientation."

Related: Boost Your Confidence (And Change Your Life) With These 50 Positive Affirmations

Speaking daily affirmations out loud—or even writing them down—can help reduce negative emotions and perhaps even reduce feelings of anxiety or "sedentary behavior."

The same study's findings continue, "One account of why self-affirmations are successful is attributed to their ability to broaden a person’s overall perspective and reduce the effect of negative emotions."

So, in an attempt to remember just how beautiful, smart, and great you are in every possible way, we encourage you to check out these 105 affirmations for self-love. Write them down, display them on your mirror, say them out loud, or keep them in an affirmation jar. Because remember: You're amazing just as you are! 

105 Self-Love Affirmations

1. I love myself; I love my body; I love my mind; I love who I am.

2. I am enough.

<p>Pelin Şan via UnSplash</p>

Pelin Şan via UnSplash

3. Self love is first love.

<p>Alora Griffiths via UnSplash/Parade</p>

Alora Griffiths via UnSplash/Parade

4. I am strong.

5. I trust myself.

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6. I am wanted.

7. I am perfect just the way I am.

8. I deserve good things.

9. I deserve happiness and joy.

10. I am on my way to becoming the best version of myself.

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11. I have the ability to reclaim my power.

12. I can do anything I set my mind to.

13. The words of others do not affect me.

14. Negativity bounces off of me.

15. I am in control of myself; I am in control of my life.

16. I am beautiful inside and out.

17. I give myself the chance and opportunity to heal.

18. Each day that passes, I heal more and more.

19. My breath is slowing; my fast thoughts are slowing; I am in control.

20. I am my own hero.

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21. I trust that everything is going to work out for me.

22. I can control my own peace and my peace is my superpower.

23. It is okay to take today one step at a time.

24. I am okay.

25. I am safe.

26. I am loved.

27. I matter; my life matters.

28. It is okay to go at my own pace.

29. I am not my anxiety; I am not what my fears try to tell me I am.

30. I can rise above any obstacle—any fear.

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31. I am so grateful for this life.

32. I am worthy.

33. This body makes things happen; this body is strong.

34. I am mentally strong and I am capable of doing this.

35. I deserve good things.

36. I get back in life what I put into the universe.

37. I am in control of my anxiety; my anxiety is not in control of me.

38. Who I am becoming makes me proud.

39. I am proud of my accomplishments—no matter how small.

40. Every day I am getting better.

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41. I forgive myself.

42. I promise to be kind to myself.

43. I am at peace.

44. I deserve to be here.

45. My space and boundaries are important.

46. I make the decisions.

47. No one else can take away my peace.

48. I make tough decisions and do hard things when I have to.

49. I am a magnet for attracting positivity.

50. I am responsible; I am independent; I am capable.

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51. It is in my power to choose happiness, to choose joy, to choose positivity, to choose to love myself.

52. I promise to be kind to myself because I deserve such kindness.

53. I am creative.

54. I am a force that the world needs.

55. I deserve to fill this space.

56. It is okay to need things.

57. It is okay to take up space.

58. There is nothing wrong with me.

59. I choose not to judge myself but instead, to forgive myself.

60. I am doing the best that I can.

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61. What needs to happen will happen.

62. I have a special gift that the world needs—that the world deserves to see.

63. I am unlike anyone else and that is my best gift.

64. I grant myself my own approval—the only kind I need.

65. Prioritizing me is productive.

66. Taking care of myself is always a good idea.

67. I have unique gifts that make me me.

68. I deserve to be a priority.

69. I am a priority.

70. I have so much to give.

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71. There is so much potential in me to do great things and be great.

72. I have everything I need right here.

73. It is okay to be unapologetically who I am.

74. I am intuitive and it is always in my best interest to trust that intuition.

75. I am empowered.

76. It is a good day to be alive.

77. I attract positive energy that will allow me to heal.

78. I am not the bad things that have happened to me.

79. I continue to grow.

80. I deeply, unconditionally love and trust myself.

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81. I am in control of this situation.

82. I can handle whatever comes my way.

83. I am powerful.

84. I am here for a beautiful reason.

85. My beauty radiates.

86. I glow.

87. I listen to what my body needs; I validate my needs.

88. All of my needs deserve to be met.

89. I deserve everything I dream of and more.

90. I am in the driver's seat of my own life.

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91. Each choice I make is a reflection of my growth.

92. I respect myself; I respect my decisions; I respect my willingness to try.

93. I appreciate myself for who I truly am.

94. What I bring to the table is valuable.

95. My thoughts and ideas deserve to be heard.

96. I am secure in myself.

97. I am sure of myself.

98. Good things are ahead for me; good things are coming.

99. I am open to new and exciting experiences and opportunities.

100. I am unaffected by the judgment of others.

101. I have never given up.

102. Even when life gets hard, I am still here.

103. I am an inspiration.

104. I am divinely made.

105. The world is a greater place because I am here.

Next, Uplifting Confidence Quotes You Need In Your Life ASAP