Beauty Queen Caught After Forging Doctor’s Notes for School, Tweets From Jail
When you think of a beauty pageant queen, “pretty and poised” is usually what comes to mind — not a “jailbird.” Well, for one pageant queen, the latter has turned into her reality after being caught forging doctor’s notes to skip out on class. Sounds like every 17-year-olds nightmare, right?
Madison Cox, the Miss Teen Spartanburg International 2015 winner from South Carolina, ended up in the slammer after faking numerous notes from Parris Family Chiropractic in Greenville, South Carolina, the WSPA reports.
(Image courtesy of Twitter/Madison Cox)
The notes were written on a pad that Cox had apparently stolen from the doctor’s office, leading to her arrest. Unfortunately, Cox didn’t anticipate just how public her crime would become, landing on news channels across the country. “Did they really just put me on the news BC I went to jail for a DOCTORS NOTE???” she wrote in a now-deleted Twitter rant. “It’s sad that I’m the only entertainment in y'alls lives,” she continued.
While it’s true that the media has a tendency to pick up stories like this for ratings, the real moral of the story here is one that Madison has probably heard before: If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.
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