Basset Hound Figuring Out How To Jump Is Too Cute for Words

Our dogs deserve our upmost respect and we should absolutely never make fun of them. We should never laugh at our dogs, or tease them for their antics, OH who am I kidding? One of the best parts of pet ownership is getting a good laugh at how fantastically, adorably derpy all of our pets can be and how sometimes they just can't even complete the simplest of tasks. Like jumping over a gate.

Just check out this ridiculously cute Basset Hound named Loki who just can't make it over the door of his dog crate in a video posted October 18. He's so preciously hilarious!

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The TikTok account for @bassetpotatoes shared the utterly adorable video and viewers just can't get enough of this little baby trying his hardest. It's too funny! @Coco comments, "He looked at you like mom I’ve tried everything I’ll just live over here." Awwwww! His face is just the sweetest. I'm not sure how mom just didn't walk over and lift Loki up, LOL.

@Donna adds, "He has good giddy up but the follow through is broken." @Nancy, obviously a Basset Hound owner, replies, "With Bassets you need to lower your expectations as well as obstacles to jump over." @Panda responds, "Took my Bassett years to learn how to jump."

Awww, dogs don't HAVE to jump. I mean, maybe Loki should be carried, LOL. Mom did everything right by being so encouraging and when he finally made it I can't be the only one who felt like cheering.

Basset Hounds can be stubborn, but they are capable of jumping four feet in the air! As with any dog learning a new skill, patience, praise and treats are key, but with a dog like Loki who is this cute we'd be okay if he never jumped and we could just cuddle him!

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