Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for May

Add these dates to your GCal:
Tuesday, May 11: New Moon in Taurus
Thursday, May 13: Jupiter enters Pisces
Thursday, May 20: Sun enters Gemini Sun
Wednesday, May 26: Full Moon in Sagittarius / Total Lunar Eclipse
Saturday, May 29: Mercury Retrograde
My goodness, Aries love, what have you done? But for real—I’m not kidding. It’s now the month of May, your birthday season is over, and it’s time to assess the damage. Yes, I’m talking about your bank account. Perhaps you went a little too hard planning the ultimate virtual rager, or you decided that spring called for a total wardrobe refresh. Whatever it was, this month is about getting a grip on your wallet. The New Moon in Taurus on May 11 aligns both the Sun (symbolizing external truths) with the Moon (representing emotional experiences) in the area of your chart associated with finances. This is an excellent lunation to set a budget, learn about different investing strategies, or even pick up a few odd jobs to increase your cash flow. Green looks great on you, Aries! We love to see it.
Next up, on May 13, a powerful astrological happening occurs when Jupiter—the planet of abundance and expansion—moves into Pisces for the first time since September 2010. Yes, you read that correctly! It’s been a proper minute since Jupiter cruised through Pisces’ dreamy, ethereal domain…and Jupiter is thrilled to be back. You see, in traditional astrology (that is, the practice that predates the advent of the telescope), Jupiter rules Pisces, so motion into this zodiac sign is basically a cosmic homecoming. Jupiter will only be in Pisces for a few months until it retrogrades back into Aquarius on July 28, so Jupiter’s magical glow-up will really begin at the very end of this year, on December 28. However, this cosmic foreshadowing offers you a unique opportunity to get a taste of 2022, so keep a close eye on any major themes, narratives, or storylines that emerge over the next few weeks—especially those relating to your intuition. Jupiter will be shining a bright light into the area of your chart connected to psychic senses, so this is an excellent time to build a relationship with your subconscious. Dare to dream!
You’re obsessed with all things astro. Same. Never miss a Retrograde with Cosmo Unlocked.
Next, on May 20, a new astrological season begins when the Sun slides into curious Gemini, an air sign that perfectly enhances your own playful spirit. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, Gemini is the informal harbinger of summer, so having fun is about to become your full time job. This is a terrific time to reach out to your besties, classmates, and coworkers, and to say “absolutely” to unplanned hangs, outdoor brunches, and unexpected playdates. Looking for love? Single rams may also be receiving a double-dose of *ahem* passion…so don’t be surprised if you’re suddenly swept head over hoof by a new romantic interest. The temperature’s rising, so naturally, you’re beginning to feel all kinds of fiery! Glow hard!
But wait, there’s more! On May 26, the Full Moon in Sagittarius (also known as a Blood Moon—you know, NBD) lights up the sky, forming a Lunar Eclipse! Eclipses are major, but this one is absolutely monumental because it’s the first eclipse of 2021. Eclipses serve up a unique type of commotion, so don’t be surprised if there are massive shifts in your friend group by the end of the month. These adjustments may not be easy, but trust that they’re important. In fact, they’re part of a greater narrative that began last June and will continue through December. TL;DR: This eclipse is important!
But there’s another thing you’re going to need to deal with. Just one tiny little…nightmare. On May 29, the planet of communication (better known as Mercury) slams on the breaks and pivots into reverse. Yes, Mercury Retrograde is back and—just our luck—it’s smack dab in the middle of Eclipse Season. Try not to panic, Aries: Mercury Retrograde isn’t the end of the world, it’s just really annoying. You will be frustrated, you will have miscommunications, and you will probably get a horrendous headache—this is par for the course! Rather than try to resist Mercury Retrograde, use this as an opportunity to practice some other re- words, like “reflect,” “rest,” and “restore.” Believe it or not, Aries love, it’s okay to slow down. You got this!
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