August 2022 Astrology Forecast: Remaining Determined Despite Disruption
This article originally appeared on Yoga Journal
When life meets you with disruption, do you have a tendency to remain determined or do you become disturbed? This is an important question to ask yourself as you move through the month of August and the related tension-filled shifts that are certain to present themselves.
On the first day of the month, Mars and Uranus meet up with the North Node in the sign of Taurus, signifying a change that can be destabilizing, whether for better or worse. The full Moon in Aquarius on the 11th takes place while Saturn is retrograde, calling for you to step back and review not only how the month has been going at large but how your nervous system is handling the changes. Are you experiencing life or are you simply detaching completely?
On August 27th, the new Moon in Virgo occurs in a square with Mars in Gemini. This energy will feel similar to attempting to keep the groceries in the backseat of the car in place while turning a sharp corner. This new Moon is all about keenly discerning which adjustments must be made, and since you already know this month will bring disruption, you can consciously determine how you prepare for and respond to it.
August 1st: Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus
The most significant transit of the month takes place at the outset as Mars meets with Uranus and the North Node in the sign of Taurus. When different planetary bodies are in the same sign at the same time, it is known as a conjunction.
Mars, an inner planet, has to do with situations that will be experienced on a more personal level, whereas the outer planet Uranus is felt on a more collective scale. (Because astrology is multivalent in nature, outer planets can also be experienced on a personal level if we have the necessary tools and awareness to allow it.)
The planet Mars is about assertion. This quality has a vast array of expressions, from being a protector to being a perpetrator. The planet Uranus is about authentic expression. Authentic expression has a range as well, from feeling comfortable enough to allow your eccentric traits to show to feeling fractured from your true self because of experiences and stories of the past that echo throughout your being. The North Node has many applications, but in this context, we can think of it as a place where an increase takes place. In relation to the North Node, increase often leads to excess.
During this conjunction, observe how you may become reactive in the ways that you assert yourself--especially in response to an experience that feels disturbing on a personal or collective level.
August 4th: Mercury enters Virgo
Mercury is all about information and experiences. It has access to all the resources it desires when it is in the sign of Virgo, a grounded Earth sign that knows how to look at the constituent parts of anything and organize them appropriately. Mercury in Virgo is a powerful transit for the intellect. However, a transit being powerful is not necessarily positive. Power can be directed with devotion and intention or it can be wielded with a lack of clarity.
That power can be tempered through Virgo, which has a deep and often overlooked connection with nature. There's order to the way the seasons reflect the pattern of a day, the way the leaves fall to create compost to bring more nourishment back to the trees, how the bees bless and receive blessings from flowers.
When you think about organizing your life, how often do you consider the innate organization of anything outside of manmade constructs? For the next 20 days, the invitation is to journal daily on how your life can be brought to a greater sense of ease through aligning with the intelligent organization of nature.
August 7th: Mars in Taurus square Saturn retrograde in Aquarius
Saturn retrograde continues the line of self-reflective questioning around authenticity that was initiated earlier in the month. Mars, the warrior planet, moving into the grounded Earth sign of Taurus slows down the process and can allow tension-filled circumstances to be held in your body. Remember, struggles are not always an invitation to shy away from something but rather to deepen into understanding.
August 8th: Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto retrograde in Capricorn
Venus, a planet that relates to the feminine, comes into an emotional water sign in perfect opposition to Pluto, a planet that signifies power dynamics, in a practical earth sign. This alignment can feel like hatred. Because an outer planet is involved here, more collective implications apply. However, on an individual level, it is good to be mindful of how you might be living at odds with the more caring and nurturing sides of yourself. Is the way you have arranged your life in direct contrast to receiving the self-care you know you need?
August 11th: Full Moon in Aquarius conjunct Saturn retrograde
The full Moon in Aquarius is inviting you to see where you can take a step back and experience truth with-ness. With-ness is an expression meaning to become non attached while being sure not to dissociate. The full Moon with Saturn retrograde is about reflecting, witnessing, and being with what is necessary for your next steps forward.
See also: A Yoga Practice for the Full Moon in Aquarius
August 11th: Venus enters Leo
Venus enters into the heart-centered sign of Leo, asking for a shift in your relationship with courage so that you can express your desires from a more authentic space.
August 20th: Mars enters Gemini
Mars represents your conscious desires. Gemini is about how we take in and organize information on a mental level. Mars will be in the sign of Gemini until March 24th, 2023, which is about triple the time it would usually be in this air sign. Your way of thinking is going to make shifts during this transit, so be ready to confront your thinking mind.
August 22nd: Sun enters Virgo
The Sun shines its light in the meticulous earth sign of Virgo. This sign is very particular about things being in their "rightful place." How does this show up when you turn your gaze from your conditioned thoughts and directed outward toward the light of nature? During the Sun's journey through Virgo, the invitation is to consider or journal about ways you would organize your life differently if it was based on nature first instead of our other ways that are so often are in conflict with natural design.
August 25th: Mercury enters Libra
Mercury enters the air sign Libra, where communication in relating and relationship is emphasized. Be mindful of the types of conversations that you hold. Mercury will soon go retrograde, so communicate sooner rather than later so that greater clarity can be accessed.
August 27th: New Moon in Virgo square Mars in Gemini
The prominence of Mars continues throughout the month of August. The new Moon in Virgo occurs in a square relationship to Mars in Gemini. A square refers to the angle between the planets and creates tension in the way a sharp turn in a car does--the change of direction creates friction.
This square brings a particular type of stress. Virgo is a very thought-oriented sign that likes order. Yet our thoughts are not supposed to run our lives. Check in with your criticism and judgments of both self and others. Is your vision of right or wrong stopping you from finding presence? If so, consider how you can attend to adjusting your perception to be less critical.
August 28th: Venus in Leo opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius
Venus is the planet of sensuality. Wherever she resides, she invites us to tune into the five senses. When she is in the sign of Leo, she invites you to be sure to find the courage to be in relationship, speak from your heart, and be connected to what smells, taste, sounds, feels, sounds, and looks desirable to you. When we stay with our senses and enhance our experience of life from that space, all of our human connections are clarified.
Venus in Leo asks you to bring courage into your relationships. When it opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, our ability to be with our unique expression will be challenged. We are invited to bring our authenticity and our full awareness into our most intimate relationships. Take a moment to check in with what you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. Your full presence is requested.
About our contributor
Cameron Allen began his path to understanding mind-body awareness with a degree in health and sports science and psychology. Beyond the colonized education system, he began seeking understanding through direct experience with nature, Astrology, herbalism, rootwork, yoga, and other indigenous technologies. Cameron is a herbalist, astrologer, and writer. Cameron is a student of life and continues to deepen his studies of ancient wisdom and apply it to modern life.
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