Show band loyalty with a rock n’ roll mask: The Beatles, Hendrix, AC/DC, The Police and more

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Bet you never thought wearing a mask could look so cool. (Credit: Red Bubble)

In these days of quasi-quarantine and social distancing, personal presentation has really taken a hit—there seems hardly any reason to change out of your pajamas or comb your hair, let alone strive for fabulousness when you’re out and about (whatever that means now).

But the situation doesn’t have to be quite so…basic. To wit: Sure, you can fashion a protective mask from that generic old bandana you’ve had lying around, but why be a faceless (as it were) schlub? We’re here to help you literally put your money where your mouth is and stay safe—and cool—out there with this selection of pop star-themed protective gear.*


(Credit: Red Bubble)
(Credit: Red Bubble)

You’ll have only 98 problems after snapping this up and hitting the town with Hova leading the way. Extra credit: With his classic Yankees cap, you can show some love for his COVID-ravaged NYC.

Shop it: Jay-Z Mask, $12,

The Beatles

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(Credit: Red Bubble )

Is there a more iconic, and intriguing, classic-rock image than the Fab Four’s single-file traversing of Abbey Road? This one’s available in a few varieties, but we love the stark simplicity of a black-and-white silhouette.

Shop it: Music Icon Beatles Mask, $14,

Joy Division

Unnknown Pleasures Mask (Credit: )
Unnknown Pleasures Mask (Credit: )

If your tastes run darker and more obscure, here’s one that only fellow disciples of the legendary post-punkers will recognize. That artwork? It’s a graphic rendering of signals from a radio pulsar by Peter Saville.

Shop it: Unknown Pleasures Mask, $17,

Elvis Costello

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Whether you’re a casual admirer or full-on fanatic, you’re likely to consider Costello’s 1978 album, This Year’s Model, his masterpiece. Turns out the same can be said for its still-stirring cover art, reproduced here in all its creepy, glaring glory.

Shop it: Elvis Costello Mask, $13,

Elvis Presley

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Of course, there’s that other Elvis, for those of you with more old-school, down-home taste. Hard to beat this beautiful-in-its-simplicity rendering of the King. Isn’t he just dreamy???

Shop it: Elvis Presley, Music Legend Mask, $12.50,

The Police

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Sure, you won’t see the words “Police” or an image of Messrs. Sumner, Summers, and Copeland on this mask, but instead something cooler: an in-the-know reference to one of the ‘70s-‘80s trio’s greatest singles…which just happens to be timely as hell right about now.

Shop it: The Police Mask, $16,


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For those taking steps to protect themselves from a deadly contagion sweeping the planet, we salute you! Celebrate the spirit of the Aussie hellraisers with this creation from The Escape Portal.

Shop it: AC/DC Mask, $12,


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There are few more merchandised—or awesome--bands than The Ramones, featuring a mind-bending array of choices, but the first and best graphic tribute to the peerless punks is their official, absurdist “seal.” Gabba Gabba Hey!

Shop it: Ramones Mask, $14,

Brian Jones

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Sure, you could go with the trademark lips-and-tongue logo, but bone-deep Rolling Stones fans might want to opt for this trippy tribute to the band’s late lamented founder and guitarist Brian Jones.

Shop it: Brian Jones Mask, $12.50,

Jimi Hendrix 

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Speaking of ‘60s icons gone too soon, check this full-throated (heh) tribute to the rock’s inimitable six-string genius. This bandana mask also offers a comfy alternative to those who can’t abide rubber bands digging into the back of their ears.

Shop it: Rainy Day Mask and Neck Gaiter, $28,

Steely Dan

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This one’s just too goofy to ignore—combining a devotees-only allusion to the cover art of the Dan’s 1980 album, Gaucho, its AOR-staple single “Hey Nineteen,” and our present predicament.

Shop it: Hey COVID-19 Mask, $12.50,

Grateful Dead

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Also hilarious: This Grateful Dead-themed mask wordlessly, and beautifully, alludes to the cover art for an album called Steal Your Face. Get it? It’s a mask? It steals your face?? Oh, never mind.

Shop it: Grateful Dead Mask, $14,

Lou Reed

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Take a walk on the protected side sporting this iconic image from the cover of Reed’s masterpiece, Transformer. Wanna go a bit deeper into Sweet Lou iconography? There’s a mask honoring the most famous banana in Pop Art history…and the cover of the Velvet Underground’s debut album.

Shop it: Andy Warhol Banana Mask, $14,

Cardi B

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For the Cardi B lover in your life, this creation from Etsy-er Sewing Dayes features a washable insert to keep things extra-sanitized. Coronavaairis!

Shop it: Cardi B Face Mask, $20,

Johnny Cash

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Last but definitely not least: Let the coronavirus—and anyone encroaching on your personal space—know just what you think of them with this repurposing of The Man in Black’s timeless gesture of renegade defiance.

Shop it: Johnny Cash Mask, $14.50,

*Not to be worn in medical environments.

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