Bean Sprouts Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman
Medically reviewed by Barbie Cervoni MS, RD, CDCES, CDNMedically reviewed by Barbie Cervoni MS, RD, CDCES, CDN
Sprouts are seeds that have been watered and germinated to produce thin stalk and leaflets. They are harvested when about 3 to 5 days old and come in many varieties—including mung beans and soybeans; alfalfa sprouts; broccoli sprouts; and clover sprouts.
The leafier the bean sprouts the more their nutritional content mimics green leafy vegetables. Sprouts are easy to grow at home, as one tablespoon of alfalfa seeds will sprout to fill a quart jar. Be sure to buy seeds labeled "for sprouting."
Bean Sprouts Nutrition Facts
The following nutrition information is provided by the USDA for 1 cup (90g) of raw bean sprouts.
Calories: 27
Fat: 0.2g
Sodium: 5.4mg
Carbohydrates: 5.4g
Fiber: 1.6g
Sugars: 3.7g
Protein: 2.7g
Iron: 0.8mg
Magnesium: 18.9mg
Vitamin C: 11.9mg
Folate: 54.9mcg
Vitamin K: 29.7mcg
As with most non-starchy vegetables, scientists haven't tested the glycemic index of bean sprouts, but assume that it is low due to the low amount of carbohydrates (5.4 grams for 1 cup of bean sprouts).
Bean sprouts contain a trace amount of fat. Most of the fats found in sprouts are mono and polyunsaturated.
Beans are a solid plant-based source of protein, but bean sprouts have less protein than mature beans. For example, a cup of cooked mung beans contains 12 grams of protein, whereas 1 cup of bean sprouts offers 2.7 grams.
Still, sprouts have more protein than other leafy greens, with 3 grams per cup for mung bean sprouts versus less than 1 gram for spinach, for example. Sprouting increases the amounts and bioavailability of protein.
Vitamins and Minerals
Nutrition experts have noted that "sprouts provide excellent quality nutrients and, by weight, are the rich sources of an array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants." A one-cup serving is a solid source of vitamin C (providing roughly 13% of the RDA) and provides antioxidants such as cryptoxanthin.
Calories in Bean Sprouts
Bean sprouts contain 27 calories per cup (90g) serving. Those calories come primarily from carbs at 63%, followed by 32% protein, and 5% fat.
Bean sprouts are a low-calorie, nutrient-rich vegetable that provides fiber and nutrients like iron, magnesium, vitamin K, folate, and vitamin C. They are excellent for adding to stir-frys, salads, and sandwiches.
Health Benefits of Bean Sprouts
Research has shown that some sprouts from bean sprouts to broccoli sprouts have fairly high levels of phytonutrients, many of which have antioxidant properties.
Lowers Cholesterol
A small, short-term study of broccoli sprouts found that their antioxidants could lower total and LDL ("bad") cholesterol, and significantly increase HDL ("good") cholesterol in human participants. A slightly larger study found similar effects on cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes who consumed lentil sprouts.
Provides Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
Mung beans contain balanced nutrients, including protein, dietary fiber, and significant bioactive phytochemicals. High levels of proteins, amino acids, oligosaccharides, and polyphenols in mung beans contribute to antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor properties.
More research is needed in this area, but some preliminary studies show that antioxidants in mung bean sprouts can have several powerful anti-inflammatory effects. They can contribute to the treatment of cancer, hypertension (high blood pressure), and sepsis (a serious, systemic inflammation of the body).
More research is needed, but preliminary studies show antioxidants in mung bean sprouts have several powerful anti-inflammatory effects. They can contribute to the treatment of cancer, hypertension (high blood pressure), and sepsis (a serious, systemic inflammation of the body).
May Boost Immune System
Bean sprouts contain vitamin C, zinc, and magnesium, along with flavonoids that may improve immune functioning. A strong immune system is necessary for warding off infections, viruses, and diseases as well as recovering from illness.
Important Source of Plant-Based Nutrients
Some nutrients are more challenging to obtain with a plant-based diet, including iron, zinc, protein, and B vitamins. Bean sprouts provide all these nutrients in higher quantities than many other plant foods, making them ideal for those who avoid animal products. Remember that iron in plants is far less absorbable than from animal sources, so you may need to supplement.
May Support Bone Health
Bean sprouts contain vitamin K, which is important for bone health. They also contain manganese and zinc, which support healthy bone formation. Phytoestrogens found in soybean sprouts may also help to promote bone mineralization by promoting calcium levels.
May Help Prevent Degenerative Diseases
Research shows including antioxidant-rich foods such as legumes and bean sprouts is positively correlated with the lower occurrence of degenerative diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s diseases.
Allergies to Bean Sprouts
People who are allergic to soy should not consume soybean sprouts. People with peanut allergies may also experience reactions when consuming sprouts made from various beans. If you or your child has a soy or peanut allergy, talk with your doctor about avoiding serious reactions.
Adverse Effects
Bacteria can thrive in a warm, humid environment, which are exactly the conditions in which sprouts are grown. As a result, there have been outbreaks of foodborne illness associated with eating raw and lightly cooked sprouts. People at high risk of food poisoning (such as children, pregnant women, and anyone with a compromised immune system) shouldn't eat sprouts unless they are fully cooked.
Varieties of Bean Sprouts
Mung bean and alfalfa sprouts are some of the more commonly consumed sprouts, but almost any seed or legume can be used. Here is how the nutrition facts stack up according to data provided by the USDA.
| Mung bean sprouts | Alfalfa sprouts | Broccoli, clover, and mustard sprouts |
Calories | 31 | 8 | 20 |
Carbohydrates | 6g | 0.7g | 2g |
Fiber | 1.9g | 0.6g | 2g |
Sugars | 4.3g | 0.1g | 0 |
Protein | 3g | 1.3g | 2g |
Microgreens can look similar to sprouts, but they are a little different. They grow in soil the leaves and stems are harvested and eaten. Sprouts on the other hand grow in water and the seed and roots are usually consumed along with the stems and leaves.
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When Bean Sprouts Are Best
Bean sprouts and other sprouts are typically available year-round. When choosing sprouts, look for ones that are firm and attached to their stems. The leaves should be a rich green and the stems should be white. The container should not be moist or smelly, and the sprouts should not look slimy. If you buy them in a store, look for the International Sprout Growers Association seal.
Storage and Food Safety
Sprouts are highly perishable and must be used soon or stored for a day or two and no more than three days. Sprouts should be washed and stored cold at all times (in the refrigerator at 40 degrees F or below).
To reduce the risk of foodborne illness, buy only fresh sprouts that have been refrigerated. Rinse thoroughly before eating and wash your hands before and after handling.
How to Prepare Bea
Many people eat sprouts raw on sandwiches, salads, or spring rolls, but eating bean sprouts raw does pose a risk of illness. Cooking helps to lower this risk. Try putting sprouts in soups or stir-fries or roast them in the oven.
Read the original article on Verywell Fitness.