Your August 2024 Horoscope: What’s in Store for You, Based on Your Sign
If you’ve been wanting to wind down and soak up all that summer has to offer so that you have no regrets once the hustle-bustle of a new season kicks into full gear, your August 2024 horoscope is brimming with opportunity. Not only will the sun be making its way through fixed fire sign Leo for the first half of the month, fueling plenty of optimism and fierce devotion to loved ones. But during the latter half of the month, Virgo season kicks off, heightening your attention to detail, thoughtfulness and desire to be of service to your nearest and dearest.
A few key days to hold in mind as you move into this equally warm, fuzzy and fired up time of year: From August 4-5 (depending on time zone), messenger Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo and then Leo, encouraging self-reflection and slowdowns for the greater purpose of reassessing how you’re caring for your wellness and doing intense inner work around identity and self-esteem. An empowering new moon in Leo on August 4 falls just ahead of the planet of communication’s backspin, serving as a reminder that it’s still possible to launch a new chapter while doing the inner work Mercury retrograde encourages. Venus, the planet of relationships and beauty, will move into Virgo that same day, as well, and until August 29, we’ll be a little more meticulous and invested in acts of service within our bonds. Your energy and drive — especially related to projects that involve high mental energy — could skyrocket as go-getter Mars joins magnifying Jupiter in communicative Gemini on August 14. And the August 19 full moon in Aquarius is a chance to strike out on your own, embrace innovation and tap into the power of community in the midst of potentially stunning emotional breakthroughs.
Here’s how to take advantage of this month’s celestial events, based on your zodiac sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don’t, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)
Aries August 2024 horoscope
You generally prefer to hit the gas and move from one activity to the next, but from the very start of the month, you’ll be challenged to slow down and reassess how you’re going about hustling through your to-dos, thanks to messenger Mercury beginning its retrograde in your routine zone on August 4-5. This is also the sector that oversees wellness, so you could feel compelled to revisit a healthy practice that you had previously backburnered. Around the same day, the new moon in your romance and self-expression zone nudges you to put creativity, joyfulness and spontaneity first. You’ll do best to listen to and follow your heart now. On August 14, you can anticipate thrilling brainstorms with colleagues or lively get-togethers with friends, thanks to your ruling planet, go-getter Mars, pairing up with lucky Jupiter in your communication sector. Your physical and mental energy will truly soar. And toward the end of the month, you can prepare for a whole new season of one-on-one bonding time, because romantic Venus will be in your partnership zone from August 29 to September 22.
Click through for more on Aries.
Taurus August 2024 horoscope
August 2024 begins with a bang as romantic Venus, your ruler, in your home zone squares off against game-changer Uranus in your sign, potentially prompting out-of-the-blue shake-ups with family members. The underlying cause is a desire for more freedom and excitement, so bear that in mind as you talk through whatever comes up. And it’s more likely that wires could get crossed, especially as you attempt to share what’s in your heart, because communicator Mercury begins its nearly month-long retrograde in your romance and self-expression sector on August 4-5. It’ll slip back into your communication sector on August 14, providing you with a chance to gain more clarity around how you can best connect with not only your nearest and dearest but your platonic connections as well. Thanks to Venus moving into your romance zone on August 4, the planet of relationships will harmonize with Uranus in your sign come August 27, presenting you with a chance to enjoy extraordinary fireworks with a loved one — as long as you’re open to moving past a tried-and-true routine.
Click through for more on Taurus.
Gemini August 2024 horoscope
As August 2024 begins, your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, will be slowing down ahead of its next big retrograde, which begins in your home zone, turning your attention to bonding time with loved ones, which could ultimately reenergize these close connections. Though you tend to want to be on the go and flitting from one new experience or environment to the next, tying up loose ends close to home, ideally alongside family members, can actually be more fulfilling now. You’ll have two opportunities to really open up and bolster your bonds all around: On August 7, Mercury will pair up with relationship-oriented Venus in your home zone, and on August 18, the confident sun and Mercury align in your communication sector. Both transits can amplify your self-assuredness and harmony, so consider using these days to prioritize conversations that you’ve been meaning to have with your nearest and dearest. Around August 19, when the full moon is in your adventure sector, try to get out of your head in order to check in with your gut. You could be ready to let go of routines, philosophies or commitments that are no longer serving your greater purpose, and in turn, you’ll experience personal growth.
Click through for more on Gemini.
