Bad Hair Day? These 12 Hairsprays Will Keep It All In Place
Bad Hair Day? These 12 Hairsprays Will Keep It All In Place
Every time you see a guy who looks impeccably put together with no hair out of place, we’re willing to bet his secret is hairspray. You probably think you know about hairspray: that it’s smelly, crunchy, and will make your hair look and feel like a helmet. Think again.
Hairspray is the most underrated hair styling product for men, according to barber Mr. Natty of Tuft NYC. “Guys don’t use it much, but it’s so important,” he says. “It can act like a styling product or a fixing product. You can put it on thinner hair and it makes it feel thicker.” But he understands why most guys get a little freaked about spray—old school sprays laid it on thick and locked hair in place a little too much. His trick is to spray it on a brush instead of directly onto hair. That way you ensure a lighter touch and a more natural finish.
With modern hairsprays though, you may not even need to do that. Top hairspray brands are coming out with lighter sprays that are flexible hold, meaning you can run your hands through your hair and not break the bonds (no more helmet head). So no matter what kind of hair you have, there is a hairspray out there for you. These are the 12 best hairsprays men have been missing out on.
Whether thin and straight or thick and curly, we've got you covered.