Apple's Wireless AirPods Changed My Approach to Fitness for the Better

When my dad’s heart failure progressed last spring, juggling the realities of everyday life (holding a job, holding it together at said job, maintaining relationships, being a dog-mom, moving, and writing my first book, Dressing on the Side (and Other Diet Myths Debunked) on top of all that) left little time for exercise. I'd been a fan of fitness classes, but the likelihood actually making it to a pre-paid exercise class was unlikely at best.
After my standard headphones got lost in the abyss for the umpteenth time, I made the leap - rather, the $159 investment - in Apple's wireless AirPods, which entirely disrupted nearly everything I’d previously considered health-promoting and cost-efficient.
The $159 seemed a bit steep at first but quickly proved worthwhile: The claimed battery life is up to 5 hours (theoretically, I could walk to a different state, if I felt so inclined!). Plus, the charging case extends that to up to 24 hours, according to Apple. Also, for those of us who are technically disinclined, like yours truly, they pair pretty seamlessly with other Apple products, meaning I can switch between using them with my Macbook or iPhone. Easily the geekiest/coolest part about using them, though, is the built-in sensor that connects to audio as soon as both buds are in your ears (they make this cute little sound that has now revealed itself to me as a mini-mantra, signifying, “self-care starts NOW,” every time I put 'em in).
First of all they had a surprising ripple effect: I started walking absolutely everywhere (no time to “exercise?” No problem!) because, second: they served as a gateway to the previously untapped universe of audiobooks - otherwise known as the only safe, conceivable, nausea-free way to both read and exercise at the same time.
Since these teeny buds charge when you put ’em back into their carry-everywhere case, I found I’m way less likely to forget where I’ve placed them, and infinitely more likely to find any excuse to walk anywhere.
The wireless headphones purchase was a lesson in the meaning of self-care. Prioritizing emotional, mental, and physical health means using self-care to inform the choices I make, and the boundaries I set to keep them in place. Attempting to stick to my regular exercise schedule despite a change in life-circumstance was a classic square-peg-round-hole-situation: It simply wasn’t working for me, so it was time to reframe my approach.
The lesson-learned became the basis of a book chapter in my book - the freedom to get up and take a time-out while listening to something I love currently helps me through grief (my dad passed away last fall).
These days, my one-time purchase of $159 means self-care can happen anytime, anywhere - and that, my friends, is invaluable.
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