'Alpha women are always seen as a threat': Morven Christie returns in The A Word
Television’s new crush Morven Christie is making a career out of being a very difficult woman. But the star of such hugely successful shows as the BBC’s The Replacement, ITV’s Grantchester and the new series of the critically acclaimed The A Word is extremely happy about her reputation as a tough cookie.
‘I play women that a lot of people think of as absolute bitches,’ she laughs as we sit down in a quiet booth at a west London hotel restaurant. ‘But that’s not who they are to me – they are proper reflections of real women. I’ve never wanted to play the pretty girlfriend prop role because that’s just completely patronising in my mind.
‘Women are complicated – they can be strong, tough, soft, smart, challenging and everything rolled into one. We’re not always nice and smiley, or the sexual fantasy – I’m definitely not.’
In Grantchester, Morven plays heiress Amanda, who can’t quite commit to falling in love with James Norton (‘clearly the only woman in Britain who can’t,’ she says), who plays besotted Reverend Sidney Chambers.
In Twenty Twelve she starred as manipulative head of legacy, Fi Healey, and in hit psychological drama The Replacement, she was Ellen, determined not to be outshone by her maternity cover, Paula (Vicky McClure).
Next up, in The A Word, she reprises her role as ultra-protective mum Alison Hughes, desperate to help her son, Joe, now seven, deal with his autism, regardless of the cost to her friends and the rest of the family.
The series, set in the Lake District, written by Peter Bowker and returning to our screens next month, got a massive reaction from television audiences for both its sensitive portrayal of autism and the bullish way Morven, as Alison, dealt with the issue. She battled with other mums at school, fought with her husband (Lee Ingleby), who was content to sit and listen to music with Joe, and was oblivious to the traumas of her teenage daughter.
After the series aired, she was stopped in the street by people telling her they wanted to slap Alison. There was a similar reaction with The Replacement. She frowns: ‘Judgement of women is always harsh. Alpha men are seen as tough and exciting. Alpha women are seen always as a threat.
‘I was shocked that a lot of people had a problem with Alison. There was so much vitriol directed towards her, which I didn’t expect because I saw her simply as a woman who felt it was up to her to find out what was wrong with her son, and try to make him happy.
‘It’s true she didn’t care if she upset people but that was because she saw her son as the one in need. She was frantic to sort things out for him, get him to fit in with school and she was basically terrified because he was different. But she loved him absolutely and she couldn’t always see straight, which is what happens in those situations. I love her fierceness, her strength and I felt for her as a woman. She doesn’t hide who she is and she refuses to bow down to social conventions.’
I never wanted to play the pretty girlfriend prop role because that’s just patronising
Although not difficult herself, there is a thread between the single-minded Alison and Morven, who put distance between herself and her peers at school in Glasgow from the age of 11. Born in rural Helensburgh, Morven and her family later moved to a Glasgow council estate, where she immediately felt isolated. Her father was a drama teacher-turned-lighting engineer and her mother, an occupational therapist.
‘To the kids on the council estate we were posh, but to posh people we were from a council estate,’ she says. ‘I had a problem with that perception, the way you get labelled. And I had a problem with school. Once I started secondary school, I just didn’t like it. I didn’t want to join in with all the different groups – the cool kids, the clever kids, the sporty kids. I felt very separate from everyone else. I didn’t like being told what to think in lessons or told what to read and what to write.’
Rather startlingly, she came up with her own solution. By the age of 15, she had just stopped going to school. Every morning she would get dressed in her uniform and then, after her parents left for work, she would stay at home. She missed 87 days before truancy officers were notified and her parents alerted to her behaviour.
‘My parents would leave the house early and I’d hang about at home. I never felt guilty because it was the right thing for me to be doing. I’d forge my parents’ signatures on absence notes so letters were never sent home. I’d watch films or go up to the attic – where my dad had boxes of scripts of plays – and sit and read them. I remember writing in my book report that I’d read lots of plays and the teacher telling me I hadn’t, which just made me think the whole idea of school was pointless.’
By the time the truancy officers were called in, her school was threatening not to allow her to take her Standard Grade exams. ‘My parents were more horrified that the school hadn’t noticed I’d missed so much time. ‘They weren’t angry with me, they just felt very shocked and sad that I’d done what I’d done. But the urgent issue was for them to get the school to let me sit my exams [she got excellent grades in all subjects], which became a big hoo-ha.