Cancer August 2024 horoscope
The beginning of August is dedicated to reflecting on your values, self-worth and moneymaking approach, thanks to your ruler, the intuitive moon, launching a whole new cycle in your income zone on August 4. Allow yourself plenty of room to tap into your intuition and consider what you need to make your earning aspirations a reality. You could be inspired to go to bat for yourself in a different way — perhaps around August 18 when the confident sun comes together with messenger Mercury in your money zone! And on August 4-5, messenger Mercury’s retrograde starts in your communication zone, so steel yourself for tech slowdowns and crossed wires that could test your patience. The good news is you can utilize this period, which lasts until August 28, to key into the social commitments and projects that are most worth your mental energy. You can also look forward to your comfort level within your closest relationships and your approach to shared financial goals with a loved one coming into focus around August 19, when the full moon falls in your intimacy and joint resources sector. Emotions could run high now, but wearing your heart on your sleeve and being open to productive conversations could set you and someone special — a loved one or a significant other — down a productive path.
Click through for more on Cancer.
Leo August 2024 horoscope
You can’t help but feel more energized, ambitious and fired up to move the ball forward on passion projects while the sun is in your sign, and that energy will be in full effect as the month starts. In fact, your annual new moon, falling on August 4, encourages you to step into the spotlight in a bold way to declare what you want in your heart of hearts and are planning to work toward over the next two weeks to six months. But, because messenger Mercury will go retrograde in your money zone on August 4-5, you’ll notice that you’re also being urged to look in the rearview mirror before you can fully step into the future. Until August 14, you’ll do well to dedicate a bit of your self-work practice to reflecting on your values and self-worth, both of which may be tied to your bottom line. Then, from August 14 to 28, Mercury’s backspin in your sign drives you to meditate on how you’re presenting yourself out in the world and projecting your self-image. This theme could also play a key role around August 19 as the full moon activates your partnership zone, asking you to think about how your closest one-on-one bonds mirror your sense of self.
Click through for more on Leo.
Virgo August 2024 horoscope
Typically, the first half of August is a little sleepy for you, because the confident sun is spending time in your spirituality zone, which nudges you to focus on self-work, resting, dreaming and caring for your psychological well-being over hitting the gas on external goals. The new moon on August 4 in this zone definitely encompasses those themes and presents you with a lovely chance to set goals related to your spiritual wellness. Yet, give yourself plenty of grace to go at whatever pace feels best — even if it is super-slow — because your ruler, messenger Mercury begins its retrograde in your sign on August 4-5. This moment is all about bolstering your awareness of how you’ve been nurturing your self-image inwardly. Diving into this self-work can feel particularly pleasurable and productive, especially in terms of its effect on your relationships, around August 7 thanks to Mercury’s pair-up with social Venus in your sign. And as Mercury backs up through your spirituality sector from August 14 to 28, anticipate breakthroughs in therapy or while spending time on a favorite self-care routine. Then, from August 22 to September 22, the sun’s trip through your sign elevates your confidence and can help you get even more clear on your purpose.
Click through for more on Virgo.
Libra August 2024 horoscope
As soon as August 2024 gets going, you could experience a shocking turn of events when it comes to a group project, community endeavor or long-term wish, thanks to your ruler, sweet Venus in your teamwork zone squaring off against game-changer Uranus in your emotional bonds sector. Anticipating the unexpected and staying open minded can ultimately set you up for better results than sticking to the status quo. Around August 4, the new moon falls in your teamwork sector, as well, making this a beneficial moment for joining forces with friends or colleagues to kickstart a new group game plan to achieve a shared goal. Just be aware that with messenger Mercury retrograde in your spirituality zone from August 4-5 to 14, plus Venus in this zone from August 4 to 29, staying even more in tune with your intuition than usual is a must. In fact, doing so will only serve to enhance heartfelt conversations with loved ones, especially around August 7 when the messenger planet and relationships planet align. Later, around August 19, when the full moon falls in your romance and self-expression zone, you’ll do well to own your voice, your creativity and your ability to infuse everyday life with plenty of magic and joy.
Click through for more on Libra.
Scorpio August 2024 horoscope
Leo season compels you to step into the spotlight and take greater ownership of your sense of authority, because the confident sun is in your career zone. And around August 4, when the new moon falls there, you’ll get your annual opportunity to vie for the recognition and professional rewards you’ve been dreaming of. You’ll feel fired up to speak with higher-ups, create a bold proposal or throw your hat in the ring for a leadership position. You could see the fruits of your labor as soon as two weeks and absolutely over the course of six months. Because information-gathering Mercury begins its retrograde in your networking zone on August 4-5, take special care when communicating with colleagues or friends about your aspirations so as to preempt crossed wires. You might reconnect with people from the past who can help you soar. You’ll also be motivated to share and act your desires with a significant other or loved one, perhaps related to your joint financial aspirations on August 14, go-getter Mars pairs up with lucky Jupiter in your emotional bonds zone. And around August 19, when the full moon falls in your home zone, tackling an ongoing challenging issue with a family member or related to your domestic life could be healing and game-changing.
