April’s Mercury Retrograde in Aries Says The Joke’s On Us!

Mercury Retrograde in Aries 2024

On Monday, April 1, 2024, the stars will play a big joke on all of us when Mercury stations retrograde in the sign of Aries. And if you have a sneaking feeling that this month's retrograde remix will be messier than usual, you'd be right. Not only does the planet of communication start playing tricks on us during April Fools' Day, but it coincides with a dynamic and dramatic eclipse season, testing us spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. No matter how cool, calm, and collected you usually feel, anyone could play the fool during April's retrograde cycle. With so much happening in the skies all at once, you have our permission to blame anything that goes wrong on Mercury retrograde this month.

When Is the Next Mercury Retrograde?

There are four Mercury retrograde cycles in 2024. This month, Mercury will be retrograde in Aries from April 1 to April 25, coinciding with April Fools' Day and eclipse season.

How Long Does Mercury Retrograde Last?

Mercury retrogrades typically last between two to three weeks, with a two-week pre-shadow period before and a two-week post-shadow period after that signal the energy shift. Mercury is the fastest-moving planet in the solar system, meaning it goes retrograde more often than any other celestial body, typically about three to four times a year.

What Does Mercury Retrograde Mean in Astrology?

Retrogrades are cosmic phenomena that occur when a planet moves slower than the Earth around the sun, causing it to appear to spin backward in the night sky. These visual illusions change our perception of the celestial bodies in the sky, and the energy they represent astrological shifts with it. During its cosmic backspin, Mercury retrograde is believed to cause confusion and problems in our daily communication, technology, travel, decision-making, and more. Retrogrades alter how we perceive and utilize the function of a planet's power. They remind us to slow down and pause before we do something we can't take back. Or before we decide something without having all the details first.

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What to Expect From April's Mercury Retrograde in Aries

This month's Mercury retrograde begins on April 1, 2024, and ends on April 25, 2024, in the sign of Aries. When Mercury is in Aries, you can expect communication to become more direct and impassioned. However, this month's retrograde energy could cause our bold action and self-confidence to rub people the wrong way if we're not careful. With this Mercury retrograde starting on April Fools' Day, little jokes or off-handed comments will be taken out of context. Over the next two weeks, you may get irritated more easily or feel moody, so it's necessary to be mindful of what you say and how you say it. Otherwise, you might find yourself dealing with drama that you caused and now have to clean up.

During this Mercury retrograde, the North Node in Aries and Chiron will activate each other's shadow sides. You may be tempted to lash out when old wounds get triggered. A situation from your past may resurface, causing you to react impulsively or unfairly without giving the other person a chance. Ego and pride can be particularly harmful during this retrograde period. It's important to be selective about the battles you choose to fight. Not every argument is worth engaging in. While there's a chance that we may stumble over our words or make mistakes during this time, it's also an excellent opportunity to slow down, reflect on our actions, revisit the past, and gain clarity on our own behaviors.

Finally, with eclipse season and Mercury retrograde overlapping, there's more emphasis on finding the answers we're seeking in the present by looking back to the past. Eclipses, these fated cosmic portals, bring sweeping change designed to align us closer to our fate. This transformative power of eclipses brings a sense of hope and optimism, even amidst the challenges. With these themes playing out across the axis of self vs. relationships, there's a collective call for self-discipline, urging us to reject selfish tendencies while remaining mindful of our independence from others' expectations. Remember, you can't reach your goals alone, but it's also not wise to rely solely on others to achieve your dreams. It's essential to strike a balance between independence and collaboration.

What Are You Supposed To Do When Mercury Is Retrograde?

Mercury retrograde is known for causing unexpected snafus and complications, but it's not all bad news. When a planet goes retrograde, it retraces its steps, allowing us to review our past actions and decisions and see things we might've missed the first time. Here are a few things you can do during Mercury's retrograde to avoid making a mess of your life.

Delay Major Decisions

Mercury is the planet of communication, but it's also the celestial body that allows us to think creatively and imagine solutions outside the norm. When Mercury is well positioned in the sky, it grants us the skills of discernment, keen judgment, and foresight. However, when Mercury is retrograde, it can cause us to overlook the finer details than make a big difference, leading to setbacks. For this reason, it's wise to avoid making any big decisions regarding your relationships, career, friendships, and more. Use this time to work out the complicated details so that you can hit the ground running once Mercury stations direct.

Think Before You Speak

In astrology, Mercury influences the energy surrounding group communication. When the messenger planet goes retrograde, it can cause things to get lost in translation, issues with people's tone, and bouts of moodiness. Aries is a sign that isn't afraid to shy away from confrontation. As a cardinal fire sign, Aries believes the best way to solve a problem is to handle it immediately and directly. However, during Mercury's retrograde, people tend to misinterpret things or take offense when no offense is meant. So, watch what you say, or you might spend the next few weeks having to explain yourself.

Put Your Pride Aside

Aries is known for its confident and proud nature, and when positioned in Mercury, it allows us to express our thoughts freely. However, our small actions can have big (and unintended) consequences during Mercury retrograde. If you find yourself causing a stir over the next few weeks, astrologers recommend putting your pride aside and letting go of your ego. Choose your battles wisely! In case of a misunderstanding, apologizing may be easier and better in the long run than trying to prove yourself right. Be cautious and considerate, and you might avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings.

What Should You Avoid Doing When Mercury Is Retrograde?

Astrologers believe that during Mercury retrograde, communication issues, misunderstandings, and disruptions in our daily routine are more likely to occur. Despite our best efforts, the chaos that comes with Mercury retrograde may sometimes be unavoidable. However, if you're hoping to have a smoother experience while navigating this month's cosmic backspin, there are a few things that you should avoid doing.

Entering Into New Relationships

During retrograde cycles, astrological wisdom says to press pause on any new ventures and encourages sitting in the stillness of the moment. This period is viewed as a cosmic checkpoint, urging us to tidy up loose ends before forging ahead. Mercury, the planet of communication, amplifies all the worst qualities of impulsive and demanding Aries during this time. We might think we know what we want, but are we seeing things for what they truly are? During this time, it's important to wait to define the relationship, particularly with Aries' assertive energy, which can cause difficulties in setting clear boundaries. Take time to explore your emotions. Wait until after the retrograde shadow passes to date again.

Rekindling Old Situationships

It sounds cliché, but the chance of running into an ex-lover or former flame is higher during Mercury retrograde. That's because many people feel compelled to seek closure – or shoot their shot one last time – when the planet of communication takes a retrograde spin. During this month's retrograde, there's a higher likelihood of past romantic entanglements resurfacing with ex-partners returning or unresolved emotional baggage affecting the dynamic between new partners. The solar eclipse in Aries on April 8 adds another layer of significance for those who believe in karmic relationships or twin flames. Eclipses are often decisive for endings, beginnings, and transformations. Combined with Mercury retrograde, this is a time to confront karmic loops or release toxic relationship patterns.

Ignoring Your Intuition

When Mercury goes retrograde in the pioneering sign of Aries, it can create confusion with our plans and cloud our judgment. This retrograde motion causes misunderstandings and delays in conveying messages, disrupting the flow of information from our intuition and making it harder to accurately interpret signs from the stars. For the next few weeks, expect challenges in discerning between impulsive urges and genuine intuitive insights, which could lead to doubts about the reliability of your instincts. However, eclipse season is a guiding light, telling you to follow your heart whenever you feel lost in the haze.

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