Astrologer Aliza Kelly Tells You When You Need to Have Sex and When You’ll Make Hella Money

It’s very clear how much all of you looove our astrology content, and because of that, we knew it was time to launch a new video series dedicated to it. So *cue the drumroll, please* we’d like to introduce you to our newest bb, Weekly Horoscopes With Aliza Kelly. Every Sunday at 5 p.m. sharp, Aliza, our astrologer and member of Cosmo’s ~cosmic council~, will give you all the 411 on what your upcoming week (Monday through Sunday) will look like according to the planetary transits!
For this week, Aliza alerted us that it is eclipse season!! Okay, yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re all telling yourselves, That’s great and all, but WTF DOES THAT MEAN FOR ME?! Well, it means some of the tension you’re feeling right now may not be just because it’s the holidays and sh*t gets crazy around this time by default. So if you’re hit with any unexpected challenges or intimidating situations anytime soon, you’ll know why.
Today! Tuesday! The Moon is in Virgo, signifying that we will be very much in our heads and critical about our emotions in different aspects of our lives. A lil more serious and toned down than yesterday’s mood. As for Wednesday, we’ll still be in this assessment and in our feelings, as I’d like to read it. We’ve all gotta have those days, people.
On Thursday, we’ll have the Moon in Libra, which will bring us balance. I think I can speak for us all when I say...WE NEED DAT. We’ll be thinking about the way others around us influence us and how we can find harmony in our expectations with the ones people have for us. And Friday may be a bit intense with Venus in Aquarius, when you may find yourself doing a lot of reevaluating. Don’t say we never warned you!
As for the weekend, prepare yourself for lots of money and secrets. Watch the rest of the video to find out more on what THAT means and to get more details on what each day has to offer!
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