The BBC: A People's History, review: a riveting look back on Auntie's first 100 years
In this, its centenary year, there is sure to be a slew of books, articles, debates and appraisals of the BBC and all it stands for. And rightly so, because no other organisation has so profoundly influenced Britain’s culture. Over the past century, the BBC has been one of the formative hands on the potter’s wheel, moulding the clay of British society. The nation we live in, the culture we inhabit, is, in large measure, the BBC’s creation. And this book, The BBC: A People’s History, is an attempt to get that story in focus.
The author, David Hendy, is professor of media history at the University of Sussex. Few professions mangle the English language more horribly than academia but Prof Hendy has written a highly readable, at times gripping, history of the BBC. And, even as someone who has waded through most of Asa Briggs’s monumental five-volume official history of the BBC, I found much that was striking and new.
Hendy’s narrative is well-paced, particularly in recounting the BBC’s first 25 years. As he explains, there was a serendipitous aspect to how it came into existence; he starts with the three men who were the BBC’s midwives, Cecil Lewis, Arthur Burrows and John Reith, whom we first meet seeking premises for the fledgling British Broadcasting Company. The location they chose, Savoy Hill, a “slightly seedy” district a short walk from the Aldwych, was the BBC’s first home and where the great broadcasting adventure began.
The three of them – blessed with complementary abilities – set about their task in near-complete ignorance of what it was they were trying to create. Radio was a new medium, hardly known to the public, so they were working on a tabula rasa; it was John Reith, later Lord Reith, who had the clearest vision of what this new thing should be. High-minded, but clear-sighted, it was Reith’s insistence that the new BBC should be both entertaining and educational that became the foundational ethos of the organisation.
The story of the BBC during the war is the most stirring section of the book. These were the heroic years, when the BBC rose to the challenge and created its own legend. Broadcasting House was deliberately targeted by the Luftwaffe. In October 1940, a 500lb bomb exploded on the fifth floor. In a basement studio, newsreader Bruce Belfrage was delivering the main evening news; as the explosion shook the building, he stopped momentarily, then blew the plaster dust off his script and continued. All that listeners noticed was a distant rumble and a brief pause; how’s that for sangfroid?
The Corporation managed two difficult things in those years: it both helped to sustain national morale with the introduction of crowd-pleasing programmes like Music While You Work (designed to relieve the monotony of workers at their factory benches) whilst at the same time managing, within the constraints of wartime censorship, to tell the truth. In doing so, it became a trusted source of information in Nazi-occupied Europe. After the liberation of Paris in 1944, a new service, Radiodiffusion Fran?aise, was set up. In its first broadcast the presenter paid this heartfelt tribute: “The world was drowning in lies but the BBC proclaimed the truth.”
Inevitably, in the postwar years, the opportunities for conspicuous heroics diminished, but Hendy finds plenty to celebrate. He charts the decline of the old BBC way – courteous, wary of controversy, somewhat deferential, a bit staid – with the influx of the “Young Turks” in the 1960s. There is much grist here for the historian of popular culture: the impact of BBC satirical programmes, the raising of social consciousness through hard-hitting dramas. But what Hendy cannot avoid is the way in which the BBC became increasingly embroiled in controversy.
My problem with the book is that Hendy is much too willing to ascribe the BBC’s current problems to the blind hostility of Conservative governments and their media allies. He makes much of what he sees as the self-interested criticism of media competitors like Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation. Undoubtedly, Murdoch wants to see the BBC weakened but, as I can testify from personal experience, in the 1980s BBC newsrooms were actively hostile to Mrs Thatcher and her government. The BBC’s treatment of Thatcher was in many ways slanted and unfair; it takes two to create a feud.
Hendy does describe some of the worst scandals – how Jimmy Savile brought lasting shame to the Corporation and how Martin Bashir’s underhand tactics dragged the reputation of BBC journalism through the mud – but, in counterpoint, he details all the many programme triumphs that have brought enjoyment to millions: the David Attenborough Life series, Strictly Come Dancing, EastEnders, Doctor Who and so on; programmes which have set a benchmark for popular television. I have sympathy with this – on balance, I believe the BBC has been a force for good; but that does not answer the current case against it.
Hendy’s argument is that the BBC is “on our side”; that it is always “for the people”. But this is exactly where the fault-line runs; in the long national Brexit debate the BBC firmly aligned itself with the Remainers. It was obviously biased against Brexit and yet, as the 2016 referendum demonstrated, “the people” were on the other side. The manner in which the BBC’s vows of impartiality have been broken are at the heart of the Corporation’s current woes; and that central problem is one this book does not address. But for all that, it remains a fascinating and informative account of the BBC’s first 100 years.
The BBC: A People's History by David Hendy is published by Profile at £25. To order your copy for £19.99, visit Telegraph Books
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