Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for September

Add these dates to your GCal:
September 2: Full Moon in Pisces
September 9: Mars Retrograde
September 17: New Moon in Virgo
September 22: Sun enters Libra
You’ve keep moving the fan to get the cool air blowing directly on your hot face—but you’re still sweating like crazy! August was hot as hell, but thankfully, we’re kicking off a new month, which means your sign is about to get a well-deserved chill. Even though the dog days of summer may be coming to a close, you can look forward to a major shift in energy...and let’s be honest, Aries: You’re obsessed with anything shiny and new. To put it simply, September is filled with potential!
If you’re really committed to carve out space for exciting opportunities, you must discard whatever is no longer serving your spirit. The month kicks off with a Full Moon in Pisces on September 2, shining a bright light on exactly what you need to release. The truth is that even the bravest Aries warriors have a tough time with goodbyes, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself a little teary-eyed under this electric lunation. Remember that even if you can only see what’s directly in front of you, the world is far more expansive than just your immediate horizon. Who’s to say what exists on the other side of your current reality: Stable relationships? Professional accolades? Shiny red sports cars? Anything’s possible, but in order to reach the next level of your personal development, you need to trust the process. You got this!
Grab your thickest, inkiest marker and draw a huge circle around September 9. While you’re at it, you might as well what to cross out all days between September 9 and November 13: They are dead to you. I’m only kidding, of course—but during this window, Mars (your planetary ruler) will be going retrograde in your own sign. This is a very big deal on both a macro and micro level: your planetary ruler’s backwards glide means that all things relating to motivation, determination, passion, and drive will be up for review. In preparation for this important cosmic occurrence, take a moment to reflect on what propels you forward. What is your fuel? For the next several weeks, Mars Retrograde's energy will be more reactive than assertive, so don’t be afraid to reimagine your motivation to make sure your lifestyle aligns with your values.
Do you want to launch your own business? Take home the gold medal for an athletic feat? Become an overnight internet sensation? Great! But first, you’re going to need a strategy. On September 17, the Sun and Moon align to form a New Moon under Virgo’s domain. Though you’d rather be dangling from the back of a jet ski than rearranging your home office, Virgo’s logical energy invites much-needed organization. In fact, don’t be surprised if you quickly discover that systems can actually help you create a spirited, exciting, and dynamic lifestyle.
Finally, the month concludes as the Sun pivots into a brand new astrological sign on September 22, welcoming in Libra season. As an air sign, Libra's energy is all about blowing things around. The sign of the scales is also associated with diplomacy, harmony, and temperance. Sound familiar? Absolutely not. In fact, Libra is your opposite sign, so don’t be surprised if you feel a bit “off” over the next few weeks. But don’t worry, Aries—that’s exactly what the cosmic doctor ordered. Your sign is all about “me,” but Libra energy is associated with the concept of “we,” so through the end of October, your relationships will be front-and-center. Whether you’re putting a ring on it or saying sayonara to an existing bond, Libra season will be sure to transform your interpersonal realities. But don’t worry—you’re still the boss, Aries. You make the rules!
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