Am I Psychic? 4 Signs You Could Have Psychic Powers – According to Experts
Shutterstock | Vladimir Arndt
Are you the go-to guru in your friend group, the one who seems to know things before they happen? Or maybe you’ve got a direct line to the mystical side of life. While most of us rely on the usual five senses, some folks have access to the magical world of "clair-senses." These psychic abilities elevate intuition and spirituality to a whole new level.
Derived from the French word “claire” (meaning “clear”), these clair-senses bring extra clarity to our natural perceptions. Some people are naturally gifted, while others need to hone these skills over time. Everyone can strengthen their psychic connection, but some zodiac signs are blessed with a strong third eye. Curious if you're one of them? We're diving into the big four psychic gifts—clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, and clairsentience—to help you discover if you’ve got these hidden superpowers.
4 Signs That You Might Have Psychic Powers
Whether you’re a natural-born psychic or just starting to explore your intuitive side, these clair-senses offer fascinating ways to connect more deeply with the world around you.
Clairvoyance – Clear Seeing
Clairvoyance, or “clear seeing,” is the superstar of psychic senses. If you’re a highly visual person with a vivid imagination and frequent, lively dreams, you might have a knack for this. Clairvoyance can appear as anything from full-blown visions to fleeting images, colors, or symbols. Think of it as your Third Eye giving you insider info through visual cues.
Clairaudience – Clear Hearing
Next up is clairaudience, which means “clear hearing.” This can be external, like hearing actual sounds, or internal, like an inner voice. You're likely tuned into this skill if you’re always catching hidden messages in songs, books, or even casual conversations. It’s like having a supercharged ability to pick up on subtext and receive insights, whether they come from the world around you or pop into your mind unexpectedly.
Claircognizance – Clear Knowing
Claircognizance, or “clear knowing,” is that lightning bolt of intuition we often call a gut feeling. This sense hits you with sudden knowledge or inspiration that feels undeniably true, even without concrete evidence. If you often experience déjà vu or just “know” things out of the blue, your claircognizance might be in full swing. It’s like having a built-in GPS for navigating life’s twists and turns.
Clairsentience – Clear Feeling
Last but definitely not least, clairsentience means “clear feeling.” It’s an empathic ability to sense emotions and energies around you. This skill often shows up as physical sensations—think chills, goosebumps, or a strong gut reaction to people and places. Clairsentient folks are deeply in tune with their environments and can pick up on vibes and moods effortlessly. It’s like having a sixth sense for the emotional climate around you.
UP NEXT: Astrologers Say These 4 Zodiac Signs Are the Most Creative.