'Then I left as soon as I was 16 and legally able to. My parents were OK with it because they knew I had no intention of staying on. I’m not anti-school as a rule, but I do think prescriptive education is not for everyone and that is just a fact.’
There was – despite her parents’ love of theatre and performance – no burning desire to become an actress.
One of Morven’s great loves is skiing, so she moved to Aviemore to become a ski instructor. Three years later she was hit by the realisation she wanted to act. She is compelling company.
Nothing she says is either expected or ill-thought-out, and there is a sense of absolute sincerity and singularity that makes her both irreverent (last year she tweeted a link to Benedict Cumberbatch talking about how having children does not negatively hinder your career with the remark: ‘Relax girls’) and very likeable.
Her best friend in the acting world is Replacement rival Vicky McClure. ‘I always liked her because she just does her thing, lives in Nottingham, does great work and there’s nothing actressy about her. When we worked together we totally hit it off. We have the same resting bitch face.’
Morven’s pet grievance about the theatre world is ‘the predominance of privately educated posh boys’ and her ambition is to ‘do drama that says something about real people with real lives’.
The new series of The A Word focuses on what happens to the family now that Joe (played by Max Vento) can no longer get by in a mainstream school. In terms of research, Morven relies less on speaking to mothers of autistic children and more on her own emotional response.
‘In life we are hit by issues. We are not experts on them before they happen and I try to stay close to that. I don’t view the piece as a whole, I think of my character, what she is going through, how she deals with it. That feels the most truthful way to me.’
The decision to act was not a Damascene moment, she says, instead it was ‘just an instinct. I’d never done a school play – obviously, I was never there. I’d never joined a theatre or dance group. The first person I told was my dad, who just smiled and said: “I wondered how long it was going to take you.”’
Her initial audition to study drama at sixth-form college in Edinburgh was, she says, appalling. ‘I read a passage of Shakespeare like I was reading poetry, in this sing-song voice. The tutor had to stop me midway. But miraculously I got on the course and for the first time in my life I found myself learning and learning, every day.’
Morven likes extremes. She is never happier than skiing down a black run; she prefers the freezing cold of the Highlands to any other place on earth and what she wanted from acting was to push herself to the limit. On hearing that the Drama Centre in London was the hardest course to get on to, she applied and got in first time.
‘It was brutal. The principle was to break you down and make you understand every single emotion you carried in your body. There were just 20 students and we worked nearly every hour of every day. I had no money, but I loved the discipline and it was the best training for the next decade of my life.’
Morven’s success did not start until her 30s. In fact, she says it is only in the past 18 months that she has not had to worry about money or future projects.
The first years of her career were spent in the theatre for the Royal Shakespeare Company and Sam Mendes’ Bridge Project, before getting her television break in 2007, playing Rose in a BBC adaptation of Oliver Twist. Since then she has made her mark as someone capable of playing a far more nuanced female lead, becoming one of the most in-demand actresses on British TV.
She shakes her head. ‘Five years ago I was flat broke. I remember not having money to put on my electric meter card. I was living in Tottenham and I was burgled just before Christmas. The only thing that got me through was the fact I got a job in the play Men Should Weep, and the cast clubbed together and gave me an envelope full of money to tide me over.’
Now 36, she has recently divorced award-winning film director Scott Graham. They married in 2012 and separated two years later. ‘We’re really good friends, but the marriage didn’t work out and we had to face up to that. It was no one’s fault, it just wasn’t making us happy.’ She has been single for three years.
‘I’ve got to a point where I feel properly whole by myself,’ she says. ‘And that’s a good place. I wouldn’t rule out meeting someone in the future, but my happiness would not depend on it.’ Having split from Graham, Morven decided to quit London in 2015 and move to back to Scotland, where she bought a dog and renovated a tenement flat.
‘I did everything you are not supposed to do as a working actress: I moved away from London because I felt I was losing the core of myself there. The place I feel most earthed is out in nature, in the Highlands. I just felt I had to get back to myself and bizarrely that’s when I suddenly got really busy.’
After the new series of The A Word, she will appear in the BBC’s big-budget Christmas adaptation of Agatha Christie’s Ordeal By Innocence, alongside Bill Nighy and Poldark’s Eleanor Tomlinson. ‘I think we are in an age of really good drama for women,’ says Morven. ‘We’ve gone beyond women as totems and beyond women as just love interests. I used to worry if I would ever get good parts, but now I just worry people are going to get sick of me.’ No chance.
‘The A Word’ returns to BBC One in November
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