Click through for more on Scorpio.
Sagittarius August 2024 horoscope
Your wanderlust and longing to get out of your comfort zone is a constant year round, but with the confident sun in your adventure and higher learning sector until August 22, it’ll be running even higher than usual, and around August 4, when the new moon falls there, you’ll do well to check in with your gut and get clear on how you want to move past the mundane on an ongoing basis over the next two weeks to six months. Maybe you want to work with a mentor to hone a new skill set or take a long-distance trip. Either way, you can make a bold move around this lunar event that sets you up for fulfilling results. With Mercury beginning its retrograde in your career zone on August 4-5, you’ll also be reflecting on and reassessing what you want to accomplish professionally — so these two transits could actually work in tandem. From August 14 to 28, Mercury will be retrograde in your adventure zone, so you’ll do well to revisit philosophies and learning experiences that were previously set aside. Consider leaning on a friend, colleague or loved one for support, especially around August 14 when go-getter Mars and your ruler, lucky Jupiter, align in your partnership sector. Friends and colleagues could also step up to help you pursue long-term wishes from August 29 to September 22, thanks to sweet Venus in your networking zone.
Click here for more on Sagittarius.
Capricorn August 2024 horoscope
Leo season throws a spotlight on your need to connect in a more meaningful, emotional and vulnerable way with loved ones and perhaps someone special, such as a significant other, because the confident sun is spending time in your intimacy zone until August 22. August 4’s new moon there is a chance to zero in on your vision for true emotional fulfillment. It’s possible that certain dynamics with a loved one have been causing discomfort or imbalance, or perhaps you are just more prepared now to assert your needs. Think of this time as a fresh start. Bear in mind that messenger Mercury will be retrograde from August 4-5 to 14 in your higher learning sector, so you’ll also be reviewing your personal views and philosophies while prioritizing gut checks. And as the communication planet backs up through your emotional bonds sector from August 14 to 28, even more self-reflection around your close bonds — as well as joint resources — will be called for. Lessons that come up over the course of the month might actually lend themselves to breakthroughs around August 19, when the full moon activates your self-worth zone. You’ll connect the dots between how you’re showing up in relationships and bringing your skills to the table on the job.
Click through for more on Capricorn.
Aquarius August 2024 horoscope
With the sun in your partnership sector as August 2024 gets going, you’ll be immersed in one-on-one bonding time with your dearest friends, loved ones and colleagues. Take advantage of the August 4 new moon there by highlighting a goal or project you want to pursue as part of a pair, and then taking even one small step toward making it a reality. You could begin to see results around the August 19 full moon and even more so within six months. Just note that with messenger Mercury kicking off its retrograde in your emotional bonds and intimacy sector on August 4-5, you’ll also be finessing your approach to shared resources and how you’re connecting on a deep, emotional level with a significant other or loved one. Nurturing this bond could support your new moon aspiration! On August 14, go-getter Mars and lucky Jupiter meet up in your romance and self-expression zone, amplifying your courage, drive and ambition when it comes to a creative endeavor or acting on desires to infuse your life with more fun, spontaneity and playfulness. You can feel empowered to lean into this impulse, but be sure not to bite off more than you can chew. And around August 19, when the full moon falls in your sign, you’ll be feeling more sensitive and in tune with your emotions, so set aside time to explore whatever’s coming up for you. Talking through your needs and even fears with a trusted confidant (like a therapist or mentor) could lead to an eye-opening realization and inspire you to shed perspectives — and perhaps even relationships — that are no longer serving you.
Click through for more on Aquarius.
Pisces August 2024 horoscope
August 2024 begins with a new moon in your wellness and daily routine zone, motivating you to pinpoint a health goal you’re willing to pour your time, energy and heart into achieving. Although you could feel like you’re being pulled back into the past at the same time, thanks to messenger Mercury going retrograde on August 4-5, remind yourself that you can achieve whatever vision you’ve laser focused on. Confidence will be particularly key to your success. Meanwhile, the retrograde activates your partnership zone until August 14, so you can utilize this period to rethink how you’re approaching shared goals with a loved one, friend or colleague. A new strategy could be called for, and you’ll have the wind in your sails to research that now. And as Mercury backs up through your health zone from August 14 to 28, you can revisit practices that brought you bliss and inner peace in the past. Around August 19, the full moon in your spirituality zone is another opportunity to center your psychological well-being. Carve out time for meditation, journaling or another pastime that allows you to connect even more deeply with your inner voice, which, thanks to this lunar event, could lead to an important epiphany.
Click through for more on Pisces.